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今日去咗粉嶺韓樂食飯溫泉蛋牛肉石頭鍋珍珠飯配醬油麻香汁及韓風香辣汁 $70 & 八爪魚石頭鍋飯 $69作為佢嘅招牌菜色就梗係要試下佢嘅石頭飯啦。食石頭飯聚滿足嘅事就係將溫泉蛋或者喼汁倒落去,望住佢哋滾。喺兩隻當中我覺得牛肉石頭飯比八爪魚石頭飯更加優勝,因為牛肉石頭飯嘅配料較多,溫泉蛋令到飯同肉口感更上一層樓。魔鬼芝士一口炸雞 $40金黃酥脆嘅炸雞食落去入面雞肉多汁滿足,加埋成兜芝士,成件事變得特別邪惡!人參雞湯 $70佢嘅雞湯雞味都好重,配合人參同埋紅棗食起嚟好補,用湯送飯嘅話啲飯正正可以吸曬湯汁,非常過癮。美中不足嘅地方就係七十幾蚊嘅價錢佢未必夠飽肚。飲品佢嘅凍檸茶同百分百一樣,都係冇檸檬而係用咗檸檬汁代替,雖然我對咁樣嘅製作方法冇太大意見,但係有啲人可能接受唔到,所以呢樣嘢都值得一提。而佢嘅cappuccino做得幾好飲,偏向有奶香味,對普通人都易入口。Hot Spring Egg and Beef Stone Pot Pearl Rice with Soy Sauce and Spicy Korean Sauce $70 & Octopus Stone Pot Rice $69A
溫泉蛋牛肉石頭鍋珍珠飯配醬油麻香汁及韓風香辣汁 $70 & 八爪魚石頭鍋飯 $69
魔鬼芝士一口炸雞 $40
人參雞湯 $70
Hot Spring Egg and Beef Stone Pot Pearl Rice with Soy Sauce and Spicy Korean Sauce $70 & Octopus Stone Pot Rice $69
As their signature dish, you should try their stone rice. The best part of eating stone rice is to pour the hot spring egg or Worcestershire sauce over them and watch them roll. Among the two, I think the beef stone rice is better than the octopus stone rice because the beef stone rice has more ingredients and the hot spring egg adds a higher level of taste to the rice and meat.
Devil's cheese bite fried chicken $40
The golden crispy fried chicken is juicy and satisfying, and with the addition of cheese, the whole thing becomes especially evil!
Ginseng Chicken Soup $70
Their chicken soup has a strong chicken flavor, and it is very tonic when eaten with ginseng and red dates, and if you serve rice with the soup, the rice can absorb the soup juice, which is very enjoyable. The downside is that at a price of over $70, it may not be enough to fill your stomach.
Their iced lemon tea is the same as 100%, they don't have lemon but use lemon juice instead, although I don't have much opinion on the preparation method, some people may not accept it, so it's worth mentioning. Their cappuccino is quite drinkable, with a creamy flavor, which is easy for ordinary people to enjoy.