港鐵牛頭角站 B3 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
06:30 - 17:00
06:30 - 17:00
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南乳豬手 柱候牛腩 爽滑魚蛋 鮮蝦雲吞
食評 (6)
等級2 2022-06-21
614 瀏覽
公司搬到牛頭角,但發現呢區冇乜食肆,搵食艱難,唯有四圍逛逛,誤打誤撞下發現牛頭角道有一舊區,附近主要係車房,但竟然一條街有四五間麵店,其中一間主打牛雜雲吞便入去試試。雖然不至於一嗚驚人但性價比尚算唔錯,值得一試。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2021-09-03
369 瀏覽
今朝9點幾係公司行左十零分鐘黎呢度食早餐~(我發覺牛頭角係非常十分多茶餐廳選擇,而呢間既百搭$31算係幾平👍🏻)其實原本想食炸醬麵,可惜要十點半先有。。。結果叫左個早餐沙爹牛肉通粉扣底,配煎蛋,煙肉,方包走牛油,熱檸水~通粉神速就送到,個湯底熱到我辣親條👅 😂通粉係有坑紋比較厚身果款,食落幾彈牙,唔錯👍🏻牛肉比較薄,幾滑唔"UN",但個沙爹汁唔香花生味,而且勁稠。。。係稠到會一pat醬痴住係舊牛肉度然後我將舊牛肉係個湯底裡面fing都fing唔走面頭D醬,唔明點樣可以做到。。。😅😅 由於個醬偏多同偏稠,所以食落都幾濃味~煙肉好淺色煎得唔夠香(我覺得張相已經影得比實物靚左😅)加埋塊咁plain既方包,成碟野望落都唔太吸引😂😂(如果可以加兩,三蚊轉奶油/奶醬就好啦😬)整體水準不過不失,價錢取勝~ 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2018-02-20
1038 瀏覽
最近轉了在牛頭角工作,先發覺呢頭無乜選擇,最初常光顧牛頭角街市熟食中心,八記、北記同粥店都試過晒,要發掘D新嘢就行多兩步,就試下初四開工嘅金園麵家,因為係傍晚6點左右,係食飯嘅時間,一心走去試下豬手撈麵,不過見餐牌有自選雙拼飯叫,穩陣就試下豬扒腸仔飯食豉油汁加凍檸茶,一上枱食塊豬扒摭住D飯就知有幾大喇,仲要係厚切添,腸仔唔隻咸果種,見到豬扒嘅油光已經加分,咬落軟中帶硬,豉油好靚,唯一不足係飯底,如果再熱D同粒粒分明就完美喇,初四可以唔加收用$40完成晚餐,實在十分滿意。下次會試下豬手撈麵加雲吞。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2017-11-24
910 瀏覽
金園的前身是牛下食街的麵店。最記得那個帶點江湖味的老闆娘,經常嘴角邊擔著枝煙,坐在店內一邊包水餃雲吞,一邊用潮州話與街坊食客在聊天,也不知煙灰可有掉進餡料內?!而老闆則永遠沈默寡言地,在店外空地炆豬手和牛筋腩。店內的女工,也許是他們的鄉里,亦可能是雙程證來探親,順便做幫工,因為經常也換人。牛下清拆前,已得悉他們會搬到現址,並改為茶餐廳,不單只賣粉麵了。但自最初開業時,見過老闆娘外,兩夫婦便沒有再出現,可能已經退休吧。這裏的粉麵仍保留著以往的味道,製作傳統沒花巧,難得是價錢仍算合理。因此,間中也會專程去光顧,尋找舊時的回憶。我多數食雲吞,今日第一次點水餃,是這裏的熱門之選,比雲吞更多人點。單拼$26,雙拼$32,我點了水餃牛筋河粉。牛筋炆得很「林」很入味,約有五、六件。水餃大大隻,共有三隻,內有鮮蝦、木耳和豬肉,做得十分好吃,有點「相逢恨晚」的感覺!舊式麵店,粉麵仍然灑上蔥點和韮王點,增加香味之餘,視覺上亦悅目。我忘記了將墊在碗底的油菜,放上來碗邊拍照,否則的話,畫面便更靚了!這裏的早餐和下午茶,價錢亦頗合理,但我只是試過幾次。來這裏,多數是吃湯粉麵。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2015-08-29
870 瀏覽
I remember that day was sunny with little breeze, a good day to walk with her. She wanted to share her precious school memory with me. So we walked on her way, the way she walked for thousand times. Then, we stopped at a chachanteng. 'Must be her favourite canteen in school days,' I thought. Unlike western restaurants, chachanteng is always a place with many noises - the voices of different people talking about their lives, happiness, sadness and the faith in the future. To be honest, it is really noisy but that's the characterized symbol of it.We got the drink first, milktea and 7up with salted lemon which becomes one of my favourite drink in chachanteng recently. The milktea was asked for less sugar and it was smoothy. She sipped and gave a great sigh. 'Ah, so nostagic...' she said. However, it was quite pity that there was only one lemon for me, which the salty taste was not that enough. It would be perfect to give me two salted lemon.Flat rice noodles with beef brisket. The beef brisket was tender and easy to chew, when this part is well done, this reflects the quality of whole noodles. Sometimes, some chachanteng overcooked the beef brisket and cause them too chewy like chewing a cloth.Wonton noodles. It served in a hot broth, garnished with leafy vegetables, and wonton dumplings. Some people don't like the smell of alkaline of it. But some people, like her, don't smell any of it. Maybe that's the reason she likes it so much. Probably most of people know how to balance the alkaline, by adding red vinegar. Wontons and noodles were so springy. Because of the shrimps, wonton was the shining one.She talked a lot of interesting stuff back in the day and I was the person to listen. Simple but happy. 繼續閱讀
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