正宗湘菜食府,時代廣場分店裝潢採用18世紀歐陸式設計,大門設現代式荷花池,三個用餐區風格各具特色,食具及器皿均特別訂製,包括中西合璧的金邊馬碟、英式茶具及西式銀匙等。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:30
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:30
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:30
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左宗棠蝦 豆酥鮮魚 洞庭蝴蝶鮮魚 湖南脆牛腩乾鍋 雙蔥乾鍋欖角排骨
食評 (41)
等級4 2012-04-14
972 瀏覽
mar 16, 12.........3人來dinner............叫咗 :1) 前菜 (hk$18)-這個前菜調味得宜,帶點鮮味2) 辣椒 (hk$15)-我無試到,但友人話唔多6辣,據說都唔錯3) 湘汁無袒雞 (hk$88)-勝在有2款唔同嘅sauce喺底,好特別-雞喺嫩滑,但唔會有雞味,這也是大勢所趨-深色的醬甜甜地,有點似食新加坡式的海南雞飯時的黑醬,而透明紅的醬,就唔多辣4) 豆酥魚 x 3 (@hk$45)-頂頭的醬喺全碟的重點,味道重花生這類的果仁味,有點帶脆的咬口-魚塊厚身,亦很juicy-ok的,但略嫌醬嘅味道除咗重果仁味外,就比較單調5) 湘西4季豆豉香辣蝦 (hk$180)-辣味輕微-蝦喺大隻,但不夠爽,鮮味還可以的6) 映山紅茄汁蝦仁鍋巴 (hk$118)-鍋巴入口鬆脆,外表唔硬唔乾-而個汁帶點微酸,蝦仁很夠爽7) 加勒風情 (hk$25)-友人話即喺菠蘿汁,但唔喺新鮮貨式,喺紙包/罐頭出品8) 長青 (hk$25)-即喺青蘋果汁,友人話應該喺新鮮搾的,ok喎9) 瓷盅譚家麵 (hk$532)-因為我哋掛住傾傾傾同傾..............所以上咗枱好耐先食,汁都無嘜,麵當然腍咗啦..............呢點全喺我哋嘅問題-所以呢盅麵我哋比唔到咩客觀嘅意見10) 金陵驢打滾 (hk$44)-特意叫個金陵驢打滾見識吓-不過唔喺我杯茶,因焗過下嘅皮包的喺芝麻餡,並非豆沙餡11) 清宮琬豆黃 (hk$24)-反而喜歡這個很務實的琬豆黃糕點-可能我好鍾意食豆啦,所以這個食到很實在足料的豆味,調味清甜,腍得嚟唔喺"削",食到細滑的豆蓉痕跡12) 茶$$$$ x 3 (@hk$12) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
The large dining room of Hunan Gardens looks impressively grand and historical, with wood paneled walls bearing large oil paintings, white pillars, and big chandeliers hanging down from the ceiling above. It's all fake, of course. The restaurant's actually high up in the anonymous, modern sleekness of one of Times Square's towers. But once sat at one of the elegantly laid tables, it's not too hard to suspend disbelief and feel you are actually in a magnificent colonial mansion. The menu is equally decadent, with a good tweny pages worth of Hunanese, Sichaunese and other Chinese dishes including exotic items like frog and shark's fin and numerous others bearing massive price tags. Our Hong Shao Rou (Red Braised Pork Belly) had meat that was nice and tender with flesh that showed none of the dryness or stringiness it can still have at some places. The large top pieces fat were juicy and slightly sweet tasting. But the pieces of meat didn't really have that rich and potent flavour that slow cooking can given them. They lacked the fragrant notes of the chinese rice wine they are braised in and didn't have even the slightest tingle from the chilies, which I felt could almost have been added to the dish at the end here. I also thought that the sauce was just a tiny bit on the thick side, not so much as to make it really gloopy, but still a little heavy. Overall, though, the delight of eating such luxuriantly soft, fatty pork won through these slight limitations in its taste. The Rice Crackers And Shrimp In Tomato Sauce used fresh, whole tomatoes and the sauce still had some only partially broken down pieces in it. This made it wonderfully fresh tasting. The puffed rice crackers soaked up this bright, healthy feeling sauce. The crackers had a crispness to them with contrasted with the soft smooth texture of the shrimp in a really satisfying way. This combination of ingredients in this dish, with cool fresh vegetbles and light tasting seafood, felt very different to most Chinese dishes I have had in the past. In my opinion, it was something that worked really well. We also had Chicken With Walnuts In A Broad Bean Sauce. This presented a really satisfying contrast