港鐵寶琳站 A2 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 22:00
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食評 (4)
等級4 2013-09-26
612 瀏覽
其實...由頭到尾我都冇諗過會幫襯這間cake shop,當佢新開張時,確實見倒佢既簡約裝修及OK精緻既蛋糕幾吸引人,但見個價錢平均要$30,我又唔識呢個牌子,覺得唔抵,所以一路都冇幫襯。到今日上嚟openrice,無意間發現佢既食評大部份都係正評,仲要係講到好高質素,於是乎今晚就嚟買cake食嘞!食晚飯時半特登留肚,為既就係要吃這裡既蛋糕。去到小店時櫥窗唔算剩番好多貨,最想買既三款都係得番一﹑兩件,於是諗都唔太諗,一次過買哂最想試既北海道牛奶慕絲蛋糕﹑紅桑梅慕絲蛋糕同朱古力金字塔。幫漂亮既蛋糕影完寫真後,馬上品嚐其味。先吃相信是最淡味既北海道牛奶慕絲蛋糕,賣相超立體,裝飾既白朱古力片上印有樂譜,在其下與慕絲蛋糕之間係忌廉,先拿開最頂既朱古力片,然後切一口慕絲蛋糕連忌廉及白朱古力同吃,彷彿食梗一樽樽北海道牛奶布丁咁,好滑,奶味好濃,而白朱古力同忌廉加強了甜味,朱古力片雖則麻麻,但整體唔錯。跟住吃我近期頗愛既紅桑梅味蛋糕,賣相猶如一個首飾盒,精美到不得了,不過食落去彷彿有"藥水味",冇我想像中咁好,除了海棉蛋糕同慕絲,中間亦夾了一層薄薄既紅桑梅啫喱,這件賣相好過食味呀!最後是吃最濃味既朱古力金字塔。看其外型其實未見突出,因為坊間已見過金字塔形既蛋糕呀!喺朱古力漿(雪實左既)外層下係朱古力慕絲及少少朱古力蛋糕,好濃。而蛋糕四邊近底部有果仁碎,所以喺濃滑既口感中加了脆口既感覺,多了層次,讓人亂想到某大熱既賀年朱古力吧!慢慢食忽然有爆爆地既感覺,原來嗰啲並唔係果仁碎,而係爆炸糖,好得意呀!整體而言,蛋糕賣相確係得,除左紅桑梅嗰款味道並唔係其他食評講到咁高質素外,另外兩件唔錯,凡事總有第一次,自己唔試過又點知啱唔啱自己口味呢?另外,這裡可訂造型蛋糕,如結他﹑卡通公仔人物等,價錢按磅數及款式計算,送俾小朋友一定開心死! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-06-16
335 瀏覽
將軍澳區少有走中檔的蛋糕店,上一回曾經到了酒店裹買蛋糕,今回來到新都城中心,看到有一間蛋糕店 ﹣Laminuette,其實Laminuette是玫瑰的一種,他位於一個非常當眼的位置,就是豐澤的正對面,蛋糕選擇不少,有Cupcake,也有法式蛋糕,售價算是很化算,大約$30一件,今天來到就試一試吧。外帶蛋糕當然用上紙盒,而這三件蛋糕用上了一個有窗口的盒子盛載,個人認為這樣載蛋糕容易被其他蛋糕污染,應該在底部金色卡紙底部貼上膠紙。第一件吃的是Opera,朱古力味道不俗,濃得來不膩,而且有層次感,夾集著蛋糕及少許其他材料,蛋糕蠻乾身,整體個人甚為喜歡。之後是Raspberry Mousse Cake,賣相非常一流甚為可愛,整個蛋糕都被Raspberry包圍,而且質感非常溜滑,本身還有點懷疑銀色的珠是否可吃,是否是真的鋼珠,相信吃慣蛋糕的會覺得我這個問題問得很可愛。最後要了一個藍莓Cupcake,這個並沒有吃,其實店舖還有很多不同味道的Cupcake,個人認為這個售價是偏貴的。整體上確是不俗,唯一不足是店舖只提供外帶,沒有堂食,住得遠的朋友根本沒有辦法可以品嚐到,或許他們要在公園的一角品嚐。或許之後蛋糕會取悅到每一個朋友。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2013-06-14
208 瀏覽
I found out this Shop when I walked across with friends after dinner. We want to have some deserts before coming back home. We smell the flowers scent mixed with fresh cakes smell during the time, We wondered where it was coming from and found a Garden-likes cake shop. It was their grand opening day and so many flowers baskets surrounded the cake shop. We step closer to this shop and saw there were cakes for trial, the shopman said they had a cakes trial night for invited guests only... So we wanted to leave and maybe bought a piece of cake to try. >_< But the shopman offered us to try some even we are not invited, nice and polited to us I tried a small Tiraminsu cake, the cheese was soft and melted in my mouth and taste as usual it should be. But the cake size was just all right and I could control myself by not eating too much.The milk cake was soft and not too sweet , I could not stand for not keeping eating. My friends complained on me as we shared every pieces of cake together but i ate most.   Chocolate golden pyramid cake, it was a surprise for me since a special tasteful ingredient inside my mouth. Highly recommeded this cake since I could not have this experience from the other cake shop. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Metrocity used to be an old mall with the most basic shops such as standard supermarkets, pharmacies and local restaurants.But recently, new fashion brands such as pull & bear, H&M, and other eateries from the city have opened there.It was just lacking a nice patisserie.After trying a new restaurant nearby, I spotted this patisserie from the floor above and went down to check it out because it was located on the basement floor near the escalators.It was white and simple with a glass cabinet displaying the cakes.They basically have cupcakes, large cakes and artisan cakes.The raspberry mousse cake caught my attention because of its size and the cakes beside it were pretty too.The cakes ranged from $25 to $35.I bought three cakes to try.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Raspberry mousse cake:The cake was really cute, it was even decorated with silver balls on top and chocolate.It had raspberry filling in the middle just like the standard ones, the mousse was light and silky and the sweetness was just right.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Pandan cupcake:The cupcake was really moist and I felt that it was more like a steamed cake than baked.I did not eat all the cream on top because it was too buttery and thick, and the taste of the pandan was a little artificial compared to other pandan cakes I have tried.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★3.6 Hokkaido mousse cake:The Hokkaido mousse cake was really nice, it tasted like tofu pudding with a light sponge base.I rarely eat the chocolate decorations but the white chocolate on top had pretty musical notes printed on it.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)