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乍暖還寒,心癢癢很想吃辣,這家粉紅色包廂的麻辣店燈火通明又有吧台,一個人去吃也不尷尬。甫入餐廳,見吧台上排好一列的金色手提上菜托盤,就知是女生聚餐勝地。水煮牛肉香辣濃郁,牛肉新鮮嫩口,寬粉晶瑩有嚼頭,麻辣湯底佈滿芝麻、青蔥、芽菜、炸蒜、花椒子和乾辣椒,配上白飯吃個不停。托盤備有燭台,最到最後油還未凝,很貼心。小辣容易入口,嚐辣之友可選大辣,定必如菜名一樣有噴火效果!套餐跟上涼拌辣蓮藕,非常爽脆。月頭發了薪水就好好犒賞自己,於是要了一客黃金小酥肉,炸得岀色灑滿香辣椒鹽,好美味。甜品吃了香炸脆奶和紅糖糍粑,真是我的最愛,外脆內軟,一份奶香滑;一份米香糯,果然很妙。最後喝一杯五穀米漿,低糖調製,喝起來味道像八寶粥,滿足了。雨還沒停,吃飽飽撐傘再岀走。An eye catchy mala speciality restaurant in pink! Tender and flavoursome beef boiled in chilli sauce, alongside a bunch of bean sprouts and wide glass noodles. Garnished with
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An eye catchy mala speciality restaurant in pink! Tender and flavoursome beef boiled in chilli sauce, alongside a bunch of bean sprouts and wide glass noodles. Garnished with Sichuan peppercorns, chillies, sesame, spring onions and fried garlics, these all go well with a bowl of rice!
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A few sides to feast on a rainy day: spicy lotus roots; crispy seasoned pork nuggets; leche frita; and brown sugar crispy rice cakes. Love all of these crispy goodies, very delicious and fulfilling. Finish off with a glass of mixed grain rice milk, and continue to brave the rain.