2023-04-01 66 浏览
Soup of the Day Sergestid Shrimp BisqueInstantly fell in love with the way the soup was seasoned, as if I could witness the freshest seafood being captured, processed and cooked on spot, next to the vast Atlantic Ocean! It was hot and thick, perfect for a chilly, rainy spring day. Main 🍳🍱Omlette Rissoto with Japanese Style Grilled Eel ($138)The wow-factor of the meal- HUMONGOUS, silky smooth omlette topping plus a giant piece of grilled eel with every grain of risotto coared with proper mushroom
Soup of the Day 
Sergestid Shrimp Bisque
Instantly fell in love with the way the soup was seasoned, as if I could witness the freshest seafood being captured, processed and cooked on spot, next to the vast Atlantic Ocean! It was hot and thick, perfect for a chilly, rainy spring day. 


🍳🍱Omlette Rissoto with Japanese Style Grilled Eel ($138)
The wow-factor of the meal- HUMONGOUS, silky smooth omlette topping plus a giant piece of grilled eel with every grain of risotto coared with proper mushrooms and cream!

🍝🥚Spaghetti Golden Carbonara with Onsen Egg ($118)
A pleasant surprise right there- the spaghetti was in pink! They were slightly thinner than expected, everything was creamy, flavory wtih just the right amount of cream sauce, cheese and bacon. 

🧀🍗Golden Cheese Spicy Chicken Nuggets ($88)

Yet another very pleasant surprise as it wasn't just regular chicken nuggets! It came in as 3 giant slices of culet chicken filets coated with specially seasoned spicy crust. There wasn't cheese bt ample mayonnaise to give balance off the spiciness, definitely in love!

Milktea Sponge Cake 
Earl Grey. Milk. Cream. The flavor was flawless in my opinion as they were shown in perfect balance. It contained the perfect amount of moisture a sponge cake could ever contain- not too soggy, not to dry and flaky. 
Green Tea Cheesecake 

Well it's more cheesy than tea here but I don't care cause the texture was again, perfect! It's not easy for cheesecakes to be non-cloying, and not too filling you know what I mean? It's creamy but didn't fall apart when cut into pieces by a fork. Would love to return during weekdays to try their "All-you-can-eat dessert" !
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$240 (晚餐)
  • 招牌名古屋蒲烧鳗鱼蛋包意大利饭
  • 黄金芝士香辣鸡块
  • 奶茶海绵蛋糕
  • 抹茶芝士蛋糕