以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Previously I used to go the one at Fortress Hill, which was far, but now there is a branch in Wan Chai, but it is still too far, so I called for a delivery.I did not have their menu, but luckily there is one on Open Rice but when I called the set I wanted to order was not on and the baguettes are now cheaper but without drinks.You can get the Baguette set with chips or prawn crackers and a drink, but as I do not like prawn crackers I just ordered the baguette.The chips would be soggy by the time it got delivered too so that’s why I did not get the set as well.As a standard at this place, all baguettes have Vietnamese sausage, Julienne carrots, onions, and pate with a choice of filling: mushrooms, sardines, chicken, pork, pork floss or beef.There are three choices for the baguette: Charcoal, Original and Black malt.I chose the Charcoal baguette with mushrooms and the Original baguette with sardines.The baguettes arrived well on time and the guy had change prepared when I paid.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Charcoal baguette with mushroomsThe Julienne carrots were really nice and refreshing and they have turned an ingredient which I don’t like delcious. The baguette was fresh and crispy and the sauces were strong however there was a lot of MSG in the sauce.The Vietnamese sausage and mushrooms were thinly sliced which made it easier to eat. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Original baguette with sardinesThis tasted the same as the above and there were sardines instead of mushroom.The baguette for this one was slightly soggy because of the fish.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Both baguettes were split at the top with a gap in the middle like a hotdog which are different from Western baguettes or buns because they are split at the side. Their baguettes have kept the same standard as the baguettes at Fortress Hill but the one thing I could not taste in the baguette was the liver pate nor could I see it.
乘著團購優惠之便利,今云試試平日少吃的越南法包。雖然於非繁忙時段幫襯,店員的招呼極之冷淡,單是這點已對餐廳印象大打折扣。幸好食物是即叫即製,保證新鮮熱辣,此舉又為店子挽回了點點分數。帶了兩個9 吋長的包子回家,吃的時候還感到微暖,打開包裝時香氣撲鼻。法包是原味那款,外層有點脆口,但內裏焗得過乾,所以有點硬身。餡料分別點了牛肉及豬肉,另配上大量的酸紅蘿蔔絲、洋蔥絲、鵝肝醬,非常豐富。相比之下,本人較喜歡牛肉那款,牛肉以香料醃製,加上大量的魚露,極之惹味濃郁。豬肉那款原來是薄切豬腩肉,但肥膏過多,感覺很不健康,我幾乎將大部份丟棄,浪費浪費。儘管食物不過不失,但為免再受到黑面招呼,相信試一次就夠了!
不是來灣仔也不知道,原來我家附近的山地人越式法包專門店,在這裡開來家分店啊。只有四十五分鐘時間吃飯,哪裡有位可以快吃就在哪裡吃吧。其實此時店內擠滿吃午餐的人,這張照片是剛好有人離開後趕快拍下的假象。有法包套餐($40),法包的款式和配料已是指定了的,這天是原味法包跟肉鬆和扎肉。套餐連普通飲品一杯,但我又偏偏想喝滴漏咖啡,只好乖乖加$10轉了。法包來到的時候暖暖的,不枉一等(人多要等上五分鐘耶),麵包皮脆卜卜,碎片四散,這時也顧不得儀態了,好在法包已代為切半了,吃得比較方便一點。裡面的餡料當然有肉鬆、扎肉片、醃蘿蔔絲、牛油、肝醬等等,挺豐富的,清爽不膩。 咖啡反而是最早到的,就由它慢慢滴吧,之後就有香濃香甜的咖啡喝了。
純八卦試下乜味基本上個包既特色係上面個層泡菜…btw…呢個…係蘿白?辣既 Q.Q;;;我個包係黑麥,外面有少許硬,但脆脆地,內面軟不過係蘑菇,整左N分鐘都仲係唔得夠熱…裏面仲有青瓜(印象中)同醬,幾種口感加埋幾得意我都幾鍾意食包,都唔差,不過午餐就唔多抵食,成43蚊而且唔係好多野食咁…(汗)餐廳細細間環境也差不多咁服務都係差d,個侍應掛著看出面有無客,不過態度都ok既
早前團購,買過幾張hk$16的coupon, 食一件細法包 + 汽水。以前去過越南, 我覺得山地人的法包較越南的做得更好吃, 面包焊到脆脆, 可以自選辣或不辣, 用料很足。一個小的法包, 可以當一個午餐。 團購之後, 還是有繼續去, 試過越南扎肉河粉及炸雞翼, 都很出色, 而且hk$30有汽水, 抵食!另外, 不得不提, 蒜茸包, 超好味, 外賣時食過一次, 個皮超脆!加十蚊可以有越南咖啡飲, 咖啡粉是越南中原咖啡七號, 滴漏出來的咖啡深黑色, 配以煉奶, 一絕啊!這裡只有一張蒜茸包照片, 因為每次都吃包來去匆匆。另外, 服務唔錯。