餐厅: Odelice! (蘭杜街)
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2016-07-04 679 浏览
I still remember where I first tasted crêpes, it was not in France but Japan instead. This type of very thin pancakes usually serves as sweet delicacy in Japan. If you call yourself a foodie, this is a must-try dish whoever visits.Three years ago, I went on a journey to Provence in south eastern France. I had a chance to savour the authentic and traditional French crêpes which are of two types – sweet and savoury. Since then, I became obsessed with this gourmet, and have always wanted to eat tho
I still remember where I first tasted crêpes, it was not in France but Japan instead. This type of very thin pancakes usually serves as sweet delicacy in Japan. If you call yourself a foodie, this is a must-try dish whoever visits.

Three years ago, I went on a journey to Provence in south eastern France. I had a chance to savour the authentic and traditional French crêpes which are of two types – sweet and savoury. Since then, I became obsessed with this gourmet, and have always wanted to eat those incredible pieces again. After the trip ended, I won’t miss any restaurant with crêpes on its menu in Hong Kong. Finally, I succeed in finding the flavour which I encountered in Provence locally.

A little French restaurant, filled with friendliness and intimacy. I can recall when I first visit this shop, there was only a few simple and common choices available. Out of my expectation, innovation and motivation helped it make a great leap forward in two or three years’ time
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What was ready first was a glass of fresh fruit juice. It was sweet while refreshing which is perfect as appetizer.
fresh fruit juice
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French Foie Gras & US Striploin Steak Salad

This was more than a salad. Apart from veggies like freshly harvested romaine lettuce, rocket, tomato and onion, there were also foie gras (goose liver), and roast beef.

The foie gras was not as greasy as imagined. Instead, it was rather dry. On the other hand, the roast beef was tenderer, plus the scent of meat is rich. Dressing has always been the soul of a salad. Its moderate and suitable sourness stimulated one’s appetite.
French Foie Gras & US Striploin Steak Salad
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French Foie Gras & US Striploin Steak Salad
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Chef's Platter

I am a greedy eater, and I wanted to have a taste of each kind of food. This assortment best fulfilled my wish.

There were firm smoke salmon, salty Parma ham, soft duck breast, rich and creamy cheese slices, as well as fresh and sweet grilled zucchini. What surprised me most was the Homemade guacamole. The thick Mashed avocado matched the bread perfectly.
Chef's Platter
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Fresh Mussels

The mussels was cooked just right in white wine sauce, so that it remained soft and tender but not overcooked. Coriander had its indispensable role as its bursts of pleasant fragrance takes the mussel to another level.
Fresh Mussels
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The above all are not my “main course”. What I have been looking forward and coming here for was the crêpes, and it finally came as dessert. “Less is more,” this applies to food. Sometimes, what is less complicated is more delicious. With only a trace of butter, sugar and lemon juice on top of the pancake instead of anything fancy, heavenly was the best adjective to describe the crêpes.
Butter, Sugar-Lemon Crepe
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last but not least, a cup of cappuccino gives a fine end to the whole meal, nicely brewed and mellow
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I can never keep the crêpes out of mind.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
fresh fruit juice
$ 44
Chef's Platter
$ 175
Fresh Mussels
$ 168
Butter, Sugar-Lemon Crepe
$ 38
$ 36