The word ‘horrible’ / ‘shocking’ is an understatement. The service is H.O.R.R.I.F.I.C.  So my colleagues and I (12 of us) went to Wolfgang’s today to celebrate our birthday (including myself!). We were seated at a long table atthe back of the restaurant and were very excited to try their signature dishes.Once we sat down, we were only given the a la carte menu. So we asked the staff who is in round eyeglasses (male), whom I believe to be the managr, told us that given we did not pre order our lu
The word ‘horrible’ / ‘shocking’ is an understatement. The service is H.O.R.R.I.F.I.C.  

So my colleagues and I (12 of us) went to Wolfgang’s today to celebrate our birthday (including myself!). We were seated at a long table at
the back of the restaurant and were very excited to try their signature dishes.

Once we sat down, we were only given the a la carte menu. So we asked the staff who is in round eyeglasses (male), whom I believe to be the managr, told us that given we did not pre order our lunch set,  it will take time to serve the set lunches to us. 

** Evidence of horrible service #1: we were never told/advised to pre order the set lunches when we made the reservation** 

Nevertheless, we still asked for the lunch set menu because we have the right to at least have a look before we make a decision. 

While we were reading the menu, this male staff continued to re-iterate to us that the lunch set will take time - at least take 30 mins. [Note we all thought 30 mins is very reasonable] However, what came next is in factthe highlight of our lunch. 

**Evidence of horrific service #2: quote from staff with eyeglasses – ‘this is not a Chinese restaurant, so food will take time to serve’**

Excuse me?! I beg your pardon… HOW RUDE. We did not complain 30 mins being long. We fully acknowledged your point that it WILL take time. 

And what do you mean by ‘this is not a Chinese restaurant’? Are you trying to look down on us?! Well whoever is reading this note can interpretate
the implication of this statement of  ‘this is not a Chinese restaurant’. Note this staff himself is a 100% HK person and speaks very well Cantonese.  

Although food was great, the service was HORRIFIC. 
-    How can a manager with such a horrible attitude lead the team? 
-    And even worse, what is the selection criteria for a manager? Isn’t there a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)? 
-    Why are you even in the service industry when you can’t get your attitude right? 

Whoever is going to Wolfgang’s, please just watch out for this staff with eyeglasses (likely to be the manager). Male, short hair, round eyeglasses, relatively tall and lanky. That’s him. 

‘可怕’ 黎形容佢地嘅服务太人慈啦。 恶劣就差唔多。




当我地👀紧餐牌,佢继续同我地再三重复需要时间准备lunch set 俾我地。

**恶劣的服务证据#2:四眼经理: “哩到唔系酒楼,所以食物需要时间” **

你咩意思呀?!第一,我地无骂怨30分钟很长。讲真,30分钟系好合理。咩叫“哩到唔系酒楼”。你咁讲你系咪睇唔起人,觉得我地无去过类次嘅餐厅呢?!其实你有无下睇周围。。。 台台都系2/3人位。。我地12 人, 你搞到你个大客唔开心做咩呢?!

请注意侍应本人是100% 香港人,并且讲得一口流利嘅广东话。

虽然食物唔错,错就错在服务太恶劣。有咁嘅态度嘅经理点带领团队呢? 哩间餐厅选择经理嘅条件同标准有系咪呢?无KPI嘅咩? 

如果边个下次去 wolfgang's,请留意戴眼镜嘅侍应 - 男,短头发,圆形眼镜,高但瘦。就系佢啦。
题外话/补充资料: Horrific service. Tremendously rude waiter.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
30 分钟 (堂食)
$350 (午餐)