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After 22 ships and Ham & Sherry, Jason Artherton has launched his third restaurant Aberdeen Street Social in the PMQ. We came here at six for dinner with our family. Firstly, we were kind of pissed by the waitress who was trying to give us a seat right next to the entrance and washroom, while there is a hell lots of seats. Her excuse was there was a reservation! We booked our table like two months early as well! SO? and fortunately the other guy came and gave us a better seat. And you know what?
I am going to skip the bread basket and come directly to this delicious amuse-bouche. This is quite a simple dish, but the garlic bread and the deep fried chicken nuggets were both very tasty and fresh made. Garlic bread taste very strong and the chicken was very juicy, came in nice and hot. Think it was a good start.