2017-08-15 1079 瀏覽
是晩為了慶祝另一半的生日,特別再來此地吃晚飯。相對以前Spoon的fine dining 格調, Rech確是走contemporary的路線。我們分別點了紅酒及Rose 香檳,然後一起Share一個冷盤 - Red Shrimp, samphire & gold caviar 。紅蝦很新鮮,完全沒有鯹味,是一個頗refreshing的頭盤。之後的Second course, 他點的是Squid, Shellfish and crustacean ravioles, delicate broth, 這道菜的份量比我們想像的大了一點點,吃完它(及三種不同的cracker/麵包)後他已半飽!我點的Vegetables in a salted crust, black truffle condiment, 入口非常清新,附上的黑松露醬則香氣四溢,good match!我們兩人再share一個頭盤 - Live blue lobster, sautéed seasonal vegetables。 我們挑的龍蝦約500g, 每人享用半隻龍蝦及附上的蔬菜,份量已很足夠。(我已經好飽了)甜品方面,他

相對以前Spoon的fine dining 格調, Rech確是走contemporary的路線。

我們分別點了紅酒及Rose 香檳,然後一起Share一個冷盤 - Red Shrimp, samphire & gold caviar 。紅蝦很新鮮,完全沒有鯹味,是一個頗refreshing的頭盤。

之後的Second course, 他點的是Squid, Shellfish and crustacean ravioles, delicate broth, 這道菜的份量比我們想像的大了一點點,吃完它(及三種不同的cracker/麵包)後他已半飽!我點的Vegetables in a salted crust, black truffle condiment, 入口非常清新,附上的黑松露醬則香氣四溢,good match!

我們兩人再share一個頭盤 - Live blue lobster, sautéed seasonal vegetables。 我們挑的龍蝦約500g, 每人享用半隻龍蝦及附上的蔬菜,份量已很足夠。(我已經好飽了)

甜品方面,他點了這𥚃的signature - whole Camembert, 但他最後只吃到1/4,餘下的3/4就請侍應打包;我點的Confit & iced peach, Champagne granite 則令我消滯不少。


他勉強吃下最後奉上的madeleine, 我實在太飽了,所以只有忍痛拒絕。但看到最最後的朱古力,還是忍不住吃了兩塊!



甜品方面,跟以前Spoon的很相似。一整個Camembert 真的太大方了!最意想不到的是,我們隔了一晚才吃那份打包回家的生日甜品,竟然還非常鬆脆!

Red  shrimp,  samphire  &  gold  caviar
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Squid,  shelllfish  and  crustacean  ravioles,  delicate  broth
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Vegetables  in  a  salted  crust,  black  truffle  condiment 
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Live  blue  lobster,    Sautéed  seasonal  vegetables 
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1400 (晚餐)
Red  shrimp,  samphire  &  gold  caviar
$ 290
Squid,  shelllfish  and  crustacean  ravioles,  delicate  broth
$ 340
Vegetables  in  a  salted  crust,  black  truffle  condiment 
$ 300
Live  blue  lobster,    Sautéed  seasonal  vegetables 
$ 120
  • Vegetables  in  salted  crust
  • black  truffle  condiment
2017-07-28 1019 瀏覽
東方之珠這個美譽, 不知道大家可否記得乎? 無可否認, 曾經是美得令人讚嘆的香港, 最近幾年都有一點褪色, 這東方之珠已經沒有以前的明亮光澤輝煌了, 但每次經過尖沙咀的維多利亞港, 我還是會被這景色, 這燈光, 深深的吸引著 某人的生日, 當然要好好慶祝一下, 我就有一點私心的提議來到洲際酒店的新餐廳- Rech by Alain Ducasse, 來慶祝他的生日, 因為一向我都喜歡一邊看著維港景色, 一邊同友人談天說地的感覺 因為一向我都喜歡一邊看著維港景色, 一邊同友人談天說地的感覺 六點多七點, 天還未黑, 所以客人還未到, 不過其實都八點多是已經差不多有八成滿的了 食飯前當然要飲番杯香檳, 開開胃, 及慶祝某人生日啦, 而這裏有不同的選擇, 我們最後就選擇了free flow Moët & Chandon 2008 (HKD598 per person) 首先 就先來個賣相就像揚帆出海的薄脆, 配上這個自家製的吞拿魚醬, 吞拿魚醬香氣撲鼻, 食落後的時候味道鮮味香濃, 而且吞拿魚醬非常絲滑. 先來個餐包墊墊胃, 烤爐過的多士, 加上特別調配的牛油 (這個牛油的外
東方之珠這個美譽, 不知道大家可否記得乎? 無可否認, 曾經是美得令人讚嘆的香港, 最近幾年都有一點褪色, 這東方之珠已經沒有以前的明亮光澤輝煌了, 但每次經過尖沙咀的維多利亞港, 我還是會被這景色, 這燈光, 深深的吸引著