of textures, between the spongey pieces of chicken breast and the crisp pieces of knobbled walnut. It was a combination that worked brilliantly. That said, I agreed with one of my companions who felt that the ratio of walnuts to chicken leant too much towards the former. The nuts tended to clump together because of the sticky sauce, forming big clusters that were less pleasing to eat. The sauce itself was good however. Often I have found that the pungent taste of broad bean sauces is a bit overpowering, but here it was nicely restrained, with just a little bit coating the meat and nuts and helping to sort of lubricate the dish. The Sei Gwai Dáu (Green Beans With Minced Pork) were also very good. The beans were cooked nicely al dente, so that they still had a crisp bite to them which added to their fresh taste. They were just lightly scatter with flavourful pieces of mince pork, unlike in some restaurants where there is a huge heap of very bland meat. Overall, I feel that Hunan Garden offers above average food which just about matches its mid-range prices. While some of the dishes fall down in certain aspects, and are not as good as those you would get in a higher end place or a private kitchen, they all show some real care in their cooking and exhibit some really interesting tastes and textures. Hunan Gardens is a good place to try a wide range of different Hunanese and Sichuan food and feel confident you are getting close to the real thing. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2012-01-27
340 瀏覽
we literally stumbled into this restaurant when looking for lunch on a wednesday, attracted by a sign that says 30% discount on all lunch menu dishes (except dim sum). afterwards we were so impressed with the place & food that we returned for a sunday dinner with 6 people.the entrance to the restaurant is low key, but the spacious inside is western style décor. we were seated at the front section where all the chairs are small, low-rise, armed sofas. they are much comfy than straight back chairs. the tables are placed far more apart than usual, resulting in lower conversation noise around.since we are new to hunan cuisine in hong kong, we took time to choose only those dishes that are uncommon or unavailable in most cantonese or shanghainese restaurants.洞庭豆酥鮮魚 fish fillet with fried minced bean ($45/piece) rated A: the strangely paste on top of each piece of fish was very tasty & not salty like other similar sauce pastes. the poached cod was almost without added oil – the meat was tender & full of natural flavors. funny thing was: the menu says $45/2, which was explained to us by the waitress to mean “$45 each, with minimum order of 2 pieces”!蒜椒紅燒田雞braised frog with garlic & chili sauce ($98) A-: there are not only one frog dish on the menu, but four, each with a sauce of different degree of hotness. the whole frog was cut into small parts including bones. the meat was just delicious, period!樟茶鴨 smoked duck in camphor wood & tea leaves ($140/half) A-: this version had the most crispy skin I ever had before, almost looked like peking duck from afar. the duck meat was more tender & juicy than normal. i think this can be a “cheap” substitute for peking duck! the small buns were a tad dry & hard. on a minor note, i would like to have stronger tea leaf flavor in the duck.