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紅磡啟岸的伊間珈琲,是佐敦 Good Day Coffee 的姊妹店。除了提供名物青瓜梳打咖啡外,更大的烘焙空間,亦令伊間珈琲提供多款獨家的糕點選擇,部分甚至不在一般餐牌上,如這件北海道紅豆牛乳巴斯克。半熟的巴斯克芝士蛋糕加上紅豆作為餡料,紅豆的起沙感加上鮮奶的香滑,是紅豆冰與芝士蛋糕的完美組合。In addition to the signature cucumber espresso soda, with a larger baking space, Ima Coffee offers a variety of pastry, some of which are not even on the regular menu, such as this Hokkaido red bean & milk basque cheesecake.
In addition to the signature cucumber espresso soda, with a larger baking space, Ima Coffee offers a variety of pastry, some of which are not even on the regular menu, such as this Hokkaido red bean & milk basque cheesecake.
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