食評 (5)
Was not sure what to eat so just randomly tried this place because it was cheap and since I am not familiar with the stuff at MK there was no point splashing out in case it turned out not to be my cup of tea.I hope I have listed this under the correct shop, as I found it through the street listing on OpenRice.Anyway, this place serves the usual Hong Kong wonton noodles, beef briskets and fishballs.I ordered the noodles with these fish rolls, which are basically a mini version of the chicken in beancurd rolls (雞扎 gaai jaat).The mini version here was chicken, shitaake mushrooms, black fungas, carrots wrapped in fish skin.Overall it tasted quite nice because fish skin has a better taste than beancurd rolls and it was bitesized.As for the noodles, I did not like it much because I found the soup rather soapy with lots of bubbles and for $15 it was just a filler for my hunger. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2008-02-26
2 瀏覽
今天跟同事找了麵棧好耐都搵唔到, 原來再落一條街, 我地見點幾, 於是入咗黎試下(食評有三個哭臉), 佢叫咗牛腩河, 奶茶, $25, 我叫了紫菜水餃米, 灼芥蘭, $31, 牛腩河...佢話幾好食, 夠味, 我既水餃就一般, 蝦唔太新鮮, 芥蘭亦唔太靚, 下次我要去搵搵麵棧啦!地下勁滑, 大家要小心呀! 繼續閱讀
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(非會員) 2007-12-18
6 瀏覽
今日出去補習..諗住餓餓地搵間野食左佢算..第一次食過咁難食既野..我叫左咖哩牛腩飯..飲凍奶茶..奶茶..1分鐘就黎左..d冰牛龜咁大粒..係成杯都係冰..我見到..嘩左一聲..個waiter服務態度差到冇人有..我要求絕對唔多..佢只係埋黎放低杯野飲好似我得罪佢咁..扔低d野飲同飯?你邊位..?白痴既..杯凍奶茶..完全冇茶味..更加冇奶味..好似飲緊冰水咁..d牛腩飯更加過份..我以為我自己食緊一碟咖哩洋蔥青椒飯..牛腩超細舊..得4舊細舊..仲要d飯凍凍地咁..??????更過份既係..我見到隻蟑螂..係我前面既wall到爬過..眼不見為乾淨..但..俾我見到仲點食?!?!雖然$25唔係多..唔應該要求太多..但有冇過份少少?叫佢拎張紙巾黎..都叫左3次..間野..得2個客..其中一個係我..好靜入面..咁都聽唔到?見到呢篇食評..千祈唔好入去食..一定後悔 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2007-04-20
4 瀏覽
One evening, we're looking for the new location of the more popular fish ball foon restaurant with similar name, and mistakenly went into this place, thinking it was the one. Upon entering, we found that it wasn't the one we're looking for; however, we decided to give it a try.The experience was awful ….. The pork balls we had were smelly, and the waitress was un-attentive, even not busy. The place was very dirty. I just wasted fifty bucks on this. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2007-01-19
1 瀏覽
一月十二日下午同朋友嚟咗這間茶餐廳食light lunch,一入去我就有d後侮,格局令人坐得不舒服,功地下又dirty。算...一心諗住食完就走!朋友叫咗碗魚旦粉,我就要tea set (熱狗+熱華田)。碗粉好碎,d魚旦重要完全唔掂。隻熱狗除咗有d沙律醬同條腸外就冇野,味道真係非常普通,Ika D 熱狗好過佢多多聲。$18真係唔值。D waiter 嘅服務就更加令人反感。隔離枱個客投訴落錯單,我親耳聽住個呀姐講:"你唔好再嘈啦,我換過比你囉!"。唉....真係唔明點可以用d甘嘅態度對客。唔會再幫趁佢。 繼續閱讀
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