La Famille is patently a shop that masters palatable chiffon cakes for non-heavy tasters. their sizable minis have me craved since maxim + arome's ban and finally, i got the chance to try their seasonal specials as well as the most favoured ones of all times.
first up with my favourite amongst all. pistachio. subtle pistachio crumbs with few strawberries stuck on top and some light, airy, milky cream composite this elegant veridescent buoyant cake. inside is some fluffy milky cream which is surprisingly not heavy. i can ensure you that you defo won't get sugared out 🤘🏻
second is the japanese peach. apart from the basics, this has some glacéed peaches on top. faint fragrance of peach molds this into 優雅な fairy-like Aurora.
panna cotta, pumpkin and black sugar mont blanc are all great flavours as well. panna cotta has a light scent of vanilla which i adore; the pumpkin one has a great mix of chocolate and pumpkin chiffon, which gives bittersweet to counteract with the cream, pumpkin paste is not sweet but quite toothsome; black sugar mont blanc has a bigg portion of chestnut paste, not sugary at all.
if you are looking for some light, small birthday cakes, La Famille will definitely be your go-to. these small chiffon cakes of $50~$70 are best served for 1-2 people and i haVe to repeattt they're really really light cakes compared to any other cake shops. and their chiffon cakes are airy, light and fluffy, such dainties!
香濃開心果 Pistachio $65
日本白桃 Japanese Peach (seasonal special) $60
意式香草奶凍 Panna Cotta (seasonal special) $54
沖繩黑糖栗子蒙布朗 Okinawa Black Sugar Mont Blanc $54
北海道南瓜可可 Pumpkin $60