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食評 (29)
等級3 2011-05-03
581 瀏覽
約了朋友去金鐘區午餐,上次試過有點港式的Olala有了陰影,還是揀一家正宗的比較好!Cine Citta環境和裝修十分優美,待應服務態度也很親切,第一印象良好!午餐選擇算豐富,今天選擇了:Roman Antipasto Bar但不是自助,更不是任食的。大概有8款前菜,每款給少份,味道不錯,令人開胃,更期待下一道主菜。Rigatoni with Sausage and Black Truffle “Norcina” ,Norcina就是意大利Umbria地方最著名的一款醬汁,用當地的香腸拆肉加入菌菇做成濃醬,Rigatoni是一種通心粉,比Penne和Ziti大一些,嚼勁更佳,配合Norcina是William和Kate的結合,郎才女貌!Baked Grouper with Ratatouille是友人點的,他大讚!待應說是龍脷,但看外貌魚肉身厚,像鱸魚和鱒魚類。Apple Crumble with Vanilla Ice-cream平平實實的一個甜品,偏甜,配合意大利咖啡,是甜對苦,冰對火的誘惑衝擊,非常意大利的那種大開大合個性。Fresh Berries with Cream and Kirsh就溫柔得多,沒有人會抗拒新鮮什莓的清甜,再加入奶油的軟滑,是一種婉麗的挑逗!總覺得吃哪國菜色也好,還是吃正宗的地道的比較” 穩陣” ! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-04-16
217 瀏覽
去年年尾聽人話 Cinecitta 換了個手勢不錯的廚師 Patricio, 年頭咁啱係附近做了點事, 經過這邊看過餐牌好像食得過就拍板走了入去試試. 有食友可能會質疑食個午餐, 是食不出真偽的. 其實這樣說也不無道理, 我都經常掛在口邊. 但如果基本功夫都做唔到的話, 晚上就好極都有限也是真的. 其實西餐算係好少少的了, 例如在來這之前剛剛食過的 Otto e Mezzo, Robuchon L'Atelier, 其實中午同晚上水準都幾接近. 日本菜就比較上大分別得多了!中午有的 Business Lunch Menu, 價錢不算貴但食足 3 Courses 也要 $308, 但看清楚原來其實不包甜品或咖啡茶 (+$58). 再加加埋, 其實會同以上兩星店一樣價錢, 唯獨水準就未別是那卡士回事.先來個 Bread Basket. 有三款, 其實不錯的. 不知有沒有發覺, 好多香港的意大利餐廳嘅麵包籃看落也很似, 但要真正食落去口才會知味道如何. 這裡的是 pass 的, 但離好食就還差了些距離. Washington Beef Carpaccio Cipriani. This was just a complete joke. The carpaccio weren't sliced on a machine but seemed like hand-beaten, as a nice gesture - but the beef were hammered so thin they stuck to the plate like it would too on your forehead! Picking it up with the fork or knife broke it into tiny beef flakes. Worst comes to worst, the beef was weak in flavour but this was drowned in Olive Oil. The parmesan cheese in contrast, were sliced way too thick to complement the beef. These small attention to details or lack of in an Italian Restaurant is often what make or break a restaurant's reputation! 3/10Saffron Spaghetti with Lobster, Citrus Sauce. This turned out very different to what I had in mind. The colour might be there, but there is no saffron fragrance at all (not even fake ones! I should have stolen 208's saffron ice cream and insert a scoop on here! ) Worse still, the so called citrus sauce turned out to be plain cream which tasted nothing but cream, no citrus, no shellfish essence, with very little lobster pieces nor taste. If I had wanted a creamy pasta of this quality, I could have gone to some HK Chef Italian restaurants or even Japanese fast food chains like Te Spaghetti and Saizeriya. This didn't taste bad, mind you, it just doesn't belong in a real deal Italian restaurant. At least the commercial pasta is al dente, same as Te ! 4/10Environment and Seating Arrangements is great here however, so is the attentive service! ***************************I was going to order the Supplementary Lunch Dessert + Coffee for $58, but it turned out to be just a tiny pyramidal shaped chocolate mousse. What's the point of ordering that? I'll rather go to 7-11 and buy a 鳳仙 or HD Crispy Sandwich and get more satisfaction out of it! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2011-01-16
