第一次來,老公要和朋友傾野,又未食飯,所以隨便找個地方用餐。首先,本人並無open rice account, 試過這間bar之後,即刻開番個表達不滿。第一,價錢,在銅鑼灣此地區,我並不要求找到便宜的酒吧。$70 一杯熱檸蜜,$60一杯可樂,$108蕃茄直通粉,$148 Carbonara, set 價完全ok, 可接受,雖然可樂比酒店仲貴。可樂,我估有250ml 到,係上下小,中間較肥既杯,我老公飲左3淡,無左。ok, it is still ok.檸蜜,這個真有點過份,倒三角的厚身玻璃杯,杯頂既圓直俓約6cm, 深度不到10cm, 整體約有100ml, 份量少,未包括內裡的4衶lemon. 要$70。等左20分鐘係,Carbonara, 首先後3色的長通粉,再加小小磨菇,用心找才有的bacon,味道非常一般,有自家製的感覺,老公與我各分兩小碟,每人4啖無晒。最離譜的是直通粉,圓形碟,直俓約17cm, 嗰層直通粉鋪滿了個底,無錯,平面地鋪滿左個底,只係得個底,係上面放少少芝士焗出來。$108。真的很離譜!
港鐵銅鑼灣站 A 出口, 步行約5分鐘
17:00 - 03:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (6)
I do not know why this comment was not allowed to be published. All I know is that numerous published reports concern how bad was a particular place, which was so bad that the authors left without patronising the place and thus the reports containing nothing about food. Certainly, I respect authority of this forum in allowing or disallowing someone to write something.Went there to have a drink after dinner with a friend whom I have not met for more than 20 years together with 2 other friends. We chosed this place but it turned out to be a bad choice. Apart from a friend who needed to drive and ordered 2 glasses of virgin colada during our 3 hours stay, all of us ordered Guinness Stout, a total of 7 bottles. As Guinness is bottled drink, they all taste the same and I have no comment. I am not interested to taste my friend's virgin colada.Guess how much we ended up to pay? $660!!! It is more expensive than Dickens in Excelsior!!!Patrons in the bar keep smoking cigarettes.Will never come to this place again.
環境清靜...音樂不錯. 服務一流, 無論老闆David還是新來的同事, 他們都會跟客人有interactive, 會主動給予suggestions. 而食物簡直是英國及意大利的水準!! 麵質很好, 汁料又不會太水或不入味!除了Lunch, 放工後, 不是會跟朋友及同事去HAPPY HOUR, 很喜歡TAKE ORDER時, 他們會討論那一隻可以一試.不過上星期三去食LUNCH, 發現PASTA的份量變少了... 不夠吃呀!!
去golden gate多數都係happy hour多因為一至四飲品買一送一.主打老闆eric的cocktail.你想飲d咩都可以唔會就死menu上的限制.eric好好人架又幾靚仔~似華仔架~6 May 2007因為老闆eric唔係度我地就試左eric媽媽親手制的焗千層面.表面的cheese焗到香香脆脆,醬料好rich,面又好有口感.唔會好似其他餐廳d面會好爛.好食過意粉屋架~同埋eric媽媽整的cheese cake都好好食唔好太甜同埋食得出係用上乘的材料去整!冇得彈呀~聽講lunch都係38蚊唔加一,下次要搵日試下先~~