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食評 (6)
等級3 2014-11-18
396 瀏覽
I ordered a custom salad with baby spinach, black beans, dried tomato, antichoke and blue cheese in blueberry promegate vinegar. Lots of green leaves are offered, I appreciate that! The blue cheese added a savoury flavor to the salad and I strongly recommend it. The blueberry vinegar carries a fruity taste on top of the sour taste and it is special. The salad has a large portion and I am completely full after having it! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2014-09-29
359 瀏覽
未婚時,男朋友在ifc工作,下班後我會找他吃晚飯。老嚷著要減肥的我,想不到吃什麼,就會去吃Dressed Salad,雖然貴但係好過肥。如今結婚了,不用出去找他吃晚飯,便很久沒有吃過Dressed。今日到金鐘工作,正愁要吃什麼,就想到不如吃Dressed吧。一看餐牌,都是記憶中的餐牌,也是差不多的chef designed salad,但價錢已跳升了很多。記得五年前大概是70-80一客,今日點了The Club,竟要$99!the club ($99)。ham, roasted turkey, crumbled egg, bacon, cucumbers, tomatoes, swiss cheese and mesclun mix with russian dressingDressed有什麼惜食行動,以前會付送的兩片包,如今為減浪費,客人要求才有。我記得以前的包是幾好味的,但一咬下去……難道是我記錯?好難食。但包是自己要加的,為保惜食,我勉強吞了。沙律就仍保持水準,真的好味。所有食材都配搭得恰度好處。有火腿、火雞,有肉有菜便會夠飽。汁不會太多,吃到底也不會很多水很多汁剩。沙律汁很開胃。份量也夠大(女生來說),我本來是趕時間的,打算快快吃完便走,但發現「食極都有」,而且生的菜要慢慢咀嚼,更拉長了吃的時間。重拾那些年的拍拖味道,可惜價錢太貴,令人卻步了。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-11-11
173 瀏覽
金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場三期B3樓3號舖combo set $57SOUP + DRINK + 半份PANINIlemonade太酸,見到真的檸檬果肉,不是人工果汁就算啦。Panini 半份Turkey chadder 車打芝士火雞肉panini有生菜及蘋果片, 簡單最搶就是那芝士味用機加熱所以有烘紋,芝士半熔化。湯是pansy,太淡,喝入口像在喝豆湯  繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-07-24
88 瀏覽
就是如此自相矛盾:週末過度大魚大肉,到了星期一,一方面希望吃清一點、素一點,所以吃沙律,另一方面又恐味道太淡太寡。終於選了這個 5 Stars 沙律。雖說一眼看去八、九成都是青菜,然而拌了藍芝士汁,反而味道甚是濃郁,當中還有幾塊藍芝士,所以外表貌似清淡,內裏其實惹味非常。還混了少量牛扒切粒,於是多多菜之中有少少肉,不用擔心單單吃菜沒有氣力(提倡素食者對在下這說法當然可能大有異議)。牛扒粒雖是配菜,但質素不錯,比下有餘,不會太韌,也沒有太多脂肪。青菜很所謂「頂肚」,平日四、五點鐘就已經稍稍肚餓,這天到了七時許仍未見飢餓感覺。近HKD 70的價錢乍看稍嫌貴,但算是有所值。 繼續閱讀
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Getting “Dressed” with a Raspberyy cheese Cake Smoothie.Last time I tried the avocado smoothie, now the Raspberry cheesecake smoothie.Again, the sweetness of their smoothies are worth commending, they are just right, not too sweet and you can still taste the tartness of the yoghurt.The Raspberry cheese cake smoothie however didnt surprise me as much as the Avocado, the taste reminded me of the Raspberry Petit Filous by Yoplait.The cream cheese was however surprisingly prominent in the drink, it was creamy, and slightly savoury, so its a bit like the Petit Filous with a slight savoury taste.The cream cheese reminded me of Philadelphia spread!Mint Avocado Smoothiehttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2155207 繼續閱讀
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