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某人的生日, 當然要好好慶祝一下, 我就有一點私心的提議來到洲際酒店的新餐廳- Rech by Alain Ducasse, 來慶祝他的生日, 因為一向我都喜歡一邊看著維港景色, 一邊同友人談天說地的感覺

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因為一向我都喜歡一邊看著維港景色, 一邊同友人談天說地的感覺

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六點多七點, 天還未黑, 所以客人還未到, 不過其實都八點多是已經差不多有八成滿的了

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食飯前當然要飲番杯香檳, 開開胃, 及慶祝某人生日啦, 而這裏有不同的選擇, 我們最後就選擇了free flow Moët & Chandon 2008 (HKD598 per person)

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首先 就先來個賣相就像揚帆出海的薄脆, 配上這個自家製的吞拿魚醬, 吞拿魚醬香氣撲鼻, 食落後的時候味道鮮味香濃, 而且吞拿魚醬非常絲滑.

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先來個餐包墊墊胃, 烤爐過的多士, 加上特別調配的牛油 (這個牛油的外型非常之可愛呢是一條魚, 還真是切合這裏的主題海鮮) , 牛油中加入了海藻及其他調味, 而牛油一塗上多士時候就好快就融化開來, 令到多少除了有陣陣的牛油香氣外也帶有一點清新的脆滑口感.

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還有第三款麵包, 其實未食頭盤已經差不多半飽了, 而這個麵包外層雖為硬身麵包, 但一撕看見內裏非常鬆軟, 質感甚豐

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還有這個熟的燒生蠔, ( 其實食那麼多都還未去到我們的真正頭盤, 可能知道我們是生日的關係是餐廳送給我們吃的,...) , 但同平時吃的還真的是天壤之別, 一般的做法是將大大舊的芝士放在生蠔上燒, 但是這個芝士加香檳打成為泡沫後再放上生蠔, 除了有陣陣的清香香檳外, 也有幼滑而輕型嘅芝士泡泡質感, 令到整個生蠔不會太膩, 非常適合夏天食用, 清爽而不油膩.

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到我們真正order 的Signature Meau (HKD1188 per person) 的頭盤來了, 這個藍龍蝦 ‧ 魚子醬, 這個來自法國 Brittany 的藍龍蝦質感味道認真不得了, 龍蝦的味道就算是頭盤凍盤做法已經非常突出, 魚肉質都非常之豐厚彈牙, 在上面再加一點魚子醬, 魚子醬的咸鮮味道令到藍龍蝦清新得來在大有隆隆的海水味道, 再配上旁邊的龍蝦湯啫喱, 令到這個炎熱的夏天帶來一陣陣清涼海洋氣息 .

