港鐵中環站 H 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
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08:00 - 18:00
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食評 (10)
等級4 2022-09-23
241 瀏覽
呢間無實體店係K11 art 有 pop up store每次見到 ig story 收工時間都會當日sold out今日lunch 落去一次買左6個當中會有期間限定單張的全部款式吾一定齊晒架由餡料到外皮全人手工製作外皮無油少糖無添加無負擔☝🏻呢點吸引左我去買1 紫薯朱古力大福自家製紫薯蓉(無油無糖)、法國70%黑朱古力忌廉、法國85%黑朱古力碎粒、黑朱古力脆脆珠、日本紫薯粉個紫薯味超濃朱古力又吾會好甜💕1 脆皮oreo 芝士大福Oreo 忌廉芝士、北海道3.6牛乳奶凍、Oreo 脆朱古力2 百嚼伯焙茶伯爵茶忌廉、宇治焙茶忌廉、消化餅底、伯爵茶朱古力2種吾同茶味好夾茶味濃到😍😍1 士多啤梨芝士蛋糕大福 (期間限定)士多啤梨忌廉芝士、天然士多啤梨醬、消化餅底、洛神花乾、白朱古力1 搽茶四重奏每一個味道到好特別期待試其他味道 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-09-23
119 瀏覽
人氣爆登嘅大福!一早係IG已經聽過個名今次終於都試到了!😘好開心同事訂散水餅揀左小正大福令到我有機會食到😂最鍾意都係食抹茶牛乳大福!抹茶配豆乳簡直係Perfect match🥰個皮夠薄又輕又煙韌!另外仲試到中秋限定口味!「黃金流沙四季春」大福上面真係有咸蛋黃架🥰口感配搭幾特別👍🏻其實佢仲有好多口味!我想試埋士多啤梨芝士大福🥰而家佢開多咗實體店比較容易買到啦鍾意食大福嘅你哋一定要試吓依間 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-06-20
542 瀏覽
Just for Mochi is an online shop that sells daifuku not using the traditional Japanese fillings. You get things like cheesecake or mousse. That type of thing. But if you don't want to order online, they have a brick and mortar shop in Central. Or at least part of a counter inside Sonia Coffee in Central.The daifuku they have on display is usually what is available that day or what they have left. They sell out quickly. When I got there, this is all they had.Menu is in English and Chinese. If you choose to dine in, there is 10% service charge.From the selections of the day, I chose Chestnut Hojicha Mochi ($38). The French chestnut paste was placed on the side in a mini tube for decorating yourself along with a piece of chestnut.  I thought they'd decorate it for me since I was dining in, but I guess not. So you can play with your food before you eat it!Squeezing it as nice as possible. It was not easy. Trust me.Slicing it open, there was French chestnut cream on top, roasted Japanese green tea cream in the middle and the bottom was a crunchy Hojicha chocolate wafer. The mochi was soft and delicate. Literally melt in your mouth fluffiness. The interior was interesting blend of cream and biscuit. So you get both crunch and softness. I did like the traditional version but this was interesting.It was a bit pricey for such a small bite so unsure if it was truly value for money. Quite good but it wasn't really worth a repeat though I'd like to try the strawberry cheesecake if I ever see that available. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-04-05
411 瀏覽
Just For Mochi (中環)再次食呢間大福因為今次咁岩有團購可以係屋企附近拎真係好好食個餡勁濃郁忌廉同牛奶布丁都非常幼滑而且係勁多餡🥰🍵宇治抹茶牛乳大福用上日本宇治抹茶製成忌廉再加上北海道3.6牛奶布丁仲有白朱古力好香濃嘅抹茶味牛奶布丁好香滑不過白朱古力味就唔算突出🍫香蕉朱古力牛乳奶凍大福用上75%黑朱古力做忌廉所以唔會太甜有少少回甘嘅味道係好香濃好濃郁嘅朱古力味奶凍同樣好滑溜仲有少少香蕉餡同朱古力脆皮再加少少黑朱古力碎所以成粒都好香好有口感個人比較鍾意食呢款大福建議嘅食用時間係二十四小時之內今次我因為放咗超過一日所以個皮就硬咗少少如果大家有機會試嘅話記得盡快盡快食啊 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
❂ 𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘔𝘰𝘤𝘩𝘪 ❂呢粒Mochi真係好難買去咗兩次一係Sold out 一係得番3幾粒口味😅😅但係食完之後就終於知道點解咁難買佢標榜外皮無油少糖無添加每一粒都好足料同好大粒口感非常之軟糯煙韌皮唔會太薄/ 太厚 (其實我覺得淨係食個皮都好好食😂)就算放咗落雪櫃兩日都唔會硬咗排名不分先後 粒粒都咁好味➶芋頭牛乳布丁大福➶朱古力提子啫喱大福➶好”柚”料❂ 𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘔𝘰𝘤𝘩𝘪 ❂呢粒Mochi真係好難買去咗兩次一係Sold out 一係得番3幾粒口味😅😅但係食完之後就終於知道點解咁難買佢標榜外皮無油少糖無添加每一粒都好足料同好大粒口感非常之軟糯煙韌皮唔會太薄/ 太厚 (其實我覺得淨係食個皮都好好食😂)就算放咗落雪櫃兩日都唔會硬咗排名不分先後 粒粒都咁好味➶芋頭牛乳布丁大福➶朱古力提子啫喱大福➶好”柚”料 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)