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食評 (4)
Sat down, thinking i could order the snacks from the corner, however the menu only had noodles in soup and the usual noodles in sauce.So was a bit disappointed as I didnt know if their noodles would be okay.Ordered the Mixed beef organs with noodles, and tom yum kung noodles with prawn.Both were served in very big bowls, the cutlery and bowls were clean, and the whole place was surprisingly cleaner than I expected.I don't really eat the beef organs, but tried the carpet looking thing, it was surprisingly soft not like chewing gum!!The prawn noodles was the best, the prawns were fresh and DEGUTTED!!!! Very top quality which beats the appearance of the shop!For people who have had tom yum kung before will probably say that the one here isnt that strong, to me it did seem diluted, but I liked it alot as the herb taste was faint.The noodles were nice and soft, lots of spring onions and a few pieces of lettuce.I thought the noodle was quite interesting because usually won ton noodles are served with boring soup, but first time it had been served with a tom yum kung base, hmm i would like to try laksa too if they had it.There was no feeling of thirst after eating there, so the amount of msg was minimal or none.The staff was quite polite and friendly, and looked like he was from Thailand. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2008-08-22
37 瀏覽
阿爸買兩串牛什番屋企益我。除有牛什,竟然仲有豬皮,九唔搭八。牛什反而無牛肺?唔知係唔記得定俾定係根本無牛肺。牛什都入味,但就唔太多款,好多牛肚,仲有豬皮,但只得一舊牛膀。所以總括黎講只屬ok。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2008-08-22
12 瀏覽
夜晚行灣電, 去之前, 肚子餓, 又不想去坐館子, 看見魚蛋店有炒麵, 食返少少野好D. $10, 原來有成個飯盒咁大. 炒麵雖然是炒定, 夠熱又唔乾, 味道可以. 不過附近可企著食的地方不多, 只有在美沙銅門口, 同報紙檔旁. 找到位置企. 話呢間既食物好食不算, 難食又未至於. 在地鐵站, 無計, 得佢. 下次都係入麥生, 食包. 起碼唔駛企街. 或者入去佢既麵檔食麵. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2008-06-25
3 瀏覽
未放監, 師傅已經餓到傻, 當然重獲自由後就立即去搵下野食啦, 咁啱路經此處, 就決定整番串小食咬下!要左一串咖哩魚旦, 一串六粒, 魚蛋幾硬, 唔算爽口, 咖哩又冇咩味, 再點埋嗰d咖哩醬, 辣就夠辣不過好咸, 唔多好味!總括黎講小吃一串都可以, 不過魚蛋嘅質素一般; 價錢大眾化, 六蚊一串, 可以啦; 免強擺左d野落肚, 令到師傅冇咁肚餓, 頂得住啦; 不過師傅應該就冇下次!其實師傅真係好想知道喺灣仔區, 邊度有一檔好味嘅街頭小食, 如果有真係請大家通知一聲! 繼續閱讀
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