港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約9分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:30
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
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食評 (20)
等級3 2019-06-01
1420 瀏覽
好耐無食過Chifa知道佢轉左新menu用左Toykolima個總廚過來設計菜式果然冇令人失望試咗佢個tasting menu一開始黎左三款唔同既餃子有蒸既有炸既主要係食個醬料 超級好食可以提升到視覺同味覺100倍主菜有牛肉同埋一個魚串燒個魚串燒真係不得了肉質滑同埋個醬汁有新鮮芒果味又有少少好似泰式酸辣咁樣個咪非常之夾 強烈推介魚串燒個牛都唔錯但係我一直陶醉係個魚度之後叫左杯雞尾酒"唔知咩garden" bitter but sweet本身我唔喺太鍾意Gin 覺得佢好苦但係佢巧妙地運用左Gin加西柚 加玫瑰花碎喺杯邊令你有三種苦味但係飲又飲得出有種甜味的確神奇 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
😋 No. 234 香港 | Chifa🔹ins:eatwithsirui🔹中环新派秘鲁中国菜,午餐过来可以给忙碌的半天充个电,好好休息一下。餐厅非常宽敞(中环难得),重点是人不多,所以十分自在。🔹很适合午餐来这里会会盆友,安静的吃个饭聊个天,可以从一上午的紧张气息里逃出来🔸午餐分为3个course,前菜是dim sum,主菜是grill或者wok,甜品是补丁或者咖啡🔸整体口味不咸不淡,dim sum以包子和虾饺为主,主菜grill份量适中,不会给人厚重的感觉。甜品布丁搭配冰激凌,很精致。🔹Fix price 148pp,环境10/10,口味8/10,服务8/10 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-04-17
647 瀏覽
Chifa specializes in a unique combination of Peruvian and Chinese cuisine. There was a migration of people from China to Peru hence the Chifas (Chinese-Peruvian restaurants), where chifa comes from the Chinese word 吃飯 which means having a meal or to eat rice.Dined here in February which is why some of the items can not be found on the current menu as it has changed.Chifa Ceviche:Salmon, octopus, avocado, spring and red onion, furikake, red long chili and tiger's milk.As expected, this dish was to my liking because I love anything that is tangy.Wantan & SalsaPeruvian Potato, carrot, English Peas, Toamto Chalaca, aji, paprika alioli) These wantans are no longer on the menu, but I liked the combination of potato and English peas.Each wantan was filled with silky tasty potato mash and complimented by the appetizing salsa sauce. Sadly they didn't have Peruvian donuts but they had my favourite RICE PUDDING!In the middle there was a sweet layer of strawberry sorbet topped with meringue foam and at the bottom layer was delicious and creamy rice pudding.Overall quite good but service was a bit pushy. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2019-03-19
641 瀏覽
My colleague and I just randomly walked into this restaurant for lunch as it wasn’t full. After we tasted their food, we can completely understand why it wasn’t full. The food of their lunch set tasted AWFUL and TERRIBLE especially the main courses. The only slightly better dish was the corn soup that we finished. However, for the appetiser (dumplings), the presentation was ok but the stuffing and the dipping sauce were all very strange and didn’t mix well with each other at all. The main courses were the MOST TERRIBLE among all. We already ordered something which should be safer choices (fried noodle and fried rice, see picture) but they turned out to be EXTREMELY SALTY!! Not only too salty, the overall taste and the selection of ingredients were all wrong and strange. At the end we just managed to eat 1/3 of the main courses. Then the dessert were also not good at all that we just had a few bite and then gave up.We told the waitress that the main courses were way too salty, then she told her manager, guess what, no one cared! Her manager simply ignored our comment and the waitress just came back to ask what dessert (included in the lunch set) that we wanted. They don’t care at all.At the end, we walked out from the restaurant with half empty stomach (but $148 per head) and light headed. We both felt very tired and a bit drowsy that made us believe MSG was definitely added in their terrible food.This is our first time and will be our last time to visit this terrible restaurant. Their chefs simply have no idea what they are cooking for customers to eat! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2019-02-24
842 瀏覽
在中環食午餐大多食中菜西餐 有時食得多也想要點新意 這次和同事一起來試試秘魯菜 來點異國風情它的lunch set每位$148 包餐湯 前菜 主菜 以及甜品或飲品!非常吸睛的小籠包! 外皮加入了紅菜頭汁 所以呈現漂亮的粉色 非常適合女孩子打卡 配上roasted vegetable cream 整個前菜配搭清新特別主菜選了和牛串燒 肉質鮮嫩 牛味香濃 上面淋上秘魯辣椒醬 個人覺得醬汁味道過濃 但串燒本身是好味的~食完前菜和主菜已經很飽 還有精美的飯後甜品 我們點了紅桑子雪芭伴糯米飯和檸檬雪芭撻 以lunchset的甜品而言 味道和份量都比預期好 是有誠意之作 其中紅桑子雪芭伴糯米飯有驚喜 酸甜的雪芭配上椰汁糯米飯味道對比強烈 卻又出奇相配!大家都知道在中環食午餐一定都不便宜 貴價的亦未必食得飽 但這個價錢在中環可以食到特別的秘魯菜式 有一定的水準和份量 亦可以食得非常飽肚 個人覺得划算 值得一試 繼續閱讀
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