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之前已經見到這個自助販賣機,今天終於決定一試。飯糰仍是熱的。我買了一個燒汁豬扒芝士飯團。份量都有成個盒咁大,真係全紫色。出面的紫米粒有啲乾,米飯沒有味,但入面的燒汁和肉鬆的味道就彌補了。好似唔係好覺有豬肉。但整體來說呢個價錢呢個份量都 ok 的。
當年此店剛登場的時候我還在讀書,間中都會買個飯糰當早或午餐,因為它勝在看起來小小的卻很飽肚,款式配搭又多,如果趕時間的話,又可以邊行邊吃,不會太狼狽,比吃麵包沒那麼寡。不過後來畢業了好像就沒有再吃過了,所以這次看到有團購優惠:以$16.5 價錢購買西龍傳香飯糰加大燒汁豬扒芝士飯糰 + 豆漿,就買了一個回味一下。中環分店以Cafe形式經營,是全港首間健康飯糰米食專門店,除了提供飯糰外,還有湯、粥、沙律、紅米飯和泡飯等等。設計相當有時代感,而且還有電腦供客人上網呢~招牌加大燒汁豬扒芝士飯糰,裡面的配料有紫米、糙米、燒汁豬扒、芝士、翠玉瓜和肉鬆。這裡的飯糰超熱辣辣的,不用紙巾包著幾乎拿不起來。紫米和糙米都是相當有益的穀類,比白米香而且煙靭有咬勁,不錯。燒汁豬扒肉質軟腍,醬汁帶少許甜味,再配上芝士,味道有層次,另外加上爽爽的翠玉瓜,吃起上來不會太「肉」感。不過最搶味的其實是肉鬆,飯糰加了大量的肉鬆,且鹹且甜,吃到最後只剩下肉鬆和飯。紫米豆漿,其實不太喝得出紫米的味道,很淡,不過因為低糖的關係,感覺很健康。現在工作穩定,不會像以前讀書的時候趕著上學,下課趕著去補習做兼職,再來吃的機會不大,但這飯糰確實是忙碌的香港人又健康又飽肚的選擇,與其吃連鎖快餐店,不如吃這個更好呢。
因為有團購優惠券($16.5買$37招牌加大燒汁豬扒芝士飯糰+豆漿),於是來買一套當作午餐。套餐包括:招牌加大燒汁豬扒芝士飯糰一個(260g, 335卡路里)及豆漿一支(300ml)。燒汁豬扒芝士飯糰:飯糰是紫米及糙米,很有口感但又不會鞋口。配料有燒汁豬扒、芝士、翠玉瓜及肉鬆。豬扒略嫌細條,肉味一般也吃不出有什麼燒汁味;見到溶了的芝士,但芝士味不濃;翠玉瓜份量很少;反而肉鬆不少,很鬆又很香。紫米豆漿:有一種特別的香味,應該是紫米的效果吧?豆漿不會太甜,好味。飯糰味道不錯,米飯的口感很好,但份量只夠女士,男士一定不夠了。想吃得輕怡和健康一點,這裡的飯糰是不錯的選擇。
十月十五日 (星期五)還記得和老公仔在中環站吃龍香飯團的日子,又健康又快樂不過,大概在一年多前已關門大吉,我們都覺得很可惜時間過得真快,又是一年多QQ換個模式,在中環鬧市開了間cafe老公仔去到先找位置等我來到才點食物沙爹牛肉金菇紅米飯沙嗲肥牛份量算可以講健康,沙嗲味當然較淡沙嗲汁撈著比較硬的紅米,相當好吃香煎豬扒紅米飯這個都有水準呢,配有甜甜的豬扒汁豬扒新鮮煎起,雖然有點熱氣,但是加上甜汁,很醒胃呢我很喜歡吃紅米飯,有口感店子比較小,所以要早點去到呢!
So this is the first time I've been to this new concept store even though I have paid regular visit to other retail ones located at various MTR stations ( pretty convenient I must say... grab and go! )My friend and I were actually deciding whether to go to Original Taste Workshop which is just located opposite to QQ Cafe, but then I think since OTW should not have great taste difference and this QQ Rice Cafe concept store has just opened not for too long, so we gave it a try.Pity though, if you want to dine-in and sit comfortably, there's only one rattan 4-seater near the doors. Others are high seat chairs, not really a fan of them but well since it's just a simple lunch, so whatever. At 1pm, not really much people, comparing with Monster Burger opposite to it, yet I also noticed that there were at least 40% of them waiting for takeaway. Picked the Lunch set combo 2, chicken steak with chinese rose wine. With the combo, I can also get hot drinks / soy drinks. I picked hot soy drinks (worth $9), without adding extra charge on my original $45 set. Doesn't take too long, only 10 mins preparing and voila my lunch has brought to my table by a friendly staff (guy with glasses on, maybe manager), also gave me a help on opening the soy drink bottle as it's kind of tricky to open it with my bare hands (girls...need to mind the nails =P). So I really appreciate that they state how much calorie I'm going to intake after the meal. Being a health freak, sometimes really need to keep track of my daily intakes Chicken steak definitely in a complete size, meat was tender, a bit pink (guess that's because they use frozen ones). Chicken's skin was a bit fried, but due to health reason I have to move it aside. Got some chunks of brocolli and mixed mushrooms on the side. Rice - mixed with white rice and groud brown rice. Healthy. Portion maybe a little bit much for Hong Kong girls, although I can finish all at the end. Guys will find it quite satisfying I think. With the chinese rose wine, it just match the chicken steak sooooo much.Moreish!