港鐵金鐘站 F 出口, 步行約5分鐘
09:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 19:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Kafema位於灣仔同金鐘既交界,店內有林林總總既咖啡用品同咖啡豆放哂出尼,完全係coffee lover既天地佢地有一部Conical triple grinder,簡單尼講就係將三個細既磨豆機痴埋做一個,很有趣不過真係非常嘈,嘈到連講野都聽唔到。咖啡機佢地用左expobar tailor made 既 雙頭機,紅當當好搶眼。來自俄國既精品咖啡,30幾種豆全部都由俄羅斯總店直送香港。設備齊全既佢地當然亦都有唔同既沖煮方法比顧客選擇,包括Syphon, chemex hand drip 等。比較特別就係佢地有一種手沖加冰既做法,形造出一種特別既涼咖啡。同冰滴唔同既就係佢唔會太過濃同時亦都濃度亦都容易控制,因為冰滴既sip取時候較長,所以通常沖出尼都會好濃同時間好長。今次飲左自家烘焙既Grade pro Americano 25$這隻特別既非洲豆blend,尼到既時候有一種nutty 香氣入口有一陣咖啡苦甘味,後續較清,有淡淡的果酸個aftertaste 方面都算幾好,甘味既感覺亦都好有持久性。之後咖啡師介紹左佢地招牌手沖冰咖啡$70 Tenzonia 聞落既草藥,以為好苦啦。但係飲落好清新,酸味只係輕輕地入口既時候閃過,之後就轉化成為甜味飲耐左之後就雖然無一開始咁滑,但係咖啡豆本身既味道就慢慢出返尼,開始係有點果酸,回甘就有點honey 既味出返尼。再放耐d既又唔同既有變化,真係一個好有趣既體驗。咖啡師話同手沖既唔同就係需要係咖啡既濃度做d手腳,令咖啡唔會因為落左d冰度而變淡。33蚊就已有3款唔同口味既latte品嚐,仲包括左巴西santos 同越南等既單品咖啡豆。絕對超值!仲有二種out of menu 既咖啡,係Colombia同Rwanda 既cup of excellence 賣成990$/kg 手沖要85$(起碼平過收上百一杯既普通單品),雖然今次未有機會試,但係相信唔會差。
We have been meaning to try the coffee at Kafema for a while, as they have a great selection of coffee beans for sale (including actual mocha beans from Yemen - very rare and expensive).We ordered a flat white and latte. They were OK, but they each had a problem. The flat white was a little bitter, whereas the latte was weak. It wasn't terrible, but for a shop that sells great beans, they need to deliver a better cup. The coffee is their chance to make a bigger sale and move some beans. I would buy beans there, but I doubt I would get a coffee there.
早在上年12月,我經過灣仔軒尼詩道,發現有間紅色招牌的咖啡店 <Kafema>! 見到櫥窗陳列咖啡用具,店子看起來都幾闊落; 當時,我走入去看過究竟! 供應來自俄羅斯的咖啡豆、茶,全港只此一家! 另有售咖啡機、咖啡杯及咖啡用具...等。一應俱全! 這裡彌漫陣陣咖啡香! 木圓桌配上舒適的椅子,加上空間感充裕!給人一室悠閒的感覺! 可盡情享受咖啡的樂趣! 就算我首次到訪而沒有幫襯,店員亦提供專業意見!讓我好像上了一課! 店員會因應食客的個人口味,而調配適合食客口味的咖啡!值得一讚! 在 3、4月期間幫襯了 3 次,每次嚐試不同的飲品,配上不同的小甜點,不一樣的體驗! 店內印有自家品牌的咖啡機,是西班牙製造!外型獨特、紅色很突出! 完全迎合店子風格!店方每日供應 3 款不同味道及濃度的咖啡給食客選擇!讓食客選出心水口味咖啡!更稱心滿意! 當日供應 3 款分別是:濃度較高、濃度較淡及味道帶甜的咖啡豆! 價錢方面,咖啡 $25 ~ $65、茶 $25 ~ $40、熱朱古力 $37 下午茶時間!Cafe Latte & Orange Flowers BiscuitsCafe Latte $33當我向女店員要求味道帶甜的咖啡豆,隨即她補說一句,店方的 Latte 會加多奶! 我不以為已!飲落才發覺應選擇味道較為濃郁的咖啡豆。有此經驗之後,下次我會審慎選擇! 以透明玻璃杯送上,表面有花朵形拉花,有別於一般見到最基本的心形的拉花! 令人賞心悅目!淺啡色的咖啡!一看便知不合我意!相信口味較淡!有咖啡香,咖啡較為多奶,相對咖啡味不夠而單薄! 幸好!奶泡的細滑及綿密程度也相當理想!喝來質感細膩又順喉! 最後留下只有微弱的回甘!店方只提供白糖及咖啡糖,並沒有代糖之類。 來自法國的小甜點,伴咖啡一流! Orange Flowers Biscuits $20一包有 3 塊,富牛油味及牛油香!表面舖滿果仁片,鬆脆度提升! 甜度剛好!輕帶橙花香!口味怡人! 茶 ~ 以 100克售賣,黑茶及綠茶為主,還有果茶。$360 ~ $600/100克$25 / $32 / $40 @杯 (視乎原價而定)Pina Colada & Pistachio coconut Pina Colada $25 (Hisbiscus, slices of apple, pineapple & coconut oil 混合而成!) 據店員所知,引用了香檳的名字! 打開樽蓋,即傳來椰子香氣!真是誘人! 當時,我已被那股椰香吸引住了! 以茶壺及高水溫即時泡, 沖泡 4分鐘,茶色粉紅色很迷人! 熱水令其香氣發揮得淋漓盡致!散發果酸及椰香!表面帶有一點點的椰油! 入口微酸!我覺得不論冬天飲抑或夏天飲同樣適合!冬天飲可暖胃!夏天飲夠醒胃! 味道還要比花茶更突出!另一款果茶 Vitimin (apple, pineapple....)嗅起來充滿果酸,相對酸度較高!很提神醒胃! Pistachio coconut macarons $20這款法式小甜點!充滿椰香的香甜!看起來好像曲奇餅,食起來卻是滿口椰絲、富有嚼勁!內外兼備!令我想到港式椰撻的味道! Hot Chocolate & Coffee Bean ChocolateHot Chocolate $37我問女店員 Hot Chocolate 及 Cocoa 的分別,前者是以茶匙舀來食!而後者則是以朱古力粉混合牛奶而成!Hot Chocolate 只有半杯!質感杰達達!以茶匙舀來食! 口感特別!滿載濃郁的朱古力香氣及味道!不算很甜,甜度適中! 不妨一試!Coffee Bean Chocolate $20以朱古力包住原粒咖啡豆,一咬開!咖啡豆入口硬脆!甘味濃郁! 口腔回甘好一會兒!如果,工作太忙而累到「釣魚」!的確有提一提神之效!本人親身試過! 這裡的飲品選擇繁多! 有機會再幫襯的話,要嚐試其他飲品!
