9708 浏览
Fish and Meat has been on my to-try list once, failing to get through that time I just archived the restaurant at the back of my head together with all the junk. This time though my sweet sister did get us through and so I braved through the hellish downpour of a shower and hiked up to Fish and Meat on Wyndham Street.That's the useless softener introduction done, moving on to the FOOD. But first, the ambience and decor:A bit of chic grunginess crossover modern easy comfort, I think that's the gi
That's the useless softener introduction done, moving on to the FOOD. But first, the ambience and decor:
Onto the fooooood - for what does one live for, if not for the climax brought about by the explosion of flavours, texture and visual satiation? (Forgive me it's Friday)
Devon crab salad/frisee/celery puree/japapeno
I was told by someone who was told (soo much double hearsay), this is their signature dish. Hmm...I would not say this is amazing, but it's pretty good honestly. Bluntly put the dish comprises of three lumps of crab mixture with some avocado, celery and salad around it. Let's try a more romantic take - Fresh crab meat batter, a polygamous marriage of sweet and juicy celery goodness, subtly crunchy elements (apple??) and Devon crab, decorated and complemented by fresh salad, buttery but not over-ripe avocado slices and caramelized biscuits. My one comment is that the consistency of this dish is slightly too wet, even for a salad. Rated 7.8/10
Free range warm French chicken salad/pancetta/arugula/cherry tomato/basil
First, this is bang for the buck. Generous portions and good proportion of all salad materials. Honestly I don't know how French chicken is different from any other chicken, do they eat buttered cornmeal or baguettes for breakfast? What is wonderfully executed in this salad dish is the preparation of the chicken (fillets I think), the marination and cooking of the chicken is just sublime. Croutons must have been fried in butter, methinks. Don't have much to add here except they didn't serve cherry tomatoes as advertised. YUM ANYWAY. Rated 8.5/10.
O’Connor Farm grass-fed beef tartare / pickled jalapeño / duck yolk / parmesan / fries
I'm not a fries person, and the fact that fries took up half the dish makes me feel violated *sniffs*. That being said, hats off to the chef for turning this anti-fries person! Long and thin, these fries are perfectly executed and has none of the unpleasant greasy, starchy and bland qualities of your usual fries. I was told again they might have used chicken salt (wait is that 鸡粉??), and on taste, no ketchup is needed. Enough on the fries.
The beef tartare was ok, good but not otherworldly good. I have a vague memory of chewing on some cartilage ...overall rated 7.8/10.
Of all the things I was told, I was NOT told this is deconstructed cheesecake! Hence it came as a surprise that it did not come in the moulded form of a flat triangular prism. It came as a BLOB of CREAM with crumble on top and sorbet at the side. (I have such a gift of being blunt don't I?) So when it came to tasting this overly-rustic looking dessert, I was blown away by the lightness and exquisite balance of each mouthful. I just had to ignore that voice inside my head screaming how much fat and calories I am feeding myself...Could perhaps consider adding some fresh berries on the side though. Brilliant comfort food on a Friday. Rated 8.2/10.
Good coffee to end the experience! Aromatic and well-balanced coffee, fruity and not too sour.
That's it! Would love to come back to try their steak, I'd imagine it'd be slowcooked and tender...will have to supplement this review later