港鐵美孚站 D 出口, 步行約9分鐘
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
地方唔大, 但勝在種類夠多, 可以俾你有好多既選擇. 尤其賣既”撈撈麵”, 同出面賣既完全唔同. 呢度賣既係選料上乘, 唔會將貨就價, 每樣配料都係精選既.尤其係螺肉, 八爪魚, 墨魚仔, 帶子裙邊, 好受食客歡迎. 再加埋特製既醬汁, 真係未食都流晒口水勒. 外面賣既撈撈麵, 啲配料全部都係細細粒, 無乜口感. 而呢度就係大大粒既, 價錢仲大眾化, 真係價廉物美, 童叟無欺.為求令食客有新鮮感, 呢度既老闆經常轉換唔同既美食, 所以每次嚟幫襯都有驚喜.除撈撈麵外, 不得不提既皇牌美食”鹽酥雞”, 同食完再番噚味既”葱油餅”勒, 兩者各有捧場客. 值得一提既係呢度賣既烤類食物, 完全唔用油去整既, 所以食得安心又放心. 烤熱既”鹽酥雞”再落埋惹味既椒鹽, yummy yummy! 而”葱油餅”加醬料再加埋自已揀既配料, 烤出嚟既鬆脆又可口, 簡直令人無法抵擋, 大家又豈能錯過呢!呢度集多國風味既美食, 實在數之不盡, 嚟到呢度又點會忍得住口, 因為緊有一款啱你. 呢度由老闆至員工, 都係親切有禮, 一句”小心熱、慢慢食”, 真係好窩心呢!
After my unsuccessful visit to 滄浪亭 Tsong long ting nearby I decided to go to Moments.hk Food Station 無休站 because there was still food I have not tried yet.The shopping mall is currently undergoing rennovations hence there is a lot of drilling and dusty air about.I think it is fates idea that I can't dine at Tsong Long Ting because when I went to their Tsuen Wan branch it was closed, then at the Mei Foo branch, they decided to temporarily stop the air con at the mall on the day way I went so Tsong Long Ting was closed.Since my last visit, they have more choice of sauces for their noodles and they have crispy noodles as well!I regretted not getting the noodles because I won't be in Mei Foo again.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★(new sauces: vinaigrette, spicy stirfry)★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Crispy noodles★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★I was quite impressed with their fried items because I was expecting oily food but none of them were oily because they were cooked in an AirFryer.The items are not submerged in oil, but are laid on a metal pan and the top will occaisionally light up red.The AirFryer looks a bit like a UFO when it is in operation.Saw some attractive posters for macaroni cheese, chicken kiev with ham and cheese and the Shanghai pie which I got!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Deep fried macaroni cheese:The product shot and the real thing looks quite different but the real thing looks the same as the macaroni and cheese I had before.The taste was much nicer because it was not that oily with soft macaroni inside.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Chicken kiev with chicken and ham:The chicken kiev was neatly held in a paper bag.It tasted quite nice with melted cheese in the middle but the chicken that was used in this kiev was processed chicken.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Shanghai pie:Again it looked different to the product shot which shows a puff pastry.The pie was actually a piece of Taiwanese roti/pancake with cheese spread in the middle and heated up.It was delicious and non oily.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
四期商場地下的四圍, 總之有柱位的牆身都會見到簡單直接, 印刷精美的食物海報, 當中就有一款「墨西哥辣椒芝士球」吸引了我雙眼球逐經過迴旋樓梯走上一樓, 光燦燦的燈光引領到達目的地付款買了一客墨西哥辣椒芝士球 $12, 店主把「粒粒」放入光波爐, 按按數字鍵, 不消幾分鐘便有得食五粒墨西哥辣椒芝士球經光波爐烹調後, 皮薄脆身, 咬開即有溶掉了的cheddar cheese, 芝士內有細細粒墨西哥辣椒粒, 辣度不可輕視 沒想過兩者味道竟會那麼的相容後來, 店主主動來打招呼, 閒聊間知道店主喜歡周遊列國, 四處去把好味的食物帶到香港。
美孚開了一間撈撈麵檔其實已經一段日子. 但一直都沒有意欲去嘗試此東西. 以往係旺中, 聯合等等商場仔, 一班Cap帽, T恤, 熱褲 既小妹妹經常拿著一小包東東, 兩條竹籤, 吃得津津有味. 再有一次, 一名小姑娘, 嚷著叫其爸爸去試, 口中只有勁好味, 等等比伙頭智多星更垮張既形容詞去形容點好味法...........究竟呢包野有什麼魔力去迷到萬千少女呢, 就勇敢地一試. 是日, 無聊的一個假日, 沒有出旺角那些女仔商場食, 美孚有間, 就不如就地一試. 老闆大哥, 教我點配搭. 叫了一個比較傳統的拉麵, 加了螺肉, 帶子邊, 同中華沙律. 加一些日式燒醬, 再撈撈撈, 撈完一包麵仔插兩支竹籤. 就是完成品.邊行邊食, 那個日式醬汁是味道的主要來源, 其他什麼配料, 其實碎到冇乜口感. 我口中只有醬同麵. 濃郁的日式燒醬, 沒有什麼人不喜歡的, 小小的一包, 有野落肚, 又食唔飽班女生, 原來這就是吸引的地方. 我有點明白了. 不過, Still not my pack of noodle.....