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普羅旺斯小麥窩 ‧ 黃菌 ‧ 杏仁 ‧ 蕃茄, 小麥粒粒帶煙韌趙口感, 而這個小麥鍋用上黃菌杏仁, 令層次更為豐富; 不過我想煮廚在想這個菜單的時候令我們要更開胃一點, 所以番茄的酸度也頗高, 所以雖然小麥非常飽肚, 但加入酸酸的番茄汁後就中和這個飽肚感了

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金頭鯛 ‧ 魷魚 ‧ 小胡瓜 ‧ 橄欖, 一看這個系列的Signature Meau 真的是適合夏天這麼炎熱的天氣, 這個菜式也是比較清新, 只加入少許調味橄欖小胡瓜及其他配菜等, 剩餘的味道就要靠新鮮的魷魚及金頭鯛, 金頭鯛的味道較為清淡, 但絕無腥味, 魷魚也是爽口彈牙, 但是整體的感覺也是較為偏清, 所以如果喜歡濃味的人這個菜式就可能覺得過於淡而無味, 但是對於我們這些注重健康新鮮的人來說, 這個菜式味道剛好式.

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主菜後就來到吃金文畢芝士, 玩配上沙律餅食之類, 這個芝士也是blue cheese 的一種, 但是同平常吃的又羶又臭 (Sorry, 雖然我平時都會吃芝士, 但是對這類blue cheese我真的是敬謝不敢) , 但是這個金文畢芝士 soft cheese, 口感滑膩幼細, 而且我還是吃到淡淡的大澳蝦醬的味道 (?) 我想這個芝士也是以海洋為主題, 我們香港的大澳也是其中一signature 特色地點啦~~~

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吃法國餐就連甜點都有三款, 例如這個有不同莓類加香檳而製成的Sobert , 酸度頗高的莓類Sobert 大又點點清香的香檳味道, 來清一清口腔; 而另外草莓杏仁蛋白餅, 杏仁的味道甚濃, 脆脆的口感, 較甜的蛋白餅配上草莓醬汁, yummy~ 而即焗的橙味蛋糕, 帶有清香橙味, 甜度適中; 加上巴黎自家廠房的朱古力, 不同配搭的黑朱古力, 可以再encore嗎?

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一邊喝著餐茶, 吃甜點, 一邊欣賞維港的景色, 我還是被深深的吸引住.

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哈哈知道我喜歡吃朱古力哦, 所以就的時候經理還送我朱古力, 還是我最喜愛吃的黑朱古力味道呢.

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不過最最最驚喜的還是他們送上這張生日卡, 真的是很貼心同窩心的啊~

好啦下一年生日及慶祝特別的日子時候Rech by Alain Ducasse我們再來這裏慶祝生日啦~ See You~
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1500 (晚餐)
  • 藍龍蝦 ‧ 魚子醬
  • 草莓杏仁蛋白餅
RECH by Alain Ducasse in Paris dates back to the 1920's, and in recent years one of the most successful French Chefs in modern era in Alain Ducasse looks after this Seafood restaurant. In Hong Kong we were lucky to be the second city outside of France to receive RECH on our shores, and to keep the taste and experience the same, the Hong Kong outlet imports exactly the same seafood that the original restaurant serves to customers. We were invited over to try out the new Weekend Sunday Lunch, and
RECH by Alain Ducasse in Paris dates back to the 1920's, and in recent years one of the most successful French Chefs in modern era in Alain Ducasse looks after this Seafood restaurant. In Hong Kong we were lucky to be the second city outside of France to receive RECH on our shores, and to keep the taste and experience the same, the Hong Kong outlet imports exactly the same seafood that the original restaurant serves to customers. We were invited over to try out the new Weekend Sunday Lunch, and since then there's been slight updates with the Pricing: It's $588 for the Food Courses, and Discovery Wine Pairing starts at only $188 for Free-flow.

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Sunday Lunch at a Glance. Starting at just HKD $588 per person

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Juice as Aperitif -
To open our appetite, a very European concept

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Seaweed Crackers with Tuna Dip -
And Kombu Bread with Bordier Seaweed Butter in Fish Shape

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Alsatian White - Gentil Hugel AOC 2014

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Gillardeau & Fine de Claire Oysters -
2 French oysters daily are served, with many more available as A La Carte

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> Marinated Sardines with Carrot Basil
> Marinated Scallops with Citrus
> Langoustine Jelly with Lime-Ginger
> Vegetables in Salt Crust, Sorrel Condiment

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Langoustine Jelly with Lime-Ginger

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Marinated Scallops with Citrus Basil

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Squid in Cookpot (Crockpot) with Provence Tiny Spelt, Sesame -
The Signature dish here, it is served between 2-4 people. The squid were carved into rings, almost like upper end Japanese sushi restaurants. The tiny spelt tasted slightly toasty and someone commented it's almost like quinoa, except these had more underlying flavor depth than even wild quinoas and almost like small lentils

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Gerald Bertrand Reserve Speciale Pinot Noir 2014 -
A Southern French IGP Pinot Noir, which was interesting used to pair the below Cod Fish with Aioli..

