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食評 (10)
最近見麥記都加入左芝士奶蓋軍團,廣告更highlight芝芝芒芒係採用菲律賓呂宋芒,同埋奶蓋係以歐洲及紐西蘭芝士製成。用料來源咁好,我對呢杯野飲既期望自然好高啦~黎到McCafe落單,分大/珍寶兩個size,我點左”大”,索價$36.5,相對麥記一般飲品黎講定價幾貴。但如果杯野飲品質好既話,一分錢一分貨係可以理解既。不過呢度既芝芝芒芒真係令人好。失。望!奶蓋一個個氣泡,完全唔綿密,無奶香亦無芝士香,淨係飲到咸咸地。芒果汁係勁假既人工味道,一粒新鮮芒果都無,淨係用芒果醬開水。如果要形容味道,最貼切就係菲律賓呂宋芒果「乾」+糖漿+水混合物,得個死甜。同奶蓋界巨頭真係完全無得比,某知名品牌既芝芝芒芒真係啖啖果肉,呢度係得個名做到100%似,但品質就一啲都追唔上。好努力飲左半杯,之後果斷放棄。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2018-05-07
267 瀏覽
今日要去澳門工作,一早黎到信德中心緊係要買杯咖啡提提神先。之前黎過幾次都係買starbucks,但係碼頭個間特別難飲今次就醒起碼頭麥當勞有McCafe 就試下第二間。嗌左Small 既hazelnut latte,咖啡香濃,榛子醬份量岩岩好,性價比十分之高!而且細細杯飲完唔會太漲胃,岩哂落船之後可以即刻去食午飯。估唔到快餐店cafe既咖啡比starbucks水準仲高👍🏼 一邊望住個海一邊嘆住咖啡 實在寫意! 繼續閱讀
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Brownie chocolate 很香濃,很好味~圖案也很令人歡喜。綠茶紅豆心太軟既餡完全唔夠,冇流心之餘仲好少。綠茶皮還可以。綠茶紅豆試過就不會再試,始終香港任何一個地方沒有日本既好食同足料又平。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-12-30
894 瀏覽
前排看到食友介紹左MC Cafe既Macaron唔錯後,想再去買既時候已經無晒蹤影..上星期返工經過MC Cafe,終於有見到佢出現啦 ! 大大粒既Macaron價錢為$55/5件及$110/10件,一件$11,Size比外間的厚身和大粒,挺抵食的。Macaron分為5種味道: 朱古力、芒果、紅莓、Cappuccino及新推出的熱情果。喜歡的更可自由配搭,除了Cappuccino換晒紅莓外,每種口味都要了。盒子更印上了Little Miss Sunshine的圖案,包裝精美。「莓」王的我要了兩粒紅莓味,Macaron表面平滑令身,咬落富酥脆感,食落整個帶點黏牙的口感,酸甜度適中,不過甜,真的很不錯啊。新出的熱情果味,食落滲出陣陣的果香,香甜美味!而朱古力及芒果味都比左友人試試,評價也不俗。  繼續閱讀
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The new asiaroma teas were quite attractive especially the poster.It is quite good that there are new teas on the menu for non coffee drinkers.The two new drinks in this series are Himalayan Tea and Soy Green tea which is available hot or cold.The Himalayan tea is Himalayan tea with fresh milk topped with whipped cream and a dusting of cinnamon and the Soy green tea is sweet green tea with soy milk with whipped cream and green tea powder on top.Anyway wanted to try both, but tried the Himalayan tea first because I have never heard of it.I was not sure what it was going to taste like, but any taste that is not Hong Kong style tea is good for me!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Himalayan tea - ColdWhen I got the drink I was quite surprised with the colour, it was vivid peach.The taste was nothing like tea or Hong Kong style milk tea and there was no tea taste.However it was very milky.It reminded me of the milkshakes at school which consists of plain milk with added syrups.(If your a Brit or attended secondary school there your'll know what I mean, but the syrups at different schools may differ)The cinnamon which was at the top could not be tasted.Although there was no tea taste, I really liked it because it was exactly the same as the milkshakes at school.The taste is hard to explain, but it tastes like milk with a faint bitter butterscotch taste.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 繼續閱讀
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