全港首間為BB而設的餐廳,店內嬰兒食品由日本名品牌入口。店內設有三個嬰兒坐位。 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 16:00
泊車 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (4)
I have always wanted to try this one and only restaurant in Hong Kong that serves food for babies.However this restaurant is in Shatin where the mtr does not go but since I had a tasting in Shatin I decided to kill two birds with one stone.Initially I was iffy about going to a tasting at Pxxxx Dexxxxx because Shatin does my head in and it is always packed with people but then it was a new year thing so i went.Anyway, this is my first official review on OpenRice for baby food because this is the only restaurant that is listed which serves it.I have tried other baby food brands and the Japanese brands taste much better than Western brands.To be honest, I love baby foods because I can vaguely remember how it tastes back then and my tastebuds were not fully developed then.There are more exciting flavours now than before, so why not try it!Perhaps one day, you can get Premium baby food flavoured with truffle!I was expecting the Baby Restaurant to be closed because on openrice it is listed as opening from 11am-4pm.Since I was curious I went there and I was really lucky it was still open.Near the entrance there is a list of baby meals.It costs around $29-$35 per meal which is about the same as adult meals.The meals are classified in a few categories:5-6 months7-8 months9-11months12 months12+ monthsI decided that $35 was a bit expensive for a baby meal so I chose the $29 one. After you order, you are given a ticket to pay at the counter outside which takes FOREVER!~!I couldn't understand what the hell was taking them so long!After I paid I passed the receipt back to the woman, and it took a while to get served because she was looking for the baby and I tried bashfully to explain to her that I was ordering it for fun with weird mothers looking at me!!At first I did not know what the square cavities on the table were for.But then I realized they were for the babies.They basically have pouches of baby food and heat them up when people order them.As well as baby food, there is a difference in baby languages.Western Baby Language: goo goo ga gaChinese baby Language: Don't know!Western dog bark: woof woofChinese dog bark: woa woaAnyway, tried the Set meal C which has sweetcorn soup, congee with fish and milk pudding:+++++++++++++++++++WESTERN  BABY review:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Sweetcorn soup: ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Congee with fish:goo goo ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Pudding:goo goo ga ga ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★+++++++++++++++++++ADULT review:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Sweetcorn soup:I didn't like it because it lacked sweetcorn taste and the taste was too milky.The temperature was cold as well.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Congee with fish:This was delicious and it had tiny silver fishes in the congee.You could taste the food and congee without the taste being too bland or salty.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Pudding:The texture was really smooth and silky and the sweetness was just right.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★After trying it, I wanted to order another one but sadly it was 7pm already and they were closed.I really regretted not ordering this one as well.Those rice balls look really cute.Perhaps baby food could be fed to the elderly or people who have swallowing difficulties because congee is tasteless to them.The baby food pouches come in so many other tasty options such as udon and other heavy meals made into baby form. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-11-26
634 瀏覽
下午,有機會同BB出去玩一日,目的地當然是近近地的沙田啦。在沙田,除了宜家傢私啱一家大細玩之外,一田百貨及新城市三期樓下的兒童用品店,都是合家歡的一個好地方。我們也是打算先同BB吃飯後再行,而我們亦一早就決定了,要同BB來品味一下一田百貨內的一間專為BB而設的餐廳,叫 Baby Restaurant。 這兒的食物,是專為BB而設,賣的,絕對不是兒童餐,這兒是真真正正的sell Baby food。而且,餐牌上亦寫明了成份,亦寫明了那一個階段的BB才能享用那一款食物,認真的有心思。 仔仔已經是兩歲,而餐牌中的食物,最多也只是給一歲4個月的BB食,我們一家三口,也可以說是超齡吧。而我們竟真正選擇了一份給一歲4個月以上的小朋友食的魚肉丸野菜餐。 說食物前,先說一說場地,這兒的確是有一個小小的廚房,是一個專門處理BB食物的廚房。不過,說是一定要BB食新鮮食物的家長就要慎重的考慮一下,因為這一些BB餐,都是以微波爐翻熱的食品。 如果不吃這兒的食物,也是可以入來用餐的,因為這一個地方,正式來說,是一個授乳室,有非常 private 的母見授乳室,有免費的熱水供應,可以方便家長喂哺更小的BB。另外就是在餐檯有,有一個個的兒童專用卡位,方面把一些年齡大一點,可以坐得定的BB安全地坐下,高度更是方面作為父母的我們,輕鬆地喂食。 我們給BB食的魚肉丸野菜餐,成份同食物的狀態,都是專門為BB而設計的。給BB食的飯,看不見米粒,是以糊的狀態出現的,說像米粉開出來的又不是,更像的就是分子料理。BB其實不太餓,老是要我一口他一口,說真,這兒的超齡食客就是我本人,而這一個飯,亦的確是有米香的。另外就是一個小小的布甸,是一個甜美的牛奶布甸,很是受小朋友喜歡,這一個小布甸,比正常的少甜,不會令小朋友攝取到過多的糖份。魚肉丸野菜,一看就知道這一定要年齡較大,而且要長齊牙的小朋友才能品味的一個餐。魚肉球,是需要咀嚼的食物,有咬口而不需要用力咬,味道也是香口的,而野菜連汁,味道也是非常咸香吸引,瓜菜都切成小粒,可以讓小朋友練一練咀嚼食物,又不會哽親小朋友,這樣的嬰兒餐,非常之專業。 BB食得開心,我們亦喂得安心,沙田的一田百貨有這樣的安排,作為一個不太會為小朋友做便當的不合格父母,這是的確是一個既細心更令我們覺得理想的,BB餐廳。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
生了Dada B後更發現找一間Baby-friendly Restaurant都幾難,前幾天send了個意見給openrice說希望可以加入方便帶BB外出用膳的地方,與其等不如自己實行,我和老公都經常都囡囡外去,我們可以分享去過的Baby-friendly Restaurant。何謂Baby-friendly Restaurant?1. 有安全的highchair,有seatbelt的那種2. 座位寬闊易放BB車3. 餐廳或附近有乾淨的換片設施,bb不用當眾換片第一篇就寫專為bb而設的Baby Restaurant啦!! 設施都很完備,有消毒櫃,令媽媽們很安心使用那些餐具。至於食物,餐牌上分不同的月份bb餐,很細心。我Dada B吃了一半就拒絕再吃,不過應該不關他們的食物問題,可能因為我囡囡未試過吃不是煲出的食物,Baby Restaurant是用和光堂的食品開出來的,我聽我朋友說bb都吃得津津有味的。順帶一提,Baby Restaurant便是Baby Room,有多個換片地方,而且亦有兩間母乳房,很方便!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
同朋友仔黎一田 shopping,聽聞呢度既 BB 餐廳幾好,所以就帶左佢既 BB珊珊黎試下菜 ~餐廳里好 nice 既姐姐推介熱賣既 “雞肉豆腐扒餐”。個餐原來都好豐富,有小團子、雞肉豆腐扒和牛奶布丁。食物既賣相好 cute,我都忍唔住偷食左 … 小團子係米糊黎,口感綿綿的,而鋪面既飯素都幾野味。雞肉豆腐扒有 D 似食素雞。牛奶布丁好滑好滑,我最鍾意!原來BB 菜唔係想像中甘無黎味道,味道對大人黎講當然係清淡左,但就適合 BB 食,我地既珊珊食得好知味呢 ~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)