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Wild Cod Fish with Aioli, Clams, Prawns & Vegetables -
This sounded quite Mediterranean in concept, and was healthy too just like some dishes presented in this Sunday Lunch Tasting menu! The cod fish was silken soft and apparently it's the same cod fish used in RECH in Paris, to ensure consistency in taste. So it was going to be a contrast to the award winning Miso Black Cod used upstairs at NOBU.

Grilled Duck with Mango and Jus Reduction -
This was a really lovely duck Main Course. The portion was perfect, but the duck jus reduction sauce is as expected in modern Alain Ducasse kitchens, redefining Escoffier cooking with less fat and butter, but more concentrated flavors. The slightly peppery kick with mango made this great for Summer even as a poultry dish.

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Alain Ducasse Brut Champagne -
I really loved this actually, it's more on the Masculine side with a citrus and mineral kick.

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Signature Normandy Camembert Cheese with Condiments -
RECH serves only 1 French Cheese, and befittingly it's a protected Traditional Camembert, which has lately been mass produced by manufacturers using a different production method and eluding the protection of the denomination. To serve this original and much more natural, unpasterized milk cheese is a statement by RECH and Alain Ducasse.

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Kiwifruits as Pre-Dessert -
These were probably the best Kiwi Fruits I have devoured in my life, super sweet and ripe, and even the seeds were tiny. Never knew this Chinese origin fruit can be of this standard.

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Desserts Tray -
There are 5-6 selections here. You can try all of them, and not sure if it is meant to be a secret or not, but if you really want, you can ask for some 2nd servings of your fav items.

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Eclairs with Dark Chocolate by Ducasse, also Fresh Strawberries Creme -
I took a bite of the Strawberry eclair and knew this was using fresh strawberries blended into the cream to make, probably the best Strawberry eclair I have tried in my life - considering this is so cost prohibitive I am sure no shop will sell this individually.

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Steamed Cheese Tart with Berries -
This has a buttery sable tart base, and was so mesmerizing we had another second serving.

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Mr and Mrs RECH -
The Signature Meringue desserts made with Hazelnut Powder and Cream, and also a Raspberry version for Summer. The lunch versions are piped higher but more petite, but equally amazing... If anything the desserts here alone were worth a return trip soon.

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Fresh Baked Madeleines -
When these arrived, they smelled so buttery but not too rich. They looked super even and precise, despite baked from the non-silicon tray. It turned out they were just about perfect from shape to smell to taste, and even crispy at the edges believe it or not. Inside, the batter recipe was definitely singing out authentic French Madeleine! Easily if not the best in Hong Kong..

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Extra Order - Signature Alain Ducasse Rum baba
Previously this was doused with Armagnac, and Hong Kong RECH by Alain Ducasse has now changed back to using Rum instead. I have had this previously and it remains probably the only correct Polish/French/Italian Baba au Rhum in town in terms of texture and taste. Four Season Hotel's Blue Bar also makes the other correct version. Adding the above correct Madeleines formula, I think if you really miss something traditional but done precise, RECH can actually satisfy this need too, since some people like me are quite particular about certain historical taste profiles. This ended our lovely Weekend Sunday Lunch session and I am sure I will be back soon, and at only HKD $588 before Wines, it represents fantastic value to try out their Signature dishes 1st.

