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九龍城泰國菜就食得多,但原來都有好多未發掘到嘅隱世西餐廳,就例如呢間已經開左12年嘅Pavia🥰 Pavia係義大利嘅一個小城市,所以呢間餐廳主打義大利菜,仲將正宗嘅烹調方式配合香港人嘅口味,製作出創新個料理🇮🇹 餐廳雖然唔大,但每檯之間空間充足,私人度十足👍🏼 牆上有一幅由隔離嘅中學話嘅油畫,配上音樂同暗啞嘅燈光,真係好浪漫🌹 Pavia is an Italian restaurant in Kowloon city that offers dishes which combines authentic Italian cooking methods with adjustments to Hong Kong people’s palettes. 坐低之後會先上個麵包籃,裡面有蒜蓉牛油多士同埋鬆軟嘅芝麻包,配軟牛油一流,記得要趁熱食呀🍞You’ll be given a bread basket containing garlic bread and bread rolls. It went great with the smooth butter.牛油果大蝦沙律 $168Avoc
Pavia is an Italian restaurant in Kowloon city that offers dishes which combines authentic Italian cooking methods with adjustments to Hong Kong people’s palettes.
You’ll be given a bread basket containing garlic bread and bread rolls. It went great with the smooth butter.
牛油果大蝦沙律 $168
Avocado and King Prawn Salad
爽脆嘅生菜同羽衣甘藍上放左一隻海蝦🦐 大大隻鮮美彈牙,同牛油果濃厚嘅口感係絕配🥑 加上用水欖、黑欖同美國芥辣等食材調製出嘅醬汁味道酸酸地好開胃😌 裡面亦加左哈密瓜、三色椒同火腿等,有助增加層次感👍🏼
King prawn was placed on a bed of lettuce and kale, and the prawn was so fresh and crunchy. The sauce was made with ingredients such as olives and mustard, which gave a tangy flavour.
煙肉芝士焗薯皮 $98
Baked Mashed Potatoes with Bacon
呢啲由美國進口嘅薯皮夠曬厚身,除左焦脆嘅外皮亦可以食到中間綿密嘅薯泥🥔 芝士同煙肉鹹香味十足,雖然有啲油膩,但點埋啲自家製檸檬他他醬就啱啱好啦😎
These potatoes are imported from the US, which was fried to produce a crispy skin. It was stuffed with mash, bacon and cheese. It was a bit oily, but the tartar sauce could offset it.
美國USDA Prime肉眼扒 12oz $438
USDA Prime Ribeye Steak
呢款係最高級別嘅牛肉之一,而且呢塊扒都有1寸厚,叫五成熟可以食到兩種唔同嘅口感,生熟層次交織🥩 因為夠厚身,裡面保留著原肉新鮮嘅風味,肉質柔嫩,脂肪喺煎烤嘅過程中融化,令肉扒豐富多汁🤤 隔離有茄汁同英國芥辣,不過我覺得加少少鹽已經好夠味🧂
This Prime steak is so thick and juicy, and was cooked perfectly to medium. It had a strong beefy flavour and had a tender texture.