港鐵佐敦站 A 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 23:00
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食評 (5)
在佐敦路過滷店, 第一眼以為係位X堂, 看清楚門口的玻璃櫃是賣滷水食物。突然口痕痕, 便走入去看看。 鋪面設計~店內是非常光猛, 充滿時代感, 乾淨企理。從透明玻璃已經看見不同種類的食物供客人選購。 這裡有套餐供客人選購。 如套餐沒心水, 便可以散點. 滷店是不設最低消費, 顧客買幾多便秤幾多。 我們點了HK$20一隻豬耳。 也點HK$18一隻魷魚鬚 師傅收到Order, 會即場加熱, 切好。 "登登登" 1隻豬耳及1隻魷魚鬚份量也多 HK$20豬耳 HK$18魷魚鬚2款食物食物滷味夠重又入味, 記得加店內的辣椒油, 更惹味。我們在享用的時候, 聽其他顧客是外賣回家。店內的師傅便不會將滷物加熱, 會將一盒滷汁及滷物分開包裝。讓顧客回家自行加熱, 真細心。 時代感, 乾淨企理的滷店, 價錢抵食~因為滷店是不設最低消費, 顧客買幾多便秤幾多。我們點了二款小食只是$38, 店員還沒有出現不高興的樣子。在其他打冷地方買外回家, 豬腸沒可能是$20一條, 我們享用時, 剛剛有顧客購買豬腸, 師傅還有耐性地取每條豬腸給客人挑選, 真是有耐性。最重要的一點是沒有豬臭味。 即代表豬腸清洗乾淨。 地址: 旺角上海街120號電話: 2251 9383營業時間: 星期一至日12:00-23:00 P.S: 本人並非打手, 只是獨立純分享喜歡周圍試周圍食的樂趣。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-05-07
3474 瀏覽
有朋友介绍此店好抵食,今日既然路經,一定不放過啦。由於此店門面与一般滷味店有極大分別,離遠望仲以為是藥材店,真搞笑。 舖頭好乾淨,不同食物放在不同的白碟上,每款放少少出來,不像舊式滷水店掛曬出來,師傅亦好堅持要戴手套才切食物, 感覺非常衛生。是次我買了鸭舌,雞翼, 牛肚,魷魚和皮蛋酸薑。這店可以樣樣食物買少少,十多元都有交易, 最適合兩口子,可吃多款不同種類的食物。當你在店內點選食物完畢,店員會把食物放在膠盒內,幫你結帳, 最後師傅會把全盒食物切件(如有需要)並放在熱騰騰的鹵水汁翻熱。雞翼8元一隻,肥大肉厚;尤魚和牛肚好爽,鸭舌又好好肉,其實味道差不多是一樣的,只是食物質感不同而已。酸薑就酸到阿媽都唔認得,皮蛋都好流心。外買都提供辣椒豉油王酸醋。店來還提供套餐,如套餐內的款式合心意,都是不錯的選擇。 繼續閱讀
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I was exploring the Jordan area when I discovered this shop. At first I thought it sold Chinese medicine because it had the same decor. But upon closer inspection, I realized it sold all sorts of products that have been marinaded in lo shui or Chinese marinade (a usual mix of star anise, soy sauce and Chinese five spice among other things). It was very tidy with everything labelled in Chinese and English. Service was nice and friendly. A far cry from the usual lo shui places.Among the products was marinaded duck tongue. I have such a weakness for this. Every time I'm in Taipei, I buy these as take away back to my hotel to devour. As the weight measurements are listed as Chinese measurements, I wasn't really sure the exact weight of everything was. But the staff was helpful to let me know how many pieces I would expect. Anyways, this was approximately 4 taels of duck tongue and cost me $70. That was about 40 pieces. The staff was going to reheat it for me but I said I was going to eat it later (yeah...at home so I could pig out like the uncivilized foodie I some times am). The staff gave me a little container of the marinade so I could use that to reheat for later. I really didn't but I did taste it and use it for something else. The marinade was really good though a bit on the sweet side. The duck tongue also had the sweet marinade taste and wasn't on the salty side at all. It was soft and yeah... I love the soft bone part the most. This is pretty good.Will return again if I'm in the Jordan area for more duck tongue. I saw they had other products such as abalone, duck wings, etc but yeah ... duck tongue is my secret pleasure. I will be back. Actually, now that I'm writing, I have a sudden need to go back now! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-10-26
1724 瀏覽
行過見到有間「滷店」, 第一時間聯想到台灣出名的滷水鴨舌店。入去睇下, 「滷店」有各式各樣的滷水食物, 有豬耳、鴨舌、雞腎、鵝肉...等。價錢不太貴, 小店不設數量限制, 客人可按個人胃口選購食物, 彈性頗大。除外賣外, 店內提供枱作立食。店員親切有善而且店內環境整潔有序。揀了牛肚及豬耳一試($37)。用膠盒盛載, 有牙籤及即棄筷子作餐具, 夠衛生(但不太環保)。豬耳極了爽口, 咬下去好有質感。牛肚同樣爽口沒有筋。這裡的滷水是廣東風味, 沒有潮式滷水般濃味, 但味道都不錯。食完不太口渴。略嫌食物不夠入味。原來食家蔡灡都曾經光顧, 可是當日不見其他客人, 可能選址出錯。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-09-06
945 瀏覽
Discovered this place while I was in the area.At first I thought it was some traditional Chinese shop selling herbal medicine but it turned out to be a shop that sells all kinds of marinated foods from pigeon, goose, offal, eggs, tofu, pigs ears to abalone.I tried the abalone which I thought was served cold but they warmed it for me by putting it in the hot marinade sauce.I was worried it was going to be chewy after being heated but it was surprisingly tender with a nice taste that was not too salty or loaded with msg.◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎The bill: $18Service: OKYummy factor: goodEnglish Menu: noAir Conditioning: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ 繼續閱讀
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