Price: Sunday Lunch HKD $588 Per Person + 10%, Wines from $188 
Food: ♕♕♕♕ to ♕♕♕♕♕

Address: 尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號香港洲際酒店酒店大堂
Lobby level, InterContinental Hong Kong, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Ph: +852 23132323

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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2017-06-28 690 瀏覽
The seafood was so fresh and delicious. Oysters were my favorite! And the chocolate elair at the end was just as amazing! Hostess, wait staff and wine expert were super friendly and professional. Even the chef came out to ask how our meal was. Totally recommended to try!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Dined here recently with family - we had high expectations however on this experience they really need to shape up.Firstly service is way below par. Arrived and no greeting; stood in the foyer - no maitre d' or front of house anywhere to be seen - several other wait staff saw us and then ignored us. Fortunately one of our party saw us and told us where the table was - they had had the same experience. "Our waiter" introduced himself and then disappeared, reappearing infrequently, menus took 10 m
Dined here recently with family - we had high expectations however on this experience they really need to shape up.

Firstly service is way below par. Arrived and no greeting; stood in the foyer - no maitre d' or front of house anywhere to be seen - several other wait staff saw us and then ignored us. Fortunately one of our party saw us and told us where the table was - they had had the same experience. 

"Our waiter" introduced himself and then disappeared, reappearing infrequently, menus took 10 minutes to appear (after prompting), then wine list(after prompting); the table was half set on arrival, water was ordered and brought and poured for three of us but not everyone; all in the service felt nervous in delivery, v haphazard and disjointed. It really felt awkward dining there.

The room is pleasantly decorated with the obvious view though was quite empty and a bit lacking in atmosphere. Hotel Costes' soundtrack on loop
from the early '00s feels a bit lazy and dated. There are a variety of table configurations and weirdly we were allocated a small one that felt v
 undersized for a group of 4 whilst smaller parties were allocated bigger tables nearby.

And so to the food. The whole sole was firm and well cooked and, with a bit more seasoning, was great. Not great value but v well executed. 

From the starters the signature cookpot was hearty but that's about as much as you could say to commend it - spelt, a middling, savoury sauce and
dry, cardboardy, flavourless squid. The cold mackerel had good flavour and balance, however the cod was lost in overly creamy, salty emulsion.
Gilardeau were reasonable but other places do them fatter and fresher in HK. The ravioles were well executed with good flavour.

Desserts were also good.

All in this is really not a cheap place and the cooking was fine for the most part but nothing truly stood out with the exception of the Sole. This
coupled with amateurish service - this was probably the biggest downer of the evening - means that Rech will have to work much harder to compete in the HK market. Unfortunately we wouldn't recommend it.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
5 分鐘 (堂食)
$1800 (晚餐)
2017-05-07 1030 瀏覽
今晚和老公一週年結婚紀念,老公特意選了這裡慶祝,勝在有無敵大海景,食物質素及服務有保證。據聞這家餐廳剛轉了名字,但仍是同一位星級主廚,就試試看吧! 可惜窗戶很多霞氣,令景觀大打折扣。 先來這個帶有紅海苔的鯉魚牛油,很有驚喜,味道帶點咸且香,而且軟度適中,用來塗上麵包,無得頂,老公最後吃了整條魚,肥爆了! 還有這個不得不吃的法包,外皮香脆,內裡鬆軟,再把牛油塗在裡面,不自覺又把整個包幹掉。 餐前小吃,牛油蒜蓉焗蜆,牛油及香草味互相輝映,蜆味新鮮,但有點可惜是小妹吃到一隻帶點沙,店員說可能是廚師用刀把牛油刮上時弄碎了的殼,不過Any肥,認真好吃的。 前菜,小麥窩配魷魚及芝麻($180),有點像薏米燕麥飯,配以白芝麻醬汁,超足料的魷魚,口感腍身,味道鮮味,用這個形狀的碗是保留熱氣及材料的原汁原味,但由於份量都頗大,有兩碗那麽多,吃後有點擔心吃不下主菜。 再來冷盤,鯖魚配焦糖魚肚及紫蘇($150),鯖魚很鮮味肥美,油份重,加上日式果醋,味道清新醒胃,很日本Feel,為不錯的餐前菜。 主菜,鴨配柑橘及甜酸醬($480),店員建議5成熟,鴨是來自無污染地方,可放心食用,雖然還是有點"餚",但都

