港鐵深水埗站 C2 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 00:30
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食評 (128)
等級2 2016-07-27
3965 瀏覽
豬肺湯- 足料又大煲,起碼裝8碗飛天通菜煲- 必點之作,每枱起碼有1煲,超正金菇牛肉煲- 濃味又香、牛肉大塊又厚炸豆腐拼鮮魷- 香趣爽、豆腐又滑、魷魚又鮮咕嚕肉- 普通、不過不失、肉超細粒(有D似粟米肉粒咁細)籠仔飯- 有特色、味道平圴,ok嘅蕃茄芝士牛肉拼薯片- 傷心之選、諗住好特別,點知... 得個酸字、牛肉以肉碎,沒芝士味甜品- 叫咗3款,都好食嘅舖頭細記得訂先,門口泊車方便,冷氣就出事,熱到同沒開沒分別 繼續閱讀
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在深水㻉一定諗去大排擋,宜家有D熱呀!所以要去D,有冷氣地方食大排擋小菜地舖呀!係門口見到好多好多電視台演員同電台注持留影呀!其實我最深刻印象係肥仔德同陸號明嘅著餸節目!佢角色扮演係黒雪公主呀!笑爆呀😆😆😆😆!所以好想去試吓!係門口等佢執台(大約5分鐘) 係宜5分鐘已經嗦到其他食客的煲仔菜, 先聽到咋咋聲,再睇到D熱辣辣蒸氣,好有鑊氣呀!見到好多都想食,今次叫咗炸蝦球同炸豆腐😳佢個炸蝦球好好好😆😆😆😆😋😋😋😆彈牙呀!個甜酸汁剛剛好(出面好多都只係得個甜字一D酸嘅感覺都冇)😋😋😋😋,炒咗一碟辣牛肉😮連D配菜都炒得啱啱好, D青椒同紅辣椒唔會有青草味,葱炒得熟,喜歡炒到有少少雛的感覺,宜D先叫炒得入味,洋蔥炒得熟😋,咬落去係甜嘅!牛肉好琳呀!(下次我會叫辣D)青椒炒辣牛肉😋😋😋😋炸豆腐同炸蝦球😋😋😋😋甜酸汁😋😋😋😋😋😋 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-04-10
2779 瀏覽
睇openrice搵吓深水埗呢頭有冇邊間出名,見到個炸蝦丸好吸引,所以就揀咗呢間~炸蝦丸同炸豆腐:叫咗個炸蝦丸同炸豆腐相拼,特登係為咗個炸蝦丸而來,果然冇令人失望,新鮮即炸非常脆同香口;豆腐外面香脆同入面與幼滑,令口感特別有對比,好味~ 呢兩樣係必點~椒絲腐乳通菜煲:好香好惹味~沙拉骨:味道OK同大塊,酸甜醬跟沙拉醬配合得幾好~蒸肉餅:好有肉味~好可惜在場同枱嘅男士唔食甜品,所以無機會試佢地自製嘅甜品,希望下次有機會試~ 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2015-06-07
3552 瀏覽
The restaurant occupied two floors, the spacing between tables was tight.  The walls inside were black, with some photos of celebrity customers.  The place did not seem clean, there were flies flying around, clutters behind our table, the fans were dusty, the floor of the bar kitchenette in the front was wet.  The air condition wasn't working well, the exhaust from the kitchen in the back made the place really hot and smoky.  The service was great though, our waiter patiently explained and recommended dishes for us.  We ordered Crab and Clams Pot with Wild Mushroom (Spicy), Steamed Salted Fourfinger Threadfin, and Creme Brûlée for dessert.  The Crab and Clams Pot was huge, a good size for at least four people.  There was one crab, cut up but some pieces weren't cracked so they were impossible to eat.  The clams were sandy, and a lot them wasn't open.  The taste of the soup was a combination of sweet (from the seafood) and  spicy.  The dish was not bad but too expensive (HK$428) for the quality of the seafood. The Steamed Fourfinger Threadfin (HK$118) was salted prior to steaming, so the fish didn't taste fishy at all.  The size was small, it could be finished by two people.  This dish would go well with some rice.  Speaking of, their rice was a tad hard and clumpy.This Chinese restaurant also offered some western desserts, which were supposed to be quite popular.  The Creme Brûlée (HK$28) I tried was on par with the ones I've had before. Smooth, creamy, full of eggs flavour, the top was sweet and crunchy, dusted with a bit of icing sugar.The food was good overall, but overpriced and overhyped perhaps. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-09-22
5671 瀏覽
一班好友,每到某某生日,必搞飯局,今次因太座做生日之星,由我發板先預訂冰鎮鮑魚,即席再叫聖子皇到人齊後肥仔主廚埋黎推介食物, 可能因我預訂咗鮑魚, 佢主力推海鮮肉蟹辣湯蜆煲, 炸墨魚丸拼炸豆腐拼炸豬手, 大海蝦兩食, 炸子雞, 啫啫通菜煲,小食: 豬紅, 雞腳鮑魚 , 爽囗彈牙, 正聖子, 惹味但有沙及韌.. 一般肉蟹辣湯蜆煲, 蟹夠多肉, 但湯底冇鮮味, 麻麻大海蝦兩食, 兩食, 我鐘意黄金煎, 豉油皇較淡, 蝦頭多羔, 肉質结實, 吾錯炸墨魚丸拼炸豆腐拼炸豬手, 炸子雞, 啫啫通菜煲, 普普通通, 平價抵食小食以豬紅最正, 10蚊碗, 送啤洒抵食之選整體而言, 不算好抵食, 可能因肉蟹辣湯蜆煲麻麻哋, 但佢親切氣氛, 令人有少少私房菜feel…(p.s.: 佢亦有燉湯, 小菜, 真係豐儉由人) 繼續閱讀
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