Read from magazine that this is a specialty chain coffee shop from russia. And so I kind of have high expectation to see what russian's coffee is like.Before I entered the shop, i was deeply attracted by all those coffee assessories displayed near the window. This shop also roasted their coffee beans. But by looking at the volume of the bags they displayed, I wondered if they are just like normal US chain coffee shops where freshness of beans is not in top priority.I ordered a latte for take away as I was in rush for a meeting. When I placed my order, the barista told me that their latte was in more in a milky flavor. In other words, their coffee is not strong enough??I didn't watched how the barista prepared my latte as I need to head to a washroom and by the time I came out, my latte was already waiting for me. On my way out, I was curious to see how the milk texture was like and so I opened up the lid. To my surprise, the latte was prepared in a similar way as Caffe Kenon in which the milk was first poured in the cup followed by my espresso. I was in deep disappointment that there was no latte art which could at least stood out from those normal chain coffee shop in hong kong.In regards of its flavor, as the barista has said previously, the coffee tasted just like milk. Coffee is so weak that it you cannot tell you were drinking of a coffee. After taste is weak and aroma simply does not even exist!
I was surprised to learn that this coffee joint is Russian because most coffees are from elsewhere.As I don't drink coffee, I tried the Hot chocolate and tea.They have quite a few tea blends which people are welcome to smell and each blend is clearly labelled with what is in it.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★hot chocolate:Video of the thick hot chocolate:Compared to the one at mymy caffe, this one had a stronger cocao taste and it was much sweeter.The temperature of it was quite hot too.They also have nice thick hot chocolates at Cafe Pascucci too.(but I hate the location)http://www.openrice.com/english/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=1976171★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Chocolate coated coffee beans:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Price: $3XService: OKService charge: noYummy factor: okSweetness levels: quite sweetNapkins provided: yesNoise levels: NoneGlass of water provided: yesEnglish Menu: YesAir Conditioning: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