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Tiramisu 千層麵 Zampone
食評 (43)
等級3 2012-11-10
505 瀏覽
This shop is combined of a bistro upstairs and small store at ground floor and 1st floor, selling Italian culinary ingredients, cheese, coldcuts, sauces, etc. The cold cuts and cheese at the showcase look so attractive. There are various kinds of hams and salami, which are priced reasonably.We went there for dinner, and were seated on the 2nd floor, as the st floor was already full. The interior design is just like a kitchen bistro, not very fancy nor grand, but quite cozy and quiet.We ordered a coldcut platter as appetizer, quite a satisfying portion!! You know, in many other bistros, the pieces would usually be placed loosely on a big plate, just to look big. But the coldcut here are placed packedly on the small sized board. There are more pieces than it looks! Salmon salad and bean salad are soso. A little bit dry without any dressing.Ordered a Cannelloni and a Sole filet. Not very stunning but acceptable. The sause on Cannelloni is pretty good.The drinks here are all at reasonable prices. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2012-11-09
189 瀏覽
Organising a picnic for "Symphony under the Stars" this evening.Always like to wine & dine or takeaway at il bel paese in DB, thought it will be a similar experience in Wan Chai. Afraid not!Walked into the shop, first thing I hear was from one of the staff stopping 2 possible patrons from going upstairs to the dining area, in an "interrogating tone" asking them if they have ordered their meals before going up. Subsequently in a not too friendly tone saying, this is the "process" of this restaurant. Not too hospitable if you asked me. Was going to get some cold cuts, some olives and some salad; went to salad section to get some mixed leaves salad pack and some cherry tomatoes. In DB, there are loose veg section where you get your mushroom or veg and weigh at the cashier. No no no, not here, when the cashier saw me hold a bunch of vine tomatoes, she raised her voice and told me off : "There are packed ones in the fridge, the ones you're holding are our "stocks"".Ummmm, I thought what is the point to spend in such a shop when you can get as nice produces from "Great" not too far away from this location.Well, bye bye il Bel Paese, so long, never again! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2012-09-30
161 瀏覽
跟某友晚飯去,那陣子大家都家貧 ,選了在公司附近的這家賣意大利貨的雜貨店,店佔了地下至二樓,是晚先訂了座,於是就坐在二樓去。下餐後先點了餐飲,我要了罐血橙味梳打,味道沒想像中的酸,有少許西柚的影子,喝下口相當醒胃;某友要了 earl grey,沒試,但聽說香味還不錯。點餐後送來麵包,雖然沒預熱,卻還很好吃,外皮有點硬,但入面卻質感鬆軟,一絲絲的撕來吃,不消一會就幹掉。簡單的要了個 caesar salad with grilled chicken,雞胸是整晚的最大死位,肉質相當乾硬,烤得也不夠香,也許我來做還會更好 (這就很能反映這幾塊雞胸的質素了吧),其他材料的味道正常,生菜也算爽脆,dressing 也做得厚身,帶些微鹹香,麵包粒反有點硬,也許是已擱了一段時間。這裏的 Speghetti Carbonara 好好吃,sauce 不是一般下了很多 cream 的一類,反倒是簡單的用蛋黃來做,入口蛋味香濃,而且沒一般的膩,是 J 小姐兩三年前給我們弄過的那款,意粉 al dente 是意料之中,簡單的伴上 bacon & onion 已經是好吃得不得了,推介!來了一客 homemade meatballs with tomato sauce,牛肉 + 豬肉的混合體,這裏的牛肉混得多一點,所以入口感覺肉質有點粗鞋,但這菜的分量相當大,一客四顆肉丸,好不容易才吃得完,tomato sauce 不太濃味,但鄙人更喜歡這種相對清新 & natural 的茄汁味,邊聊邊吃著汁,最後差不多把整個蕃茄汁喝光光 (!)。怕吃不飽 (...),於是又多要了一客 roasted potatoes with rosemary 作 side dish,薯仔簡單的連皮切開,下了香草焗,讓單調的薯仔味道豐富起來,這裏用的薯仔薯味不算濃,質感偏向軟糯多一點。甜品時間,要了一份 lemon tiramisu,試了少許,mascarpone cheese 打得細滑,檸檬味清香,甜品表面還灑了少許檸檬皮,味道不太甜,跟檸檬味道也很配合。另外一件嘛,是一開始完全不知是甚麼的 Torta della Nonna,這個 grandma's cake 原來是甜身的 ricotta cheese pie,批皮中間的餡料,入口有點像吉士醬,而且也混了檸檬汁,所以吃起來沒想像中的膩;Pastry 是帶蛋糕質感,少許厚身,而且吃起來也有點鬆軟,和餡料加起來也真的是不錯吃。很家常風的一家意大利餐館,餐桌旁邊就是一列列賣雜貨的陳列架,看上去非常吸引。侍應服務非常好,值得一提的是這裏約 8:45pm 便 last order,買單約 $350,不算太貴,也可以再來! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
這裡的意大利雜貨店(堅道分店) 去過幾次, 行過總會想入去逛下, 儘管買野嘅機會不大, 卒之某天12/ Sep 經過灣仔店, 午餐後嘅心血來潮, 入來試一個Coffee & Dessert , 要了一個細嘅TIRAMISU CUP – 份量不大剛好配一杯Regular咖啡,Macarpone cream cheese味道清淡沒有太甜, 但按忌廉芝士的味道/杰度似乎沒有加入蛋黃/打發忌廉之類的東西, 浸咗酒嘅手指餅都相當入味但又未致水份過多, 咖啡則是相當傳統嘅香濃意式咖啡, 其實最近半年在很多餐廳無論是比較高檔次的又或者酒店/街頭巷尾西餐廳,好多時埋尾那杯咖啡很不是味兒, 不是淡如水就是不對勁, 唔通真的要俾錢去買一杯咖啡才可以有一杯似樣的咖啡?跟餐的只能飲咖啡水? 說回這裡嘅咖啡香醇濃厚形容晒, 睇嚟這裡可能係自已另一個下午茶新蒲點嘅不二之選 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2012-08-12
82 瀏覽
我們二人點了千層麵和煙肉蛋汁意粉, 這個carbonara 是没有白汁而是配蛋汁, 味道和一般不同. 煙肉蛋汁意粉 carbonara ($6x)- 蛋汁沾滿每一條意粉, 每一口都會有很香的蛋味. 而又完全不會覺得味道太膩.- 意粉的質感較為硬身, 而不是普遍偏軟的煮法. 很有咬勁千層麵 lasagna ($6x)- 番茄味道很鮮甜- 芝士味道香而不膩- 麵和芝士和肉的層次分明, 不像平常吃到的那種模糊口感兩個意粉的味道都非常出色主菜過後, 便是甜品的時間.blueberry cheesecake ($46)- 味道很像cheese yogurt 加上濃厚的blueberry 味道. - 餅乾碎餅底tiramisu ($30 small size)- 味道不濃, 不過喜歡清淡的朋友絕對要一試. 兩個甜品都是很值得一試的餐飲我們分別點了cappucino ($30) 和blood orange soda ($14). 也是值得一試的. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)