06:00 - 23:00
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芒汁大蝦球 奇妙拔絲骨 芝士焗龍蝦 格蘭海鮮盞 翡翠三層樓
食評 (10)
以上為餐廳環境以上為餐牌下午茶,脆皮燒肉河,$16.8,以下午茶來計,燒肉都算多了,皮脆鬆化,肉肥瘦適中,都算抵食。脆皮鹵水豆腐$13.8,皮脆內滑,熱烘烘的,很好吃,不過面上的椒鹽可能灑得不平均,弄得一邊稍鹹!⁠⁠香煎鴛鴦糕 $8.8,雖然樣子不算吸引,但是蘿蔔糕都算煎得幾香口,吃到蘿蔔粗絲,但如果可以多些更好,芋頭糕有很多芋粒,可惜稍鹹。三星燒賣皇$13.8,都算多料,可惜稍鹹!極品灌湯餃$13.8,內有蝦粒、肉粒丶瑤柱絲等等,以這個價錢,算抵食之選。座位擺得都算寛敞,不會逼逼夾夾,可以慢慢品嚐,茗茶每位$7,兩人共$89。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-05-03
339 瀏覽
勞動節假期同屋企人飲茶, 點心拼盆哩個點心拼盆有六款東西,但唔知點解有三款都係水晶餃,一款係冬菇粉絲,另一款係菜苗,但重有一款真係食極都食唔出,味道調得都差唔多,蝦餃做得幾好,蝦肉好足。食唔晒要打包~問佢拎個膠袋要收一蚊,問佢拎個盒又係話收一蚊,咁我話要盒啦!一拎黎比個發泡膠盒我,我話哇環保膠袋稅唔係用黎支持環保嫁咩?乜仲用啲咁唔環保嘅不可分解嘅盒?仲唔可以再用嘅添。。。認真不知所謂,用個膠袋稅做埋生意 繼續閱讀
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Okay, Fat Kids. For those of you already familiar with the Wealth Banquet name, this is a somewhat fancier-than-average venue meant to have higher food quality, though the menu itself will be comparable to that of other Wealth Banquet locations. There is also a bit more polish in the décor, which again is familiar-looking but seems to harmonize better. I jokingly coined the term "Mainland Rococo" to refer to the gaudy interior style so common here--you know, with the gold leaf, marble, and oversized crystal chandeliers everywhere. Wealth Banquet has some Mainland Rococo elements but this is balanced by the simplicity of the white and beige color palette. I find that I don't mind it at all.But why am I wasting time talking about anything other than the food? Today, we came for dim sum and spent $125 on three items. I generally have to get an order of radish cake when I go out, and now was no exception. It was a bit on the dry side this time, but I have to point out that at least it had radish in it. So many kitchens cheat and use mostly rice flour as filler. Here, a sharp eye can pick out actual ingredients, identifiable as dried shrimp, dried scallop, wax sausage and the like. The bulk of our meal consisted of the Gold Medal Large Platter--that's the Chinese translation--or, as some might call it, the Huge Freaking Basket. This basket is why you need to come to Wealth Banquet. At $68, it contains six different items, typically the yellow custard steamed egg cake, har gow, siu mai, and whatever dumplings they have on hand. I've even been surprised with shark fin shrimp dumplings before.Some might not like the lumpy, made-at-home quality of the dumplings, but I do; and they're quite large as well. But what really make this basket such a great deal is that the steamed egg cake is probably the best of its style in all of Hong Kong. Last, but not least, we ordered the Three Treasures dish because I'd been craving eggplant. Apart from the aubergine, it had a stuffed green bell pepper and what I was 90 percent sure was a crab patty. Simple, and about what I expected for taste. Altogether, it made for a solid end to a satisfying meal that didn't put us in the poorhouse. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-08-16
306 瀏覽
本來去隔離間茶樓,但實在人太多,等唔到位唯有黎呢便,只有兩三個人等位,我都知唔對路,諗住近近地算啦。一坐低,室內同室外氣溫竟然相約,坐係茶樓入面都留哂汗。唔知係咪熱,伙計都燥啲,叫執枱,完全無人理,經過個啲叫你等陣,仲反問返你見唔到佢好忙咩,佢幫唔到你咁話,超惡劣態度。十點九坐低,但去到十一點的特價點心紙已經收起,好不榮易先叫到,早茶比午市價錢差好多,無理由要蝕比。葯膳雞腳,勁油,上臺只係半溫,雞腳無味,好在都夠淋,仲入得口。杏仁片炸牛奶,又係唔熱,軟淋淋,牛奶超甜,食都幾好食,多人share食會好D,都幾漏。炒米粉,無乜味,但好大碟。食完坐一陣飲啖茶,見到有個坐輪椅嘅婆婆比D伙計鬧,話佢阻住條路,個伙計勁大聲叫個婆婆行開,佢話佢唔夠位執擡喎。真心覺得呢間茶樓的伙計好惡,拎點心個D又係,D點心掉落擡就走。價錢係好平,但一D都唔好坐,如果唔係無得揀,應該不會再來了。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2014-02-18
271 瀏覽
相信一眾元朗人近排對呢間茶樓一定唔陌生,因為有朋友係門口等位時發生左一啲不愉快事件,令到筆者諗起幾個係呢度食野既唔愉快經歷。首先,呢間茶樓係下午茶時段既人手非常不足,成個大堂只有三個人去serve,遞點心紙亦會遞到你隻手冇血到先可能或者有機會有人理你,絕對係一個鍛鍊體能既好機會!假如你嗌既係特價粉麵飯的話,就要捉你好運啦!因為呢度係採取「小巴等客,客滿先開車」既方針,等到有幾枱叫你碟野先會開爐頭炒,所以,以福建炒飯為例,你最後得到既好可能只係3/4碟叫做炒過既白飯同不多於10ml既芡!個芡汁本身係幾好食,都幾送到飯,好有瑤柱香,不過真係太少,所謂雙拳難敵四手,更香更好既福建汁,得10ml既話又點可以撈到一碟白飯呢點心方面,呢間茶樓都係差少少,燒賣mainly係用肥豬肉包成,唔會有蝦係入面,但薄撐又出奇地唔錯,唔會好似現今女孩子一樣太厚粉亦都唔會懶大堆頭狂落餡,合中庸之道也!不過,呢間野勝在夠平,要食得精明又開心唔係冇辦法,就係專攻佢張下午茶點心紙,兩個人叫兩碗燒味粉麵、一個薄撐、一個燒賣皇,total加埋五十八蚊,平過係出面食茶記,又可以坐耐啲嘆下茶。呢個就係筆者既抵食方程式! 繼續閱讀
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