港鐵金鐘站 F 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
09:30 - 17:30
08:00 - 17:00
09:30 - 17:30
09:30 - 17:30
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食評 (14)
等級4 2024-04-23
169 瀏覽
灣仔區有好多唔同類型既Cafe 但係有得睇藝術品 環境又舒適 咖啡又好飲 我諗就淨係得依間OWO✨睇佢舖面可能你會以為佢係花店🤣但千祈唔好誤會 佢確實係一間Cafe一入到去 木系風格 環境好舒服 店主同我地分享OWO 係Original Without Ordinary 的縮寫意指原創而不受拘束的空間店主對咖啡同藝術設計都好有諗法所以將各方面融合佢地會定期同唔同既藝術家合作舉辦小型作品展店主細心又好有耐性向我地介紹每幅畫作既特別之處 今次佢地係同英國藝術家Tony Cheng 合作除左畫作之外仲推出左期間限定由Tony設計的”Feel of Vision” Tea Set加上鴛鴦特飲包括有青醬煙三文魚撻/雞胸多士/蘋果撻/貝殼蛋糕用咖啡將把藝術及設計帶進日常生活當中Yorkshire Tea調配而成的鴛鴦特飲飲到牛奶天然甜味茶味同咖啡味好平衡唔會比其中一樣蓋過owo Cafe 同好多唔同類型既業界合作會有唔同既精品 藝術作品係到寄賣另外仲有Humm Kombucha賣係一款純素 有機既飲品含有豐富益生菌 幫助腸道健康✨非常喜歡用上本地元素加入係藝術當中 希望世界各地既人都可以欣賞到香港既美景大家都多啲支持香港本土小店啦~❤ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
雖然小編並唔係一個好有藝術細胞嘅人,但係有時藝術都可以成為一間小店嘅打卡之處~·Feel of Vision·Tea SetOWO係Original Without Ordinary 嘅縮寫,小店定期有唔同藝術家嘅跨界合作,好似舉辦小型作品展、推出期間限定食品及飲品等等。今日”Feel of Vision” Tea Set正正就係一個藝術家嘅設計,以咖啡為媒介,把藝術及設計帶進日常生活之中。✨ 煙三文魚碎蛋✨ 雞胸牛油果✨ 玉桂蘋果✨ 蜜糖馬德蓮四款撻點輕盈得來正正就係下午茶嘅份量,細細件得來特別標緻,配以(英國地道)Yorkshire Tea調配而成嘅鴛鴦特飲,帶點港式同西式嘅Crossover,飲落都幾順滑!💡由今日到6月期間,OWO會與英國藝術家Tony Cheng 合作,路過經過嘅朋友可以停下腳步放空一下~💡小店亦都提供一款比較少見嘅飲品《Kombucha》,除咗素食者可以飲用之外,亦都係有機、帶有益生菌、買返罐消消暑都幾爽(・ω・)ノ餐廳更加有一個角落,專係擺咖啡嘅書,放賣植物 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-04-16
74 瀏覽
朋友帶左我去一間以藝術和設計為主調的咖啡店,又會定期與不同藝術家合作,令咖啡店可欣賞藝術家的作品。店員話由現在到6月會有同英國藝術家Tony Cheng 合作,作品展覽响咖啡店慢慢欣賞,而tea set 亦有Tony設計的”Feel of Vision” Tea Set,配輕食茶點,又有英國地道的Yorkshire Tea調配而成的鴛鴦特飲,入口特別❤️配輕量小食配鴛鴦令聚餐和欣賞作品時不沈悶👍小食有Cinnamon Apple Tart,smoked salmon with mayonnaise ,madeleine,chicken breast with avocado 🥑 店內仲有Kombucha,有不同的口味,我最愛百香果和藍莓❤️有三大吸引力:VeganOrganicProbiotics 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-03-17
115 瀏覽
Quite a lot of cafes have been opened along the Queen Road East while still having difficulty to get a seat during weekend. Seeing this cafe without few empty tables, we immediately went in. Cafe wasnt big but we as a group of 5 managed to split into two tables. Love the simplistic and bright design. Apart from selling some small pot plants, it also acted as a greenery decoration. Reviewing the bagel sandwich I had, I asked for chicken breast one with sesame.It took awhile before served. In love with the creamy egg salad sandwiching together while smoky chicken breast placing on top. Cracked black peppers were sprinkled on top. A spreadful of quality pesto was dolloped aside. It was absolutely delicious with a combination of all the simple ingredients. Very satisfying.Black americano was aromatic and nutty. Pretty big cup. So well to serve with a simple sandwich.Staff was welcoming and helpful. A very pleasant cafe where can spend time with friends or family or even yourself. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-10-08
254 瀏覽
The ambience of the cafe is relaxing & it makes it a nice place for a chill time. I went there at a non-busy time, and my friend & I talked quite a lot there (it was comfortable there). The food was delicious and their drinks were great. Their staff were friendly and make easy to talk to them. I would recommend to people who would like to chat w/ friends or have a chill work/study environment. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)