2818 8266
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
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食評 (44)
等級2 2019-12-07
993 瀏覽
lots of friends live in Kennedy town so we decided to go for a late lunch. the lunch set has a few option. chicken , beef etc. has a starter too . salmon, soup of the day. I think the beef is the best, medium rare. very tender! the set also comes with coffee or tea 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2018-01-02
1717 瀏覽
公司有位工作已久嘅同事就黎唔做,計劃多多嘅老闆今晚好神秘咁帶我地去一個地方,全程無人知喺邊🤭🤭🤭餐廳附近好方便,有咪錶泊車位。入到去職員好有禮貌安排入座。店內位置不多,但十分有格調而且景色無敵前菜包包種類繁多,有軟有硬之後職員問我地鐘唔鐘意食生蠔,蠔痴嘅我地當然立即say yes!生蠔十分爽口!值得一試 酒煮青口!值得一試!啲sauce點麵包一流!沙律也是清新之選喔!Crab cake也是大讚!無敵西環海境Onion soup十分濃郁!西班牙海鮮炒飯,絕無欺場!Pork ribs!!!! 超淋!值得推介!甜品lemon cake 清甜之選餐廳環境非常優美,仲可以望出西環海旁,是日晚餐超開心。但老細埋單就十分肉赤 繼續閱讀
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自從 Dayz 的工作換到新界區後每天來回都要坐上 2.5 小時的車所以, Weekend 盡可能都不想舟車勞動就算要約朋友吃飯,都會約在港島區而首選,當然是西環附近啦!今次 Dayz 就跟朋友約在西環碼頭的 Bistronomique 看著一望無際的大海遠離繁囂,好不悠哉Bistronomique 是一家坐擁美麗海景的法式小店 -- 大部份人聽到這樣的形容詞,應該會認為價格一定很貴吧?然而Bistronomique 的價錢卻非常經濟Set Lunch只是Range from HKD 128 - HKD 188跟坊間的西餐廳相約Dayz 跟朋友被安排坐到 2 樓的用餐區從窗戶看出去,也是可以看到海景的加上全白色的裝潢令人有身處在遊輪中用餐的感覺(笑)Dayz 跟朋友各點了一個 Set Lunch先來的是暖呼呼的麵包Starter Dayz 選了香草醃三文魚把切成粒狀的青蘋果灑在三文魚上味道清新怡人三文魚以火槍灸至半熟,口感富有層次感配上芥末蛋黃醬,非常醒胃的一道前菜而朋友則選了凱撒沙律這裡的凱撒沙律造型別緻以生菜作為籃子,把色彩繽紛的蔬果及沙甸魚盛著非常可愛!雖然 Dayz 沒有品嘗到還是忍不住要拍下來收藏呢!Main Course  方面,Dayz 選了當天的 Chef's Special : 香煎豬扒有Dayz 半塊臉大的豬扒!!端上桌時 Dayz 有嚇一跳喔~心想:這應該很難吃得完吧...!?厚身的豬扒,煎得恰到好處充份保存到豬扒的水份鬆化的口感,每一口都是滿滿的肉汁由於實在太美味~結果豬扒完全被 Dayz 擺平了(笑)超滿足呢!而不太喜歡豬味的朋友,則選了牛:炭燒美國安格斯肉眼扒安格斯肉眼扒肉味濃郁,脂肪比例均勻口感軟稔,肉質豐盛非常吸引呢!!餐後我們點了餐飲Dayz 發現一個小驚喜呢~Bistronomique 竟然大方的用上擁有百年歷史的法國 La Perruche 鸚鵡蔗糖!!Dayz 超愛淡啡色、形狀不規則的琥珀糖!!不會太甜卻很香,跟一般的蔗糖很不一樣~就連這小細節都照顧得到~不得不讚!!最後,我們追加了一款甜品:侍應先生推薦的 Pear TartPear Tart 用上西洋梨口感細緻,香氣帶著濃厚的甜西洋梨應該有以細砂及 Rum 酒浸煮過入口後,香甜的味道在口腔中久久不散Tart 皮酥脆、杏仁餡料跟糖煮西洋梨三者實在是 Perfect Match~ 綿密層次的口感令人再三回味如此高水準的法國餐廳,怎會有不再光顧的理由呢?下次 Dayz 一定要帶男人來!! 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2014-07-24
5883 瀏覽
同男朋友慶祝生日,見堅尼地城呢間餐廳係米之蓮推介,就來呢度慶祝啦!(其實係滿足自己食慾 )呢間餐廳的侍應好有禮,招呼真係好好,會主動推介有咩係特色野食我地點咗一個傳統的頭盤,salt cod brandade,咸咸地的鱈魚加埋薯仔整成蓉,仲有黑松露的味,成個感覺好新鮮,有種黏黏地的感覺,搽落麵包度食一流~Caesar salad就正正常常咁,比平時食開嘅佢多一隻溫泉蛋~main course我地叫咗lobster pasta,大大隻龍蝦真係好新鮮,係必食推介,但由於佢係屬於海鮮類別,所以通粉得好少XD我地仲叫咗個燜兔肉rabbit leg,我地兩個都未試過食兔肉..所以有啲緊張,唔...用紅酒嚟燜的兔脾,肉好軟,一切落去就溶,質地有啲似雞肉,正!甜品我叫咗Mille-feuille,似平時食的拿破崙,waiter 哥哥話,呢款係正宗的,中間有吉士醬,但就冇水果~酥皮整得好鬆化,值得推介~!男朋友叫了brownies,只能說,真係好好好甜,我覺得太甜了,隔離的cream都係甜甜甜,但醉翁之意不在酒,因為我一早已叫定waiter幫手插支爉燭仔喺甜品度,waiter哥仲投入埋一份祝佢生日快樂haha真係好好的氣氛!!呢餐好有surprise,係有心去整的野食,餐廳服務都好好 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2014-06-28
7483 瀏覽
This is my first OpenRice comment but I felt forced to comment that restaurant..Maybe my opinion is subjective cause I'm French but as a French person, this is not at all a good French cuisine.. Oysters, oh-my-god. Worst one I've ever tried, freaking salty water taste and huuuuge oyster size. I've started with that, maybe that's why I disliked everything after..Foie gras, ok laaa.Artichoke heart salad, no dressing, no taste.Beef steak tartare, freaking pinkish, no taste.Cod fish, no taste.Saule fish, not better.Sirloin good but only when you put your own salt and pepper, if not, no taste.Farmer chicken, good, alleluia, but the vegetables with it.. Bad water taste carrots and arrrr the green peas, probably defrost just before served..And the service.... Waited for the food for hours. Got the sides way before the main courses so as we were waiting for too long, basically finished the sides before the main courses were served. Waited too long for bread with foie gras. At the end, I haven't finished my main course when they put my cutleries in my plate and took it. I told them I have not finished, they put the plate back, leaving the dirty fork and knife, in the middle of the food. No way to get them without having meet juice all over my hands, I quited.HOWEVER desserts were very good.Lemon pie number 1, very good.Apple pie, mille-feuille, ice cream, very good.To resume, the food is ok but really missed a dressing and sauce, looked like they were very busy due to the waiting time but food without any dressing has no taste !!  繼續閱讀
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