港鐵金鐘站 F 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 20:30
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食評 (70)
等級1 2015-07-22
2120 瀏覽
Went to this shop for some gelato with a friend after dinner in the neighbourhood; one of the staff has advised that we can try out their gelato flavour before ordering which was nice. However, an other staff was not happy about that my friend and I would like to try. We told the unhappy staff that we would like to taste the 'Strawberry Prosecco' flavour and she took one stick and spooned out a little for us. Okay... so there were 2 of us and was she expecting us to share one stick? The free tasting was offered by the staff, so either we make a purchase or not, why is the unhappy staff giving us attitude.But fine, my friend and I we order 2 scoops each and sat down in the shop to enjoy. Through out our stay, the unhappy staff was just play with her mobile phone over the counter. After awhile, the unhappy staff was clearing out the display case and i can see that she was putting the leftover cakes into boxes without washing her hands and for a few times, it looks like her hands touched the cake. Not very hygenic to my standards; i will definitely reconsider buying any cake from this shop.That's not all, at 8:30pm sharp, the staff told us they are closing (my friend and I are halfway thru our gelato) and the next second, and I do mean it literaly, the staff turned off all the lights in the shop. WOW, that's how they KICKED us out the shop. I have never been to a place where they would just shut all the lights when the customers are still inside.Service was horrible and would never go back to this place.Aside from the service, the gelato wasn't that amzaing either, the taste is good but the texture failed big time; i've found ice in the gelato. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-07-01
696 瀏覽
話說2/3 Dolci主線為Gelato、Pasticceria及Caffe後兩者一年多前已經小嚐過,就是在學校溜出去速食一下花個五十元在又一城坐一會就離去,說實話性價比不高但聽說2/3 Dolci的Gelato為100%純天然,以come una volta這種幾十年歷史的古老製法裏頭只含不足10%的空氣量,所之不需用到高脂忌廉、糖或是其他人工香劑補足這次跟友人來到星街這邊的分店,為的就是主打的Gelato因為我本身對冷的食物飲品都不太鍾情,幾乎每次是跟大隊才會一試當天有五款口味,Earl Grey已經所剩無幾,先要一球再說Strawberry Prosecco酒香不重,只有少許微燻香味其實可以直接視之為士多啤梨雪葩就好,那份果味酸甜還是較突出粒粒士多啤梨種籽在內,味道清新自然,甜味也不會過頭入口細緻,冰感不重,稍為厚郁黏稠度是有的,但雪葩比較稀身,三款之中最快溶化Pistachio成色自然,不是那種螢光綠色,至少看上去安心點開心果味未算非常濃重,幸好頗為自然,也不太甜膩潤口稠黏,細滑之餘奶味不會蓋過開心果香,若果加點果仁碎應該會更佳Earl Grey順厚的茶香不錯,頗為自然雖然跟伯爵茶直接飲用的原味還有段差距,但香氣方面是合格的奶感稍稍透出,不只是茶味專美,同時就削弱了伯爵茶的味道整體而言未覺太膩口,吃著那種滋潤的感覺實則叫平易近人 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
星街小店中最喜歡就是這家意式小店賣的榚點跟 gelato 甜度都是比意大利的 2/3 倍最適合又愛吃甜點又要健康的女仕了小店門口裝修簡單乾淨有時也會人山人海甜品櫃放著林林總總的蛋榚每款都想試選了好久終於選了三款  Tiramisu這是意大利傳統的甜品,到意式店舖當然要試試樣子看上去對辨Mascarpone cheese 香軟濕潤,配上手指餅真的是難以抗拒可惜天氣回暖有點出水的情況  Espresso 樣子漂亮,聞起來很看看上去很像 Opera,足足有七層但當然不夠 Dalloyau 跟 Mandarin cake shop 的 Opera 好吃  Cioccolato這是三重朱古力蛋榚餅底十分香脆中間有朱古力脆脆,有 mousse ,有海綿蛋榚頂層還有朱古力 cream 跟朱古力薄片整個很有層次感,而且十分香濃喜歡吃朱古力口味的一定會喜歡強烈推介!  Cioccolato Grand Series因為太喜歡 Cioccolato 了所以之後又去買一個 Grand Series可是回來後發現跟細件的有一點點不同就是面層的朱古力 cream 跟朱古力薄片換成了啫喱狀的鏡面朱古力但就是這個一點點的不同整個層次感就不同了個人還是比較喜歡細件的 Cioccolato 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2015-01-29
3069 瀏覽
今日陪朋友上月街買野,順手到處行下。發現星街有一間甜品店。就入內睇下。一睇之下發現啲蛋糕好吸引,甘就忍吾到,買返幾件食。有一件係堂食。兩件外賣既。服務一流,因為我都睇左好耐,男店員都無不耐煩,仲主動提出介紹。 仲主動介紹有cake set $75有一件蛋糕加一杯飲品,我揀左咖啡。三件蛋糕都好好食。杯latte 就差少少 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2015-01-07
2945 瀏覽
 好耐無蛋糕令我有嘩一聲既感覺, 這間位於星街的蛋糕店早早已聽過它的名字, 今日終於的起心肝,行個條長斜路上去搵佢, 這幾條街都充滿了好野食, 分別叫做 "日,月,星"街,名字都好聽過人,首先黎一張相吸引大家眼球吧!係咪好吸引呢, 兩件蛋糕甜度適當, 吃下去都沒有飽飽滯滯既感覺,非常清新但又不失原味,講評下1號佳麗開心果味蛋糕, 要知道開心果的果味並不是非常濃烈, 很怕吃下去沒有開心果味, 但這個蛋糕一吃就知道是開心果味, 沒有太甜而蓋過原有的開心果清香, 底部的牛油撻皮很薄身,不像美心的很飽肚, 剛好一點撻加cream,正,如果可以再大個D就好, 實物睇落去細D, 咁好食,唔夠啦...2號佳麗係拿破崙, 大家都知它的酥皮是最重要的, 它是屬於厚得黎鬆化,脆但唔會碎哂, 連上面D生果都好好味, 熟哂最岩食。總的來說甜度, 清新, 蛋糕原味都控制得好好, 一定會再試下其他 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)