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食记 (41)
等级4 2020-09-16
2507 浏览
話說想食片皮鴨好耐,早幾日睇到君悅酒店再推出呢個套餐,即刻book位試試,套餐優惠做到九月尾,記得無論要食套餐或單點烤鴨,訂位時記得要講,因為大約要30分鐘左右準備,否則可能有機會食唔到架。.是日餐點:特定禮遇烤鴨套餐 (晚餐 $338/位*)(兩位起)茶位 ($15/位)GR E. GUIGAL ($90/杯).🍷 特定禮遇烤鴨套餐老式果木烤鴨 (每兩位半隻)兩碗燉湯開胃菜 (兩款: 杏片豆仁木耳 乾蔥油好味雞)飯 麵食 手工餃子 (一款: 四川擔擔細麵)主菜 (兩款: 爆炒孜然牛肉 京蔥醬爆牛柳)蔬菜 (一款: 乾辣椒炒土豆絲)精選甜品.套餐每兩位有半隻烤鴨,兩碗燉湯,之後係餐牌上自選兩款開胃菜、一款主糧、兩款主菜以及一款蔬菜,最後有一人一道指定甜品。先上燉湯同開胃菜,隨後準時係入座後15分鐘左右烤鴨出爐,大廚會現場即切,每一個部位服務員會教點食最好,鴨皮要蘸白糖,鴨胸同鴨腿肉要點甜醬,當然可以用薄面皮包著食,裡面可以配蔥絲、黃瓜條或蒜蓉。主菜麵食蔬菜差不多時間上菜,最後飯後甜品時間。話曬酒店餐廳水準,值得讚上菜先後次序👍。.新鮮出爐鴨皮非常鬆脆,第一二塊時有驚艷到,滿嘴都充滿油香,但慢慢開始變得油膩,至於鴨肉部分連配料包埋面皮食,同記憶中味道差不多,鴨肉唔會乾身唔會過老,不過試過一次就好。.開胃菜係一般涼拌味道,四川擔擔麵麵質比較軟身,味道偏淡微辣,兩道主菜牛柳同羊肉夠淋又香口,炒土豆絲爽口偏酸,略嫌無咩辣味。.最後來講講飲品同甜品,食中菜一定要叫番壺茶,儀式感好重要,其次清新下個口腔。另外睇餐牌時推薦紅酒配烤鴨,不爭氣的我食到一半只想大口大口咁灌啤酒😅。最後用一件我稱佢為紅豆芝士蛋糕作為飯後甜品,意外地呢款中西款結合甜品好食,算係畫上完美句號。總括來說服務環境很好,餐點正常,烤鴨一般,甜品不錯,趁有優惠可以來試一下。_⭐️ 需加一服務費⭐️ 不可用信用卡或其他折扣,可用Mpay結帳* 继续阅读
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等级4 2019-12-20
2054 浏览
Was recommended by friends to try Bejing Kitchen for the duck but was only able to fit a lunch into my visit to Macau.The duck is made to order so there is a qait necessary but pleased to say the dish did not disappoint.The skin was particularly yummy. Cut wafer-thin and super crunchy. It had a lovely taste ~almost caramely. Because there was only 2 of us eating we only ordered half a duck, which was plently.The pancakes were also made well not too thick and floury as they can be.During our wait we ordered some pan fried dumplings. Loved the presentation, although filling was juicy not over keen on the thick dough.Keen to try as much as possible on the menu also ordered a rice which was served in a stone-pot and was a seasonal special. Nice as at the end you get the crusted rice base.The ambience of this restaurant is what you would expect from a 5 star hotel and service was excellent.Would love to go again but with more friends so can try even more dishes. 继续阅读
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等级4 2019-08-15
2414 浏览
一行兩日肥仔團, 最期待的晚餐終於到了, 是本人最愛吃的片皮鴨, 自從在北京吃完一次, 在香港暫時找不到這種味道 令人念念不忘, 朋友說這間也不錯, 就一行5人一齊嚟試下吧 因片皮鴨即叫即烤, 最好先打電話去預訂, 現烤時間大約一小時, 所以我們先叫其他小食吧, 叫了雞絲粉皮, 醬烤茄子, 同埋麻辣鴨舌, 也叫了一個芥蘭, 我們就邊吹水邊吃, 他們對烤茄子讚口不絕, 很快便清碟了 其他食物也是中上水平, 等著等著烤鴨終於到了, 師傅在我們面前片鴨刀工一流 我們叫了一鴨兩食, 另一份做了個鴨湯, 片皮鴨外皮烤得甘香鬆脆, 帶少少木頭的味道, 在口腔裏徘徊, 也帶了小小鴨油香 拍得上北京的味道, 口感如薯片的薄脆, 令人一口接一口, 鴨肉包上京蔥醬汁, 又帶出另一種感覺, 總括而言這餐我們吃得十分滿足 继续阅读
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等级3 2019-05-14
2363 浏览
今次黎到滿堂彩 一定要20:00先可以入席一入去就會見到個爐燒緊鴨$488半隻 $728全隻因為用老式果木燒 所以非常期待食左少少頭盤後就上重點啦一開始師傳會係我地不遠處切隻鴨烤鴨一鴨三食,鴨胸、鴨腿同埋鴨皮鴨皮推薦沾白糖食用鴨腿肉可以連蔥絲、黃瓜條、沾甜面醬入口而鴨胸連皮再用鴨餅包住連埋唔同醬料鴨皮外面特別鬆脆因為想食多d其他野 所以鴨只係叫左半隻另外我地仲叫左辣子雞丁同埋京蔥炒牛肉辣子雞丁望落好似好辣但係因為係辣子而唔係辣炒 所以其實唔辣我呢個唔食得辣既人都得XDDD京蔥炒牛肉而的牛肉好易入口 好軟綿綿所以非常推薦黎澳門食呢間! 继续阅读
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等级4 2018-11-16
1781 浏览
Had two consecutive dinners here and both very satisfactory.  First meal started after 9pm due to late arrival, I was famished and asked the waiter for the quickest food to order.  He recommended the Beijing-style dough soup and Tianjin steamed buns.  The soup was served within five minutes and arrived in a huge bowl - quite enough for three to four people!  I applaud  the speed at which it was served but would have appreciated if the waiter could warn me of the portion size as it was evident that I am the lone diner!   Taste was authentic and it was piping hot.   The steamed buns came soon after and also very well made, even with a hint of sweetness in the dough (which was not the Northern style) the taste turned out to be authentic enough, i.e. heavy use of spring onions, rather heavy on salt in seasoning.  I tried my best to finish but only managed half the soup after i polished off four steamed buns.   Very filling, exactly what i needed.The second meal on the following day was much more leisurely and we had a terrine of pig's ears to start with, rather crunchy and tasty, like it very much.  The real star was the roast duck, it was fresh out of the wood-fire oven and temperature hot, tasty plus good texture.  It must rank very near the top of all the Peking ducks i have tasted.  Nothing more to add.  To round it off we had a tofu dish with steamed rice but it is no way nearly as impressive as the duck.   The meal was accompanied by a bottle of Portuguese red wine from the Duoro - fragrant, slightly tangy in tannin but pleasant enough to drink with the food.  继续阅读
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