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Happy new year!!! 🎉Nothing is better than having good food for celebrating the beginning of a new year😆 Last weekend I tried this super delicious Korean restaurant “Bingo & Cook” 🇰🇷in Causeway Bay. It was opened by a Korean chef so the food they provided is very traditional Korean style! I must say this is so far the best Korean food I have never tried in Hong Kong!!! Soy marinated crab (2 pcs with rice bowl)🦀 $ 380This is absolutely my favourite Korean dish! I have only tried it in Korea before
Soy marinated crab (2 pcs with rice bowl)🦀 $ 380
This is absolutely my favourite Korean dish! I have only tried it in Korea before and hardly found a restaurant in Hk offering this! Bingo & Cook launched this new menu recently. Their marinated crab was super impressive and really reminded me of the one I have tried in Korea! Fresh crab meat marinated with yummy secret soy sauce🤤
Korean Amy base stew 🥘 $208
A must try item in Korean restaurant! Bingo & Cook’s army base stew is really big with abundant ingredients🤩 Their soup is not too spicy so it is definitely a good choice for sharing 🤗
Grape fruit ade🍹$56/ Citron tea 🫖 $48
For beverages, I ordered grape fruit with sparkling water which was so refreshing! 🌿A perfect combination for digestion after having so much good food 😆 My friend ordered the signature Korean drink citron tea which was served with very cute flowery teapot 🫖🌸
大家新年快樂!🥳啱啱過去既weekend 大家除左係屋企食大餐,仲有無出去食好嘢慶祝呢🥳 我就同朋友仔去左一間位於銅鑼灣既韓國餐廳「Bingo & Cook」🇰🇷識醬油蟹同部隊鍋😋 聽講呢間餐廳係正宗韓國人開,今次第一次已經成為我心目中香港最愛韓國餐廳之一!仲已經plan左下次帶其他朋友仔黎食😆
韓式醬油蟹(2隻/連飯)🦀 $380
呢個係我以前去韓國最鍾意食既一道菜!之前只係係韓國試過,因為香港提供醬油蟹既餐廳唔多,今次終於畀我食翻當年既味道!🤩 新鮮蟹肉經過店家獨特調既醬油醃製,鮮甜既味道提升至極致!食落啖啖肉都好juicy,加埋海苔麻油拌飯,實在太好味了!!!😋呢個係距地推出無耐既新menu,大家一定要黎試下!強烈推薦👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
韓國部隊鍋 🥘 $208
部隊過相信大家一定唔陌生😆 係韓國餐廳必食之選👍 Bingo & Cook既部隊鍋好大份!而且勁足料!正宗韓國做法,唔會太辣,有埋泡菜酸味,超開胃!好適合同朋友仔一齊share🤗
西柚碳酸水🍹$56/ 韓式柚子茶 🫖$48
食咁多好嘢當然要配翻個解膩解辣既凍飲🤩 呢杯西柚碳酸水就夠曬refreshing 🌿 酸酸甜甜醒神又開胃☺️ 而我朋友就叫左韓國餐廳招牌飲品柚子茶,距地柚子茶用好可愛既茶具🫖黎提供,飲完第一輪仲加熱水繼續泡,養生又好味😋
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