港鐵迪士尼站 A 出口, 步行約10分鐘 繼續閱讀
星期一至日: 09:30-樂園關閉 (實際開放時間,請參與樂園時間表)
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食評 (120)
等級3 2025-01-05
29 瀏覽
呢間係位於迪士尼入面嘅bakery,姐係你要買左票入到去先食到嘅,喺迪士尼一入去果條大路大街,先講下佢嘅賣點,當然就係裝橫同精品主題野啦,迪士尼fans一定會幫襯嘅甜圈,因為佢大部份嘅donuts都係迪士尼卡通人物嘅化身,有維尼熊,米奇老鼠,其他小眾少少都有,因為我唔係超級fans,所以都講唔出啲名,不過一家人或者一班friends去影吓相打吓卡又真係幾有氣氛,佢個背景同周圍嘅氛圍燈光,基本上隨便影都係靚,不過啲donuts真係食感覺,因為我係食唔哂一整個,太漏,中意食甜嘅可以食得哂,但一定要飲野,可惜冇熱茶,得啲梳打汽水之類,有啲又好搶手賣晒,所以食完一個donuts真係玩幾個鐘都唔想食嘢。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Disney's queue for restaurants and drinks are quite long especially Starbucks. The queue to buy a drink and wait for the drink is really overwhelmnig at times. However, the Main street bakery actually also offers many basic coffee drinks at a more affordable price(Disney standard) and you can even enjoy Magic Access Discount. Most importantly, the queue is much shorter, saving you so much time.Their recent promotional burger was actually even better than their usual burger at Starliner. The bread was less dry and the fried chicken still had a crisp to it. Definitely would visit here more often. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-02-09
318 瀏覽
天氣凍,今次嚟試咗個熱嘅芝士腸仔牛角酥。牛角酥加熱後太濃太硬,唔太好味。但勝在夠熱,特別係好似今日天氣咁凍。價錢方面,一個$50,我有金卡折後$47.5 。樂園嚟講都算性價比幾高。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-08-04
522 瀏覽
去迪士尼玩到攰,梗係要食返啲甜嘢補充體力😂▪️Duffy & Friends Mini Waffle▪️LinaBell Waffle窩夫即叫即整,熱辣辣,夠鬆軟。配料有忌廉、芒果粒、藍莓,同埋紅莓醬。整體酸酸甜甜,食晒一份都唔會漏。重點係好靚好適合打卡😍大街餅店📍大嶼山香港迪士尼樂園美國小鎮大街 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-03-02
549 瀏覽
一如既往唔會對迪士尼嘅嘢食抱太大期望,不過造型咁得意真係好難唔買返個嚟食(՞• •՞)🧸 Duffy donut ($52)外層係朱古力糖霜,裏面其中一個以藍莓醬做內餡。朱古力外皮好厚,所以加埋藍莓嗰個就會覺得有啲太甜;質感軟熟唔油膩,比我想像中好當時因為係夏天,好快就開始融🥵 食到一半就覺得滯了ಠ_ಠ 想食嘅朋友可以喺美國小鎮大街搵到同埋 🎆煙花真係好值得睇.ᐟ.ᐟ------------------------------Flashback to my Disney memories last summer 💫 I had Duffy doughnuts ($52) and one of them is with blueberry jam as filling. Both look so cute and fancy - how could resist such beautifully made doughnuts with all the pretty toppings!I don’t expect quality given their pretty appearance, but they are softer than I expected and very fluffy. The chocolate coating is thick so the one with blueberry jam is overly sweet for me. 🍩If you wanna check them out, they are in the Main Street U.S.A inside the HK Disneyland! (Plus their firework show is amazing too) 繼續閱讀
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