港鐵北角站 B4 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
07:00 - 22:30
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四季炭燒煲仔飯 冰鎮咕噜肉 黑松露海鮮炒鮮奶 脆皮芝麻雞 大不同招積肉 懷舊蝦多士
食評 (62)
等級4 2024-01-23
338 瀏覽
We kept craving for clay pot dishes this week, maybe because of the cool weather. Seeing this local restaurant posting a sign of serving clay pot rice, we immediately went in for tonight's dinner.Unexpectedly they offered variety options, including steam dishes. We decided you try their steamed garlic aubergine with vermicelli, egg and beef clay pot rice and Chinese sausage and chicken clay pot rice. Steamed garlic aubergine with vermicelli was unexpectedly big portion. It was steamy hot. Smelly incredible. It was loaded with diced garlic. Aubergine was pretty white which we thought it wasn't fully cooked through; unexpectedly it was soft and literally melted in your mouth. Absorbed all the soy sauce underneath. Juicy with a hint of eggplant sweetness. Vermicelli was juicy and absorbed all the favour. It was a bit tough for me, but flavour wise it was a perfection. Perfect to eat with rice.The two clay pot rice came together, staff nicely helped drizzling their soy sauce and covering back the lid. We opened the lid after 3 mins. The charred delicious aroma instantly made you drooled. Egg yolk was still runny, I immediately mixing with the rice. Crispy rice bottom already formed. They were very generous on giving beef. Marinate was just right. Soft and savoury. Cooked just right. Rice tasted like a smoky egg fried rice. Absolutely loving it. Soy sauce was on a very mild saltiness. Didn't give that much saltiness to the rice. Crispy rice bottom was very crispy and smoky. And could literally scooped big pieces out. It was satisfying. Chinese sausage was sadly hard and tough. Gave the aroma and fattiness to the rice but kind of uneatable. Chicken was soft and moist. Meat was easily to bite through. Rice was again well cooked. Absorbed all the fattiness from the chicken and chinese sausage, but didn't have the greasiness just the richness. Overall, there are many more needs to try on. Food quality was undoubtedly guaranteed, environmental hygiene definitely kept it old school. 繼續閱讀
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今日心郁郁想食啲帶真心嘅平民美食,就行咗入北角一間食肆,熱炒氣氛廿四味,我就揀咗啲最正宗嘅港式家常嘢吃來試。一上嚟,就直頭係份炭燒牛仔骨,瞓喺煲仔嗰陣,個煲仔仲冒煙咁,搞到我嗅到呢股鑊氣,超攞筷!牛仔骨慢煎到啱啱好嘅焦香味,一啖咬落去,夾埋少少炒出嚟嘅洋蔥,味道真係正到彈晒起!之後又試咗香酥腐皮墨魚卷,脆嘅皮同埋咸香嘅墨魚肉完美配搭,嚟咗個脆口爽口,鍾意海鮮嘅你千祈唔好錯過!北菇滑雞飯呢,特別推介!飯粒每一啖都飽滿,同北菇、滑雞嘅組合完美無瑕,特別係個飯焦,脆卜卜嘅,加咗重新焗過嘅香,呢碗做得就真係得嚟添!最後個剁椒肉餅飯就真係嚟返啓示了,啲剁椒辣中帶麻,濃郁香氣,一開始可能會覺得怪怪地,但食多兩啖就停唔到口,邊個話平民食飯唔夠格調?喺呢家食肆,我食到嘅每一啖,都充滿咗平民嘅幸福感!🍽️😋🎉 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2023-11-02
613 瀏覽
以這個價錢的產品極之難食的煲仔飯, 昨晚食得好勞氣 仲要畀店員屈 😡落單時我哋四個人都聽見佢話送,埋單的時候就計錢, 煲仔飯無飯焦,雞肉又少得骨,白鱔的 肉唔新鮮梅梅地, 不值得一試😭😭 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2023-10-25
427 瀏覽
名乎其實:大不同特式xxxx羊腩煲👎🥘:難食好咸,啲汁傑撻撻成個芡汁咁。煲仔飯👎🍚:唔係原煲煲出嚟,D臘味用水滾完放上飯度?完全冇味,飯完全唔香。飲品👎🧊:凍飲正價$20杯,9成半係冰。😡服務👎:態度極差!👎同待應講杯凍飲咁多冰嘅,佢就好得戚咁笑一笑,然後話你叫凍飲呀嘛,梗係有冰啦。衛生情況🤢:冷氣機好多塵,而且滴水冇人理。價格👎:不如去酒樓食好過。埋單👎:想要收據,係手寫單,係一張佢用嚟入單俾廚房嘅入單草紙。 繼續閱讀
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呢個禮拜去北角出job,每日試唔同餐廳,食完呢間真係咁多人最差,雖然佢係最平50蚊左右,但係質素20蚊都比多佢。入到去得1,2成人坐左係到,依加諗返都知咩事。因為真係唔好食。我叫左個沙薑雞再加立味飯,一上到黎得4舊雞仲要舊舊都係骨,又冇肉,都算,一啲沙薑味同雞味都冇,全部都好似啲賣淨賣唔出就比我食。好啦,到個汁又係難食,唔好以為好多,全部都係芋頭黎,立味得3小舊,仲要個味道真係勁奇怪,食到3份1都已經冇食,出左去對面買零食算,我打呢篇就係岩岩食完,真係難食到喊 繼續閱讀
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