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食評 (33)
等級2 2017-01-28
860 瀏覽
The most irresistible chocolate ice cream 😈🔸💁🏻($68)Godiva Duette🍦, Raspberry Ganache Fondant topped with rich and tasty dark chocolate soft serve🔸This is definitely one of my favorite ice cream in town💖 , the hot raspberry ganache fondant match perfectly with the dark chocolate soft serve, loving the hot and cold sensation 😋👍🏻 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2016-10-05
470 瀏覽
早排用信用卡優惠拎了張免費雪糕券,於九月底前到期。那天剛剛經過銅鑼灣時代廣場,便急急落basement換杯雪糕嘆下。軟雪糕比較細杯,但朱古力就很滑,還有一片Godiva的黑朱古力插在軟雪糕上,看來很高級。比較欣賞是那個雪糕筒,真是脆到不得了,第一次食到這麼脆的筒。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2016-08-29
379 瀏覽
天氣咁熱最好係食雪糕,突然諗起時代樓下有Godiva,原本諗住食佢地既兩溝雪糕雲呢拿和朱古力,點知去到話得黑朱古力平時唔係好食黑朱古力的我以為會好苦,不過食咗一啖一D都唔苦,仲幾好食添朱古力味好濃又滑,岩哂喜歡食濃味朱古力的朋友,雪糕仲加咗一塊朱古力,呢塊朱古力對我黎講真係苦啦 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2016-08-11
337 瀏覽
平時一向都吾捨得去食甘貴既雪糕 今次因為佢地做緊promotion 有得換領 所以先會去食一次 原來而加一杯甘既雪糕要50蚊 但系真系好重朱古力味 好濃厚 吾會話好淡 而加吾會話好稀 而且個黑朱古力都幾濃不過如果要我再去比錢去食我就會考慮下 因為真系吾系平 對於我地呢d平民百姓 都系平平地 解下渴就算了! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Godiva was doing a promotion when you buy their limited edition white chocolate soft serve with raspberry and rose sprinkles, you get another soft serve of any othe flavor for free. You had to option of using your free second cone immediately or a few days later.Not bad, I think? Considering the soft serve is $50 so for buy one get one free, it only came out to $25.This is the white chocolate soft serve with raspberry and rose sprinkles. There was also a drizzle of raspberry syrup. The cone was trimmed with raspberry sprinkles. Tastewise, I wasn't too fond of it. It was ok but it tasted more like vanilla ice cream than chocolate. The sprinkles were a bit tart which I didn't mind. The cone was crunchy and quite good. I liked the trim with the sprinkles on it. 繼續閱讀
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