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食評 (5)
等級4 2024-06-26
0 瀏覽
呢度既食物即叫即整,可以睇住店員即刻整食得安心,支持小店既小編都鐘意食台灣菜,對佢呢間餐廳我會覺得佢既飲品味道比較出色,黑茶既茶味好特別同埋佢既外賣杯做到好似咖啡杯甘既都好方便客人拎走,呢間餐廳食物有三文治同蛋餅,台灣蛋餅比較地道反正我買左蛋餅。薯餅做蛋餅既涵料都真係比較少見,但食落又同蛋餅都幾夾甘,蛋餅外層係手抓餅同蛋組成既,入面既涵料有薯餅,芝士等等或者其他配搭,職員好友善,如果涵料可以自選仲正。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
早餐來來去去都係港式茶餐.食到好悶見到天后呢間 主打台式外賣嘅小店有唔同三文治同小食試咗鐵板麵.味道有驚喜✨打拋豬個名好得意粗身嘅麵質食起來有口感加入粟米粒.配上調味唔會太鹹.亦無油膩感面層添上煎蛋.滲出流心蛋王.充滿蛋香味✨卡拉雞腿蛋餅外層蛋皮.口感香軟Q彈包著嫩滑嘅雞腿肉.肉汁豐富比平日食開嘅蛋餅更有嚼勁帶出微微嘅辣度. 即叫即製熱辣辣.好有效率✨奶茶茶底好香.奶嘅比例恰好早餐提神必飲以後早餐又有多個選擇啦 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-03-27
139 瀏覽
I have a busy day ahead so wanted an inspirational breakfast to start my day. The Deer All came highly recommended by a friend and it was even better than I expected! The staff recommended the Ham & Cheese roll and made it right in front of me. The texture was amazing with the skin chewy and soft cheese inside along with the ham that added the nice meaty flavor to it. I polished off a few pieces before remembering to take the picture… also ordered the milk tea that was part of the breakfast set. It was a delicious meal at the price of a coffee in Central - love it!The store is tucked away on Mercury street across the Wellcome shop and right next to The Mercury. They open for breakfast and lunch so go and check it out! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-03-14
107 瀏覽
🌟 薯餅起司蛋餅 Hash Brown & Cheese $45公司附近新開的台灣小店,這次試了薯餅起司蛋餅,餐單清楚標明每一份嘢食嘅卡路里,相當貼心🤍蛋餅即叫即整,新鮮熱辣,外皮煎得酥脆,一打開就散發住濃郁嘅蛋香🍳蛋餅有一定厚度,入面包住滿滿嘅芝士,而且仲系拉絲芝士🧀中間夾雜住脆口嘅薯餅,咬落去每一啖都有芝士同薯餅,口感豐富,自己一個食哂成份都完全唔膩,無得輸,有機會一定會再encore,再試埋其他嘢食😋✨✨ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-02-25
112 瀏覽
Recently found this gem in Tin Hau. Got takeaway for lunch and was absolutely amazing! Authentic Taiwanese street food, definitely worth a try! Got a wide selection of choices, all of them were pretty good. Service was quick and friendly. AMAZING! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)