傳統客家菜,裝潢摩登而舒適,提無多款市面沒供應的客家地道菜。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:00
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西施梅菜扣肉 青瓜糟汁蝦 爺爺赤燜豚肉 爺爺腐皮脆咪卷 爺爺鹽焗雞 蘿蔔丸子(蒸/炸)
食評 (40)
等級2 2013-01-13
428 瀏覽
Went to Hakka YeYe with a friend. We ordered a lot of dishes coz we were also taking the leftover home for my bf. Here are our reviews of the dishes:1. Stir-fry Eggplant Cubes with Tofu (Slightly Spicy) 茄子粒豆腐 : the no meat option...it's pretty tasty, we liked the crunchy tofu;2. Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetables 西施梅菜扣肉: That's definitely the highlight of the night, the fatty pork is super yummy, melt in your mouth...3. Pan Fried Pork Patties with Salted Fish Bits 魚香煎肉餅 : the taste of the patties is really good, but it's slightly over-done, it's a bit burned...4. Stir-fry Bitter Melon Strips with Egg White 芙蓉涼瓜: this is definitely no my dish, but my friend wanted bitter melon. The egg white was placed separately on top of the bitter melon, which is a bit strange. The bitter melon was poached, so making it a bit watery. 5. Golden Pumpkin Cooked with Salted Egg Yolks 鹹蛋黃炒南瓜: this is another winner, love the salted egg yolks as the crust of the pumpkin cubes. 6. Yé Yé Fried Vermicelli with Hakka Rice Wine 爺爺糟汁炒米粉: a strong tasting vermicelli, I like the rice wine taste, but it doesn't seem to fit in with the vermicelli that well. Free dessert soup of purple rice with coconut milk, very nice. The overall dining experience was very pleasant with nice service, quite environment, and good food. But this is the strange part: we took the leftover home. I made a special thing about leaving two big pieces of fatty pork for my boyfriend (he's a fatty pork person). When we got home, there was no fatty pork in the box ! Only a small chewy bit and the preserved veggies!!!!! That makes you wonder whether they are re-serving the fatty pork to someone else!!!! 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2012-11-25
90 瀏覽
與男友撐枱腳,食肆環境非常優雅有情調,我們非常喜歡這樣寧靜的就餐環境。服務員態度非常友好,主動周到。叫了蘿蔔丸子、青瓜漕汁蝦和客家爺爺羅漢齋煲。醤汁非常特別,菜式精緻,本人特別喜歡蘿蔔丸子,口感特爽;男友則大愛青瓜漕汁蝦,爽而不膩。值得一讚! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2012-08-30
66 瀏覽
第一次黎呢度食lunch坐位不多,一定要book位啊~set lunch有分 $78 / $98每個set仲會跟一個湯+飯(可揀白飯底三色飯)+甜品$98仲有飲品送 竹蔗茅根意米水/芬達叫了2個$981個$78$98既係 鹽焗雞 + 椒鹽洋蔥粒豬扒$78 4季豆炒肉碎首先上既係湯,一盎盎既烏雞豬展湯熱辣辣又好味啊~ 都有d瘦肉同雞俾你又大碗好味 !鹽焗雞大約1隻雞脾仔咁上下,仲有2條菜心伴碟味道都唔錯,雞都滑,可以再鹽d椒鹽洋蔥粒豬扒都有6-7塊啊,半塊掌心咁上下唔會好油,不過都係唔夠椒鹽味4季豆炒肉碎送飯一流,有少少辣 得!!!三色飯即係紅米白米同燕麥米,都幾好跟$98餐既關係,仲叫左竹蔗茅根意米水 都幾好味,清清地仲有糖水呀)))大家都飽了, 不過都唔好晒蕃薯糖水3-4粒好細粒既蕃薯,當過下口癮啦服務態度好好,雖然唔多夠職員,不過個個都好有禮貌 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2012-06-08
70 瀏覽
Amongst the many hidden gems of restaurants in Central, this one would ...just make the mark. Overall it was a pleasant experience, the first reason being its good value. Don't expect very wholesome portions, but for lunch, spending ~HK$100 for all courses of soup/spring roll, 1 dish 1 bowl of rice and dessert/fruit certainly qualifies. Plus the fact that the food, particularly the main course dish, tastes quite good, above average for sure. And don't forget its little gimmick of "Hakka" cuisine, which isn't very commonly found around HK I'd say? Ambience ok, it's cute. Service ... ok I suppose. Took their time in giving us our bill, but there was a genteel-looking waiter who really fits what I would imagine as a "Hakka yeye", and was courteous and all.We had the 鹽焗雞,百合蝦球, and separately ordered a dish of 雞翼(i don't seem to hv enough of chicken as of late), plus veggies. Erm, for two ppl haha. And we had our separate bowls of 三色飯, which I do appreciate for health reasons and not just your boring bowl of white rice. Anyway, I'd say the 鹽焗雞 and 百合蝦球 were certainly above average (4/5), but the chicken wings...can be given a miss. Portions, as I have alluded briefly above, are not huge. But enough, I guess.Dessert was a bowl - small bowl - of 紫米露. Mm...given my sweet tooth...I'd say it's only mediocre. Anyway, worth a shot! Or a backup plan to Friday lunch if you haven't made reservations in time... 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2011-09-13
47 瀏覽
上星期五和男友慶祝生日,因為男友喜愛食客家菜,而自己又想搵一間有格調的餐廳和他慶祝,所以訂左中環客家爺爺。一上到去見環境十分優美,跟住叫食物。客家最出名的豆腐煲,梅菜扣肉,霸爺雞。梅菜扣肉-好乾無汁;霸爺雞-又咸又鞋;豆腐煲淡而無味...........差.....>< 繼續閱讀
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