12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
18:00 - 23:00
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食評 (14)
等級2 2010-07-14
152 瀏覽
一向都麻麻地印度菜但係個FD 牛一咁梗係就個大哂架啦間野響老蘭果頭, 都幾易搵~但係又可能因為冇buffet所以唔係好多人,最適合一班朋友聚下傾下計~最後埋單每人都係一百鬆D~ 叫左兩種薄餅, 薄的是點醬食的~(重慶果陣係台台都有既小食黎架!!)其實隻餅係有D辣有D唔辣, 所以開頭有D人話辣有D又話唔辣~其實唔辣的比較好食, 因為果種辣味係連D醬都遮唔到…怪怪地…有朋友叫左三隻辣椒的香辣雞(?), 係辣落喉嚨果隻辣 = =經過之前去北方旅行的經歷, 為左唔想失聲所以都係留番比佢地食…大家最推介係用錫紙包果個雞鎚, 好惹味~什錦BBQ同芝士NAN都值得一試~PS: 果度隻啤酒KINGFISHER個人幾欣賞, 因為夠淡XDPS再PS 通常呢D中東餐館既服務化態度都比HK的好 值得嘉計 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
On a quest to find the pefect Indian buffet in Central near where I work, this place had been my first stop. There's usually 3 factors that I judge a good buffet by: selection, taste, and value. At first glance, this place would seem like a bargain at $60 per head for a lunch buffet, however, when you factor in the fact that they charge you $15 for a can of diet coke, the value quotient immediately drops. Note: I thought they had a rather sneaky way of pricing, regular coke is only $10, whereas their diet counterparts are $5 more. One would think that there's no difference between them so be forewarned. If you opt not to order anything to drink, they will give you water straight from the rather rusty and worn tap. In terms of taste, the curries were average at best. On the day that I went there, there was a lentils makhni, veggie jalfrezi and seafood curry in terms of "entrees". However, the seafood curry was much too bland and pedestrian for my taste, and with the consistency akin to that of a thin, runny and extremely watery soup containing rubberized prawns. The prawns were actually decent in size, but it was a shame on how they managed to make the ingredient so rubbery and indigestable. The makhni sauce was ok. Onion pakoras were available, along with a uninspired salad and rice pudding. The temperature of the food on display was only lukewarm and would have tasted better if it was warmer. What I'm really impressed by were the flavourful, almost to the point of seasoned, and delightfully crispy papadums. Those really deserve a shout-out and was the most enjoyable part of the meal. Naan was also available but it was not fluffy or fresh enough, being rather flat and stale around the edges. All in all, it's a serviceable option if you're having an Indian food craving and happen to be in the area, but it is not a place I would return to again given the extremely average taste/standards and somewhat run-down decor in need of renovations or at least a fresh coat of paint. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2009-12-24
38 瀏覽
因為媽媽喜歡吃咖喱,又在openrice看到此店的食評不錯而且價錢不貴,所以今天午飯時間來這裡一試咖喱自助餐。前天已book位12:30,不過我們坐了一會,也見仍有空桌,似乎不算太多人來光顧。可能始終不是人人都十分愛吃咖喱吧~Nann:不是很厚,但軟熟而烤得不會過燶,不錯。飯、炒飯:沒有吃白飯;而炒飯配料不多,但幾乎沒有油,炒得很乾身,不錯。咖喱雜菜(椰菜花、薯仔):咖喱汁比較辣,薯仔夠焾。咖喱豆:因為我本身不是特別喜歡豆類,所以覺得這個一般。釀青椒:不知釀的那些黃色東西是什麼,但味道不錯。炸茄子:因為太油膩,我沒有吃。胡椒餅:很薄很脆,可配帶點酸味的白色醬同吃。好味!蔬菜沙律(青瓜、番茄、洋葱):酸酸的,很開胃,也可中和一下咖喱的辣味。青瓜雞豆沙律:味道不錯。燒雞鎚:每件都啖啖肉,烤得很香也很漂亮。正!咖喱海鮮(魚、蝦、粟米芯):咖喱汁好好味,蝦也有鮮味,魚柳肉也不錯。十分正!甜品:黃色糊狀東西,雖然不知是什麼,但少少甜,不太漏,味道不錯。飲品(Mango Lassi):酸中帶甜的飲品,真是很好味。雖然要$15,但也值得。埋單連加一,兩個人$165。價錢合理。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2009-08-20
36 瀏覽
$60 buffet 種類不多但食物好味,唔介意唔辣的話幾好的$15杯mango lassi又好飲wor,我口渴整多杯 indian beer都係廿蚊i'll be back 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2009-03-13
27 瀏覽
已好幾次經過這間不起眼的印度餐廳, 原因是去位於他旁邊的Harvest Menu。有次, 我在Harvest Menu吃完午飯, 順道 走過去看看環境, 侍應看見我時, 熱情地遞上咭片, 叫我下次試試。所以今天專程來試試, 餐廳很小, 只有6, 7張枱, 滿坐都不超過28人。不過環境很舒服。 Lunch時段只 serve buffet每位 $60。食物選擇不算多但很足夠。 今日dishes有Mix Grill裡面有燒雞, 肉腸等, 咖哩小辣 , Chicken Masala 雞肉小辣. Deep Fried vegetable 裡面有蕃薯, 茄子, 青椒, 普通白飯及印度炒飯, 蔬菜沙律和青瓜雞豆沙律, 幾款醬汁有辣有唔辣。 還有我至喜爰的印度烤麵包 naan。 不過naan就不是自助的, 侍應會根據人數而定比多少塊。我們兩個人, 他給我們一塊。這當然不夠, 我要求要多塊, 侍應亦有禮貌地很快送上。要注意侍應全是印度人, 不過服務很好很warm很有home feel. 在buffet 枱上有一盆黃色糊狀物體, 不知道是什麼, 於是問侍應, 他說是甜品, 還說很好味叫我們試。所以試咗小小, 不過一試之下, 果然幾好味 味道就好似好重薑味既糊狀甜飯, 不過侍應話裡面無薑, 重即刻走入廚房, 攞咗粒種子出嚟話係呢D味。我們覺得他很有誠意, 而且甜品的確好味, 所以每人都添咗一碗。不過buffet是不包括飲品的, 礦泉水收$10, 汽水咖啡等收$15. 如果唔想比錢, 可以要求侍應比杯水你, 不過要講明唔係礦泉水, 否則收你$10唔關我事。總括而言, 環境, 食物, 服務我都比4分。 值得一試。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)