蝦仁小蔥炒飯 fried rice with shrimps & chicken sausage ($88) A-: the dish looked unassuming, but when it was brought out hot, it made all the difference in taste. the shrimps were cooked just right, the rice was al dente, and the little bits of chicken sausage added aroma to the food. the only issue was to ignore the oiliness.肉絲魚酸羹sour potage (soup) with shredded pork & fish ($88) A-: this soup tasted uncannily like shark fin soup! all ingredients were finely cut. the seasoning & soup stock were perfect. just a tad of vinegar flavor, not sour at all. consider this the poor man’s shark fin soup or environmentally correct substitute!金陵驢打滾 sweet pancake roll stuffed with ground coconut & peanuts ($38) A-: when you have a dessert packed with authentic materials & low sugar level, automatically high mark!桂花芝麻湯丸, 芒果核桃露 sesame dumplings in osmanthus sweet rice soup, mango walnut sweet soup ($25 ea) A-: can’t you taste them just from looking at the pics fantastically yummy!海鮮鍋巴crispy (sizzling) rice cracker with assorted seafood ($138) B+: weak seasoning, rice was not sizzling. but they give you lots of sea scallops for seafood.芝麻叉燒酥 BBQ pork & black mushroom sesame pastry ($13 ea) B+: like a pastry version of BBQ pork bun, nothing stood out in taste or feel.豆皮蝦仁 stewed shredded bean curd & shrimps ($88) B+: the bean curd ribbons were like noodles, the shrimps were crunchy. but the mild seasoning made this dish not impressive.素菜餃 steamed vegetable dumplings ($32) B+: generic, but large stuffing with good flavors.the service was above average, in that all little requests were promptly noticed & attended to. the staffing ratio is probably higher than other restaurants in that building. i think it is uncommon to have a specialty restaurant that offers both great food & comfortable upscale place, yet not charging a whole lot more. in my mind hunan garden is one notch above peking house in that perspective. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2012-01-06
153 瀏覽
鍍銀高身茶壺,新鮮花擺設,相金邊的杯碟印有馬的圖案,餐巾又滑又厚,綉上餐廳名子,裝修簡單但有氣派,飲普洱茶,應為中上級,滑而香,服務週到,值5星級,食物:椒鹽九肚魚 $48,切頭切尾,肥嘟嘟,肥美可口,新鮮,只有薄粉炸。雞煨麵$$32,雞湯清而不膩,好有雞味,非常好味,少許嫩雞肉,麵幼滑,不會煮到淋PadPad北京素菜飽$18,水準OK蟹觳皇$24,鬆化可口,像义燒穌,形狀似蟹觳。珍珠雞$18,OK泡菜$36 - 豆付,花生,青瓜-好味 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-01-06
153 瀏覽
放假前夕,我們一眾新人新department仝人,又來開多一次聖誕大餐,阿ger就特登book了檯,帶我們吃高級的洞庭樓。是美心集團的食府,是美心集團的高級食府,再加上米芝蓮的推介一下,令到本來走高檔路線的洞庭樓顯得更加的華貴。地方堂皇,舒服,金碧輝煌,FINE DINNING是一定的,華麗的飲食地方,最好,是用來招待貴賓。是日,五個人食飯,來洞庭樓,理所當然的會想到食湘菜。不過過了第一道菜之後,漸漸的發現,我們正在吃的,是江南的味道。首先來的,是雞,本來聽到的是左宗棠雞,但有同事說不能辣,經過經理的介紹後,換來了口水雞。有辣,但程度必定不及前者,對我來說,可以叫做完全的不辣。不過,我們享受的,是雞味。雖然,雞味是一般,但極度嫩滑的雞,皮肉皆滑到無比,正是這樣的嫩,加上微微辣的汁,再者雞肉夠厚,是值得回味的。 魚,一看就知道,炸魚配上五柳汁是,這是京味的菜式。松子黃魚,黃花魚炸到連骨也帶脆。魚肉酥香,而這一種口感,是要新鮮魚肉才能做出這一種效果,五柳汁甜酸度諦中,有飯的話,當真需要撈一撈。 豆皮蝦仁,也是非湘菜系列的食品,這一砵蝦仁有著濃濃的鮮湯汁,其美味雖源於此,但最重要是蝦的爽脆。因為是河蝦,淡水蝦比較上味道淡口,但因為活動量大,其肉質是特別爽口的,而這個蝦仁,的確是粒粒彈牙。 正宗的江南菜,我們有一窩雲吞雞,上海式的雲吞,比較大隻同豬肉成份較多,配上用原隻雞餚成的湯,充滿了香雞的精華。雞湯,味道重而香。 飲過湯,食埋隻雞才覺得是全套。此雞肉,同樣的嫩滑,煲過湯之後的雞,少了一份油膩感,但雞味依然在,沒有像廣東式的煲到老晒火,雞肉並不太鬆散,保持到皮滑肉嫩,是一道很考時間控制的菜色,絕對稱得上是佳餚。 說明有人帶頭放肆,領導就叫了一隻北京填鴨,店方說要等45分鐘。一句等吧,我們就等埋今餐的重頭戲,片皮鴨。原隻鴨,即叫即燒,亦在我們的面前即片。服務好的高級食府的確非常之細心,知道客人對怎樣去片鴨子有不同的要求,在開刀之前,特地來問問我們想怎樣搞。而我們,就決定了連肉片。啖啖的鴨皮,本身已經香口,夾帶著一層厚度適中的鴨肉,加點蔥瓜,加點濃醬,這就是北京人愛食的香口。鴨子夠肥,夾帶肥油來吃,感覺更加是香味十足。 華麗的一個午餐聚會,有點似team building,各同事又加深的了解一下大家。中午飯不酒,一行五人,為明天的聖誕長假,碰杯後,再回到自己的崗位,努力工作。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)