18:00 - 02:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
訂了 7 :45 吃飯, 同五位朋友打邊爐。冬天離開前最後一次打邊爐, 個人不吃牛肉,幸好這家火鍋店的主打菜不僅是牛肉,很多元化。先從羊肉講起。羊肉處理的好,新鮮,肉和肥的分佈好 魚皮餃正常。 豬潤新鮮, 夠滑 花甲蟹鍋-當然不少得最最最有名蟹鍋湯底,加上番茄和一系列香菜, 喝下去清甜暖胃。途中還會加湯, 服務親切另外也點了一些丸子, 全都是手打的,很有彈性,有口感埋單的時候送上紫薯糯米糍,很特別總括來說, 所有食材新鮮,服務親切,坐的舒服。
I'm pretty sure that in this freaking cold days (you are as cold as a METALLIC ROBOT, I know), hot pot must be the on the top of eating list. Indeed, even in normal days, I like eating hot pot as well since the atmosphere is the most charming part of hot pot. I really enjoy the time when groups of friends gathering together and sitting closely and sharing a hot pot. "I want beef slices please!", "I want some shrimps!" really interesting Many choices and there are some recommendation for easier ordering. Generally, the choices of all those similar hot pot restaurants are more or less the same, so if any of them wants to stand out in the crowd, there must be some gimmick for catching the eyes of customers. And in this restaurant, they have an iconic soup for hot pot - with mushroom, crab and clam. The soup was sweet and fresh with the taste of oustanding seafood. The clam was kinda big and one good thing was that no sands, very clean. The crab, as you can see, was quite large in size and it had lots of crab roe which was absolutely attractive to those lovers. Shrimps were fresh and sweet. The soup was very matching with them. Of coz you may still fare with soy sauce the traditional way.Sliced local beef with the part of neck, for those beef lovers, this part would be their favouite part as it is heavily exercised, the meat is tender and balanced with the tissue and fats, of coz the flavour is much better than other parts. I tell you what, this dish was finished within 5 mins! Look at those monsters!Fried beancurd skin, a must order food for every hot pot. The half soft-crispy texture with the hot tasty soup was the perfect combination for any of us! Oh, don't try to think about the oil LOLSpicy sliced eggplant sauteed with fried garlic, to be honest, I think nearly most of foods would go well with fried garlic coz the taste of fried garlic is really impressing and attractive. The eggplant would be better if it could be cooked longer for absorbing the flavour of fried garlic. Still nice tho.Cold dish, sliced Geoduck, seldom to see hot pot restaurants provide freshly sliced geoduck. So this was really surprised me. The geoduck was fresh, sweet and springy. We all loved it. Remember to reserve tables earlier during this period as you know more than 70% people would go for hot pot to warm up themselves. It is a perfect time to gather with your beloved friends and family! Happiness is the best way to warm up each other!
一直唔覺眼有呢間餐廳, 直至有次有途人問路先發現哈哈。紀念日選擇左打邊慶祝, 本來都爭扎去九龍城果邊定嘅呢間, 不過當日下雨, 咁就選返就腳嘅啦。講返食物, 湯底都唔駛多講架啦, 篇篇都讚, 我們2個人叫左花甲湯,確實係鮮甜, 幾夠味, 好多花甲, 食極都仲有, 湯都飲左幾碗先開始打, 呢個湯底無疑係同出面唔同, 但食物方面....我叫左蝦丸, 手切肥牛, 油炸鬼釀蝦,墨魚滑 , 蠔, 餃子。個人覺得肥牛份量以價錢來講, 相比九龍城曾經幫襯過嘅...係少左d。餃子一般, 唔算好好食, 油炸鬼蝦係特別嘅, 但油炸鬼已經唔係好脆, 蝦丸和墨魚滑偏貴, 又未算好突出。如果以湯底來講就冇得輸, 但食物新鮮同好味程度, 我會投九龍城果邊嘅大邊x一票