港鐵奧運站 C1 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (15)
等級1 2021-07-30
354 瀏覽
入去坐低15分鐘冇人serve, 出面d單又亂曬龍,以前都冇咁誇張,但近兩次已經越來越差,估唔到尋晚仲要咁,即刻走人,食物已經唔係待別好食,d鵝時得時唔得,係d人貪平去買兩餸飯多 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2021-02-16
426 瀏覽
today is the first day after chinese new year.half of the restaurant are closed. goose restaurant 鵝皇館 is chinese name directly translated from its signature dish - roasted goose. thats why i ordered it for my first working day lunch.taste: it is real goose meat, u can tell from its tastes and meat texture. the goose chest is longer than duck size. some of the fake restaurant use duck to substitute goose due to its cheaper price.the goose skin is crispy, full with goose oil. the rice serve with goose soybean saurce which has some chinese herb taste. from the picture i taken, the size is big enuf for adult. and its surprising just cost 55$. with free hot drinks. thats why i can tell its 對得住天地良心。 normally roasted goose cost above 68$ for set lunch. here is the only place i found thats below 60$. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2020-05-12
460 瀏覽
Maybe the worst “siu may” I have eaten so far. The chicken is fatty oily, with a very thin layer of meat, and the meat is rough. Goose should be their best, the smoky aroma is good, but the goose is very dry and meat is lack with goose aroma. Cha siu is better then the above but still not average standard. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2019-09-16
685 瀏覽
估唔到呢度啲食評同影相都係同現實有偏差嘅,簡直信錯咗!事關今晚姐姐煮餸太差勁,所以諗住買外賣加送,諗緊要四份一隻上妝好啊,還是半隻燒鵝好,最後因為知道姐姐冇煲飯俾我哋,我哋都係買一個外賣飯盒。睇住個餐牌有相真係好吸引,有乳豬五寶飯,有燒鵝鵝片飯,睇埋佢側邊啲相真係好吸引。同老公商討左一會佢想食雙拼飯,最後揀左一個雙拼飯燒鵝拼燒肉飯,點知呢舊燒鵝呢,後悔一開始冇影相,一路食一路嬲,嗰盒飯成$60一個雙拼外賣飯,就求其搵一夠勁肥嘅燒鵝切,六舊裏邊得兩舊細的有肉,其餘嗰啲都係肥膏連皮!燒肉一樣差,嗰舊燒肉似隔夜,D肉唔係白雪雪,似隔夜。買外賣唔應該係咁!我睇佢啲食評啲相好靚㗎嘛!返到屋企打開真係越食越嬲! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2019-09-04
364 瀏覽
經過大角咀,肚很餓,突然好想吃炸雞脾。見到此餐牌很吸引,雞髀沙律配紅豆冰是一絕,於是就入餐廳即刻order。環境還可以吧,普通茶餐廳的樣子,沒可能很乾淨。等了片刻,雞髀到後…嗯...給餐牌的樣子誤導了,原來是沒有沙律的...雞髀炸得比較久,有點兒乾,上碟的時候很油呢...至於紅豆冰,我覺得還可以,紅豆大大粒,甜甜的,$26 就有雞髀加紅豆冰,附近除了m記,也沒有這麼便宜了。吃完才知道,他們的燒鵝瀨好像比較出名,他日有機會才試試吧。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)