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‼️❤️ 記得CLICK我PROFILE關注我呀 ❤️‼️.🥳 𝐻𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 𝒮𝓊𝓃𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝐵𝓇𝓊𝓃𝒸𝒽 HKD 488 @ 🌟 OZONE 《👽食神大媽食西餐》.💁♀️ 圖片顯示美食為:.🥗 Secret Garden:Camembert, Onion and Paprika SpreadBaby Vegetable Salad with Tomato Jelly and Chilled Gazpacho.🍳 Egg Specialties:Toasted Sourdough Bread, Black Forrest Ham and Fried EggPoached Eggs with Grilled Asparagus, Crushed Potatoes, Ibérico Ham and Hollandaise SauceTruffle Egg Benedict with Homemade Brioche, Spinach and Bearnaise SauceJapanese Steamed Eggs with Seafood and Scallion.🍽 Main Course:Germ
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🥳 𝐻𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 𝒮𝓊𝓃𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝐵𝓇𝓊𝓃𝒸𝒽 HKD 488 @ 🌟 OZONE 《👽食神大媽食西餐》
💁♀️ 圖片顯示美食為:
🥗 Secret Garden:
Camembert, Onion and Paprika Spread
Baby Vegetable Salad with Tomato Jelly and Chilled Gazpacho
Baby Vegetable Salad with Tomato Jelly and Chilled Gazpacho
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Baby Vegetable Salad
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🍳 Egg Specialties:
Toasted Sourdough Bread, Black Forrest Ham and Fried Egg
Poached Eggs with Grilled Asparagus, Crushed Potatoes, Ibérico Ham and Hollandaise Sauce
Poached Eggs with Grilled Asparagus, Crushed Potatoes, Ibérico Ham and Hollandaise Sauce
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Truffle Egg Benedict with Homemade Brioche, Spinach and Bearnaise Sauce
Truffle Egg Benedict with Homemade Brioche, Spinach and Bearnaise Sauce
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Japanese Steamed Eggs with Seafood and Scallion
🍽 Main Course:
German Cheese Spätzle with Lobster 🦞
German Sausage Platter with German Potato Pancake and Sauerkraut 🐖
German Sausage Platter with German Potato Pancake and Sauerkraut
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Roasted German Pork Knuckles with Dark Beer, Honey and Sauerkraut 🍖
Roasted German Pork Knuckles with Dark Beer, Honey and Sauerkraut
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🍭 Dessert Corner:
"Rote Grütze" Black Forrest Cake 🍰
Red Berry Compote and Vanilla Custard Homemade Pancake and Waffle with Fresh Berries 🥞
Selection of Ice Cream and Sorbet with Condiments 🍨
👽 大媽又介紹BRUNCH啦!🤣 無錯!支持大媽耐嘅你地都知道大媽經常介紹BRUNCH,就係鍾意佢又唔係自助餐,但係又可以有好多選擇,有可以享受悠閒,真係好享受好鍾意呢 😍!今次黎到大媽心目中香港BRUNCH頭三位之一嘅Ozone啦~!座落118樓,基本上就一定好多人都知佢出名景觀裝修無得頂架啦,所以今次主力介紹食物 😋
🥚 呢度嘅蛋站係任選的,基本上每一款都無可挑剔,而四款入面大媽最鍾意配酸包嘅一款,因為佢個酸包做得真係非常出色!🥨
Toasted Sourdough Bread, Black Forrest Ham and Fried Egg
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🧀 而作為頭盤黎講,大媽覺得個芝士真係無得頂!份量簡直大份到食完已經食唔落主菜咁濟 😂 不過呢種經典嘅濃郁,真係好少地方會作為頭盤咁上,一般都係要ALC咁點選。
Camembert, Onion and Paprika Spread
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German Cheese Spätzle with Lobster
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"Rote Grütze" Black Forrest Cake
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💯 最真實的美食點評 ❤️ 歡迎報料 ❤️
☎️ +(852)2263-2270