港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 B1 出口, 步行約6分鐘
Island Seafood海鮮生蠔吧為喜愛進食新鮮海產的人士帶來創意的海鮮美食。充滿海洋氣息的陳設,馥郁芬芳的海鮮,包括蝦蟹類,貝殼類及魚類,選擇可謂五花八門。
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 00:30
12:00 - 00:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
有日同朋友都想食生蠔系open rice睇睇下見到哩間d生蠔幾吸引就去左試佢有晚餐set..亦有生蠔set..但生蠔set最少都8隻我同朋友又想食下其他野所以我地叫左2個晚餐set因為佢1個set都有3隻生蠔..湯..麵飽..主菜..仲有野飲..其他食物普通我冇特別影而生蠔就比我想像中好味隻隻都肥美而且鮮甜..而不得不讚既系佢既主菜..哩個系A5和牛脊肉😋佢海鮮比較出名..冇諗過牛肉都好好味外脆內軟一d都吾硬整體黎講非常滿意系出菜上菜比較慢..價錢都可以 大概$300幾1 set
today I have triedAmerican pork atisland seafoodApple sauce and Apple piecestender good tastemeatbetter than most Chinese restaurants and fast food like cafe de Carol and fairwoodbut of course fast food restaurants make tasty Bake pork chop ricealso good salmonisland seafood always does sell fresh fishplain tender good rice 🍚cream corn soupbut no corn is seen 👀!!not my favorite in that wayI love cornsfriend says thatis taste of old 美施西餐廳meaning he likes ityet after allI appreciate the porkwe after were servedtiramisu dessert of the daywith so much Rumi can be drunkisland does have other things to please you
Island Seafood has been my recent pick for fresh seafood. Today I am coming here with my friends. While waiting for everyone to arrive,we order a bottle of fancy white wine which was a just a delicious way to start my night. White wineOystersWe then ordered a few oysters recommended by the restaurant. They were just as good as what oysters should be.Foie GrasThe foie gras was nicely prepared to just the right doneness. The sauce was a vinegary and it was just the best way to start a meal with. FlounderAgain, the freshness from the fish was just over the top. The just cooked fish was flaky with a nice flavour from the grill. The halved fish was perfect for sharing. Red WineBefore we move on to other main dishes, we have indulged a bottle of nice red wine. The $1k wine came at the right time because the next dish we had was as amazing as this bottle of wine! Lamb ChopI would literally order this dish every time I come here. My favourite lamb chop in Hong Kong so far. With no disappointment, the meat was tender, soft, with no gaminess. It was so soft I almost forgot it was a piece of lamb! Moving on to desserts, I was already quite tipsy at this stage and couldn't really remember the name of these dessert. In this dessert, the egg white meringue was Flambé in front of us when it was served. The flaming was so sexy in this dimmed restaurant.Moving on , I actually had no room to try this dessert but my friend said the crumb was a nice match with the soft moist cake underneath, yet again, the vanilla ice cream on the side balanced out the sweetness. Island Seafood never failed me and I would come back here over and over again!
很久沒有去尖沙咀的諾士佛臺食飯,在這裡經常都很熱鬧,而且完全感受到好似身在外地般,很有中外文化交流的集中地,也很類似於蘭桂坊的感覺,給予很舒服,很relax的地方。那天,約了班朋友在這一間”海鮮生蠔吧”聚餐,它位於2樓,這都是我第一次去食,入到去的第一感覺是裝潢很豪華、很高尚的餐廳!由於我的朋友經常來食的,所以主力都是由她負責點菜,這裡很多的菜式都是自家創的,很特別,很有創新!麵包也是自家制的,食到佢是很新鮮和個麵包皮也很香脆,超正!先來一個頭盆,就是法國新鮮生蠔,更是它們的主打菜,肉質很厚,十分之肥美,有Roumegous, Gillardeau 和 Ecaille dArgent三款唔同口味,三款的海水味各有不同,還要配白酒來食,一口加一淡,很清新,很完美的配搭!跟住就來了深水西班牙紅蝦配脆雪魚皮,法國海藻配魚籽,蝦是新鮮不在話下,而且有很多蝦羔,仲食到很有蝦的鮮甜味,用意大利的黑醋汁伴味,而且賣相更是一流!我們都同樣叫了個扒餐,先main course 前例牌來飲一個周打蜆湯,飲到它濃郁湯的香味,仲飲到它用了一點點的茄羔和忌廉湯的味,有別於其他一般餐廳的周打蜆湯味道!這個西班牙海膽真是A級的貨色,它的肉色金黃,味道很鮮甜,有較濃的海水味,但又沒有一般海膽般膩,配咪法國的蟹皇和蟹肉焗制而成,一食難忘,神級嘅享受,真的從未食過如此好味的海膽。我個M9和牛終於出場,它有西班牙虎蝦做伴,再加埋足料自制的燒汁,突顯它出來效果真是絶配,簡直令人胃口大開,半熟的和牛還看見肉質內層是鮮紅色,食落很香很有牛味,食得出它是非常新鮮,不要忽略D配菜,看得出他們很有心思!再配澳洲紅酒,簡直無與鄰比!飲品芒果Juice,它制作出濃郁幼滑的芒果汁,每一口都值得細心品嚐!最後來了個巴非甜品,蛋糕和樂加杏仁糖,這個就沒有什麼驚喜,但仍高水準之作。