港鐵牛頭角站 A 出口, 步行約6分鐘
10:00 - 04:30
10:00 - 04:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
店員態度惡劣!進去後看見前舖沒有太多位置,只剩下走廊位和需要搭枱 。我們便走入一點打算坐得舒服點 。一走進去坐下,點知店員叫我們坐到出面 。問為什麼不坐出面啊?出面舒服啲啊….我們不想惹麻煩便聽她說出走廊坐 。點知店員又話:坐出面啦 出面咁多位…但事實上出面已經沒有位了 。本人覺得如果我坐哪裡都不行,一開始就應該帶位吧 。而不是三番四次我們坐下後才叫我們換位置,這樣真的是非常趕客!我們覺得店員態度惡劣+無理!所以就走了!
Chef Ecy’s Dining Experience:🥰 Food | Service | Price | Easy Access | Wheelchair | Easy Parking🙂 Ambience😠 Pet Friendly | Cake Cutting Fee | Corkage Fee | Restroom CleanlinessThis small snake soup shop is located in Kwun Tong at Yee On Street. It is easy to access there by bus, minibus or MTR at Ngau Tau Kok MTR station and 6min walk from Exit A. If you drive, there are lots of meter parking along the street. They open from 10am till 4:30am. So there are many people go there at late nite where you can just park outside, have a snake soup and go….. The venue is small but relatively clean. They are on the street level, so wheelchair has no problem at all. Their Snake soup has 2 kinds… one is just the clear snake soup (蛇湯) and the other is the traditional snake soup with snake meat & other ingredients (蛇羹). You can order small bowl or big bowl of snake soup or even a set meal with sticky rice too (糯米飯). The set is relatively good deal which costs only HK$83 with a small bowl of snake soup. Another set costs HK$125 with a bigger bowl of snake soup. You can see the snake meat clearly in the traditional snake soup and it‘s tasty, not too salty at all. For the clear snake soup, the flavor is a bit stronger since they have many chinese herbs added like (當歸). Talking about the sticky rice… there are a few pieces of chinese sausages (臘腸) on top of the sticky rice and the peanuts are crispy! The rice is hot and tasty with soy sauce. Overall, the 3 bowls in the set are a perfect match. One improvement can be made is that the traditional snake soup can be served hotter, the better. Also, there are too many black fungus 木耳 in the ingredients. The taste out of the 3 bowls are very good. I will definitely come back again to enjoy the snake soup set especially in cold weather. After having a bowl of snake soup, you can feel the warmth coming from inside the body! No kidding at all…
屋企人講咗好多次要去食蛇羹但係我就唔想食去到呢個小店本身都有啲唔好意思,淨係叫一set 店員知道我唔食蛇羹嘅反應係「多謝你」令我有點愕然可能佢會覺得我就算唔食蛇,都陪屋企人嚟食佢至少有一單生意當我哋埋單嘅時候佢又係非常之客氣由於我唔食蛇俾唔到食物嘅評價但至少如果第日有其他朋友想食蛇羹嘅話我都可以陪佢哋嚟因為呢度冇最低消費
每年冬天心定會去食蛇羹佢地蛇羹味道剛好又足料加D脆脆真心一流我通常會點套餐細嘅今年係$83 大對我黎講又飽咗D套餐包一碗蛇湯同糯米飯糯米飯好多臘腸同足料超正蛇湯仲要辣辣地超正仲可以飲多一碗真心讚