165 瀏覽
Cine Citta used to be my canteen. I used to eat there almost every Friday night. For a reason I ignore, I had not been for a few years.Nothing's changed! The same Italian movies play while you eat so I can go there with the most boring date and you will still get some entertainment. The same great food ends up in your plate and stomach and the service has remained very kind and attentive, if not perfect.For appetizers, we picked the scallops, the artichoke soups, the baked artichokes, the mozzarella with grilled vegetables and the house appetizers (a mezze of cold cuts, cheese and vegetables). Everything was very good.For main, we had the risotto, the pici pasta and the baked gnocchi. The pici pasta was the best and my pick for my next meal there.For desert, we had the limoncello cake, the bellini dome with berries, the cheese plate and the tiramitsu. The bellini gets the prize.I think that my Italian grand-father would have approved and so do I. The food is simple, tasty, well cooked and gets to your table not too hot and not too cold (the goldilocks’ kind of cooking). For example, it is very difficult to make a good risotto: if it is too dry, it feels like Uncle Bens cooked it; if it is too wet, it becomes congee. Cine Citta’s risotto was exactly right and with a great taste of duck.In all, a great experience and a great address that has maintained great quality for 10 years. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2010-10-08
85 瀏覽
灣仔聖佛蘭士街、永豐街及星街一帶,盡是優質餐廳食肆,很想每間都吃勻,只可惜自搬了寫字樓後,已甚少有機會在這區午膳。是日難得要到灣仔辦事,立即約好朋友來個午餐。地點由她選,決定來到大家都有興趣的Cine Citta。餐廳環境不錯,有Fine Dining的感覺之餘,又不會很拘束。加之樓底夠高,加上陽光透過落地玻璃射進來,坐在這個地方用餐,很舒服。甫坐低,即被其餐巾吸引著,摺得實在美妙,對此餐廳的印象亦頓時加分。翻開餐牌瞄一瞄,Lunch Set有兩道菜及三道菜選擇,價錢當然不同,但都是百幾蚊,收費相當克己。麵包籃內的三款麵包,只試了兩款,當中較為欣賞Grissini,是又香又脆,即使胃納十分有限的我,也食了兩條。商議後,吃什麼也有了共識,可以點菜。頭盤的Green Salad,不論份量和賣相都比較平凡,幸而,兩片蕃茄都是鮮甜多汁,青豆角爽脆,配合清新的生洋蔥,尚算合格的小食。另一頭盤是我選的Beef Carpaccio,牛肉切得夠薄,吃起來口感軟熟,不會過份的凍,配以份量剛好的橄欖油,很不錯。當然,配上大量我喜歡的火箭菜以及芝士,也是加分點。主菜方面,見意大利雲吞是Homemade,才苛打來試。正如有食友所講,成個餅印咁。外皮尚且煙韌,但餡料完全唔好食,還好醬汁做得夠醒胃,我才勉強吞得下三隻。相比之下,我更喜歡燒大蝦,一上檯見其色澤和賣相已知對辦。蝦夠大隻,燒得香口,蝦肉彈牙爽口,味鮮,蝦頭部份更加多羔,甘香好吃。只恨得三隻大蝦,吃罷還是意猶未盡。跟餐只有兩款甜品選擇,肯定要晒。Tiramisu質地濕潤,帶咖啡的香,以及點點的甜酒味道,吃落層次感豐富,很是美味。這是我近期吃過較為出色的意大利芝士餅之一。Tiramisu出色,但另一款甜品Lemon & Mascarpone Mousses也毫不輸蝕。質感是軟滑,檸檬跟乳酪的酸味又是意想不到的合拍,絕對係清新又醒胃的一道甜品,我仍想Encore呢!套餐就此完畢,但我們還未夠喉,仍想吃心太軟,另外再點也沒有問題。Bownie其實幾大件的,朱古力味亦算濃郁,但最失敗的地方就係唔夠流心,朱古力漿緩緩的流出,又怎樣滿足得了我等甜魔呢? 再者,雪糕又細球又不好味,比預期中差。吃得很飽,當然如果午餐能包飲品會更理想。最後,希望對方過了十月之後,仍然可以有時間大家出來Lunch,咁就好了!更多相片可見:http://fabricelau.blogspot.com/2010/10/cine-citta.html 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2010-02-19
52 瀏覽
點了bigoli with duck ragout & porcini,賣相和色澤均十分討好。牛肝菌吃落很香濃,而意粉不像平日吃的軟身,反而煮得較「煙靱」,增加了嚼感。另外點了rack of lamb,羊架份量不少,有數支骨。羊肉經香草及黑胡椒粒等香料醃過,吃落十分香。羊架控制在五成熟,肉質非常嫩滑,咬落肉汁充足鮮味,屬水準之作。甜品要了Tiramisu,份量不多,但味道取勝。這裡的可可粉較日常吃到的香濃,而手指餅也增加了整件Tiramisu的質感,吃完一件也不會覺得膩滯。在星街小區想吃西餐的話cinecittà也算不錯的選擇。 繼續閱讀
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