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食評 (17)
又是一個星期六的午餐, 同太座去會展睇展覽, 即時想起這Greece fast food 小店, 其實上次見有個印度人收銀/巴籍廚師,已經感覺不對勁了, 這次更可以肯定這店易手了, 因為同樣是印巴聯手! 小食類加了點價錢, 其他的價錢不變, 食物同以前的相差甚遠矣!*Pita Chicken $58 雞肉卷, 雞肉少, 只是用薯條充大佢,本身這飽就是有夾薯條洋蔥蕃茄等蔬菜, 但沒用這麼多, 雞肉只是普通一點的雪雞肉, 以前亦是雪藏貨色但醃肉的味道調節得較好, 肉內還有點juicy添, 薯條加外面個飽點都會令人感覺飽肚一點但如果渴望食多一點肉的話,Sorry囉, 印度人一般是少肉多薯菜的!*Grilled Pancetta $48 意大利飽被演譯成”嘉頓”麵飽! 其實”嘉頓”都有好多飽可以選擇, 只不過這老板可能唔太清楚PANCETTA是怎樣的飽?都唔定! 同PITA一樣是一個少肉多菜的飽, 再多一點洋蔥/蕃茄片, 但Sauce不夠多, 肉又比較上乾, 勉強只能說這是一個Grilled Hot Dog!*Tzatziki Sauce $32 這醬跟上次一樣有四片飽飽送, 由於是入番來的貨味道同以前的沒有什麼差別!Drink $6 跟餐加6蚊就可以有一杯飲品我們要了杯香草茶, 反而杯茶有點感到意外,因為是”紫色”的, 淡淡的香草味, 十分順喉! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-10-22
504 瀏覽
souvlaki-pita $58spanich pie $38french fries $32(好食指數:6/10)2013-10-15香港比較少有希臘快餐,灣景中心就有一間。原先好好奇,究竟希臘餐係咩味架呢?叫左個wrap,係pita bread夾住雞肉串燒,沾左sour cream,味道係唔錯的。spanich pie好大份,薯條腍左d。最大既扣分位係食物唔夠熱,好似只係烘熱左拎返出黎! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Came here today for lunch with my cousin since she works nearby.    We walked up to look at the menu, then the owner I think gave us a menu to look at and started recommending dishes to us. He was nice but a little forceful. He almost decided for us that we were gonna have a chicken pita set and a pork pita set when I said no. Then, he recommended the Greek salad and almost ordered that for us. Omg   I asked him if the sets came with fries and he said that only certain ones did . Knowing that, we ended up ordering one chicken pita lunch set with fries and one pork pita set with tzatziki because we didn't want 2 order of fries.Environment:This place is outdoor, but there was a nice breeze so it didn't feel hot sitting there at all.  It was quite busy so we went to the only table that wasn't taken. The table was clean and I was glad that there weren't birds hanging out anywhere near the tables. Taste:The sets ($78) both came with your choice of a drink. Both of us chose this Greek lemon Tea. It was a little sweet but really refreshing especially eating food with so many spices. First up ,was the tzatziki and chicken pita. The tzatziki was thick but we got a little spoon so that we could spoon it on to the pita pieces that came along with it. It tasted fabulous, or maybe because anything with garlic is good.  I thought it was interesting that the pita wraps had fries in them because the ones I had before didn't. I liked the texture that it gave the pitas, but sometimes all I could taste in a bite was the potatoes. The pita was very fresh and yummy, but parts of he pita wrap got quite hard and it became very hard to chew. The fries had feta cheese crumbled on top and went perfectly with the fries. We also tried putting some tzatziki on the fries and they tased even better.  The Fries weren't greasy and the portion was quite big so I'd recommend sharing them with someone. The last to be tried was the pork pita. It tasted just like the chicken pita as they had the same ingredients. Although the pork was a bit tough, both of us agreed that the pork tasted better than the chicken.Final verdict:It was a really filling and delicious lunch for $78 each. I would go back again. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2013-08-19
180 瀏覽
差唔多9點鐘...人在灣仔.......見食評唔錯就去左食希臘快餐~~~我地去到時其實得番一枱客(原來係老闆ge朋友仔)咁就問下仲做唔做生意..老闆就同我地講做埋啦~~~黎之前都做左D research 食咩啦~~~但因為佢就黎收舖有D野賣晒.........spinach pie arrrr T____T"""最後都問左老闆有咩推介~~以下就係佢推介啦~fries (9/10)新鮮熱辣.......仲要係粗ge!! 正呀!!!調味料好多時都係salt...但佢用左cheese.....鹹香味十足~風味一流~~當然仲有其他野食更好食啦~~~Tratziki Sauce (10/10)10分! 幾塊ge 希臘包包加埋個青瓜yogurt sauce...好fresh ar! 但又飽肚wo~~~佢D sauce 絕不欺場~~每一塊包都可以搽到滿滿的~Yum yum yum  Souvlaki-pita (10/10)我覺得好好食~~味道好夠~~有D cream cheese/yogurt cream 係入面~~~唔會有"漏" ge feel~~同埋佢好大份ga........食左一邊已經飽左1大半....值得推介!希臘beer (8/10)冰凍beer~~ 正也!佢比平時飲ge light (但未至於似Blxx Ixx)但唔可以放係室溫咁耐~~苦味會出番黎ga~~Overall...值得再去! 不過座位唔算太多~~~老闆同店員都只係識英文ga ja 不過老闆好nice~~~ 感覺好親切~~~希望佢keep 住~~等大家都試到希臘小吃  繼續閱讀
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等級2 2013-04-01
172 瀏覽
香港的希臘菜餐廳真的不多,所以除了希臘沙律和乳酪外,自己對希臘菜的認識真的很少。知道Brim 28有家希臘菜餐廳,所賣的都是些自己很喜歡的輕食,如Burgers, Sandwiches, Pies, Salad等,更多的是一些希臘常見的美食Souvlaki-Pita,Souvlaki-Kalamaki,是自己沒有嘗過的,所以便過來吃一頓希臘風味餐。既然來了就點沒有嘗過的Chicken Souvlaki-Pita,捨棄自己很愛的Burger,跟店主要求要多一點蔬菜,他果然很慷慨地包了很多蔬菜給我,讓整件Souvlaki-Pita變得很紥實,材料超多。蔬菜很鮮甜多汁,又有雞肉、薯條、蕃茄、洋蔥,每一口都能吃到滿滿的材料,超級滿足。烤過的雞肉雖然有點乾,但是燒烤的味道愈嚼愈香。Pita也是微微烤過的,有一點厚度,散發淡淡的麥香,個人很愛。而且整件Souvlaki-Pita的份量比我想像中要大,胃口小的人吃一份就會飽了。另外也點了一件Greek Spinach Pie,份量雖然看起來比Chicken Souvlaki-Pita小,但菠菜的份量很慷慨,每一口都是滿滿的菠菜蓉,而這些菠菜蓉不是爛爛的,而是還帶有一點纖維、一點口感的感覺,讓人吃得很滿足。而且因為是點餐以後才加熱的,因此吃的時候幾乎是盪口的,Pie不是厚厚的那種,而是千層酥皮,吃的時候很酥脆,牛油味很香,真的是一件很不錯的Spinach Pie。這家希臘菜正不正宗我不知道,但可以肯定的是食物質素很不錯,份量慷慨,選擇又不少。如果在香港想找點有特色的食物,又吃膩了其他歐洲菜,不妨嘗嘗這家。 繼續閱讀
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