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另上的這道菜是用Crepe 包著鴨肉,為另類的fusion 吃法,酸美美的,有點泰式味道;旁邊還有法式名菜,法式枕頭薯,為難度極高的一度菜,做法是以薯片落油不斷翻滾,期間要以不同油溫去炸,待兩面漲起時立即上碟,難度是很多時侯在未上碟時枕頭形狀已經沒了,這個口感薄脆,十分可口。
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還有Truffle 朱古力,很香滑出色。
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SURPRISE! 就是酒店為我們預備的結婚週年芝士蛋糕,口感很輕,淡淡的芝士味道很不錯,還有那個很精緻的金色名牌,以美妙的字體為我們送上祝褔,亦圓滿了我們的紀念日~期待未來每一個跟你一起過的日子~

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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1023 (晚餐)
2017-05-05 7735 瀏覽
香港洲際酒店內的餐廳一向在飲食界中都有著祟高的地位,當中更有些是擁有世界級地位的,其中一間是在三月頭開業的Rech by Alain Ducasse(前身是Spoon by Alain Ducasse),香港是Rech餐廳首個衝出法國的據點,而Rech正是法國巴黎其中一間歷史悠久,享負盛名的海鮮餐廳。 餐廳以柔和的白色為主,採取吸納天然光的設計,令室內更具空間感,一系列的倘大玻璃窗把酒店優越的地理位置及優美的景觀突顯出來,讓客人享受一頓用餐之餘,更有無敵的維港景色作伴菜,感覺舒適又優美。 坐下不久,侍應端出了由海藻做成的脆片,蘸上吞拿魚醬,感到有一股海洋氣息迎面吹來,好好的為一會兒打開了序幕。 這兒的海鮮及生蠔全是由法國入口,空運而來,以獨特的烹調手法來突出海鮮的鮮味及其獨特之處。就由法國生蠔開始,分別有Princesse de Kermancy Creuses speciales及Gillardeau兩款,各有特式,一向也喜歡Gillardeau,肥美鮮甜,肉質細緻而有彈性,吃後滿口鮮甜。 還在回味生蠔的餘韻時,幾款冷盤也送來了,覆蓋著綠色泡沫的是Wild cod
香港洲際酒店內的餐廳一向在飲食界中都有著祟高的地位,當中更有些是擁有世界級地位的,其中一間是在三月頭開業的Rech by Alain Ducasse(前身是Spoon by Alain Ducasse),香港是Rech餐廳首個衝出法國的據點,而Rech正是法國巴黎其中一間歷史悠久,享負盛名的海鮮餐廳。

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這兒的海鮮及生蠔全是由法國入口,空運而來,以獨特的烹調手法來突出海鮮的鮮味及其獨特之處。就由法國生蠔開始,分別有Princesse de Kermancy Creuses speciales及Gillardeau兩款,各有特式,一向也喜歡Gillardeau,肥美鮮甜,肉質細緻而有彈性,吃後滿口鮮甜。
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還在回味生蠔的餘韻時,幾款冷盤也送來了,覆蓋著綠色泡沫的是Wild cod, garlic/watercress,上面正是西洋菜的泡沫,連著鱈魚粒來吃,很清新;紅噹噹的是Bonito fish, peanut/soft chili,輕輕烤過鰹魚,做成半生熟,再以辣椒及花生包上,蘸著中間的紅椒醬,微微的辣香刺激了食慾。
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另外兩款都以器皿盛上,透明玻璃的是Hand-dived sea scallops, citron/gold caviar,柑橘的酸味及魚子醬的咸鮮帶出了帶子的鮮味,十分醒胃;而最後以石碗盛著的是Mackerel, caramelized belly/shiso,小弟只能說最喜歡這個最為濃味的冷盤,結實的鯖魚經濃香惹味的醬汁醃製後,鮮味不絕,令人有種停不了口的感覺。
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一輪冷盤後,還有熱辣辣的頭盤供應,小弟十分喜歡Cookpot of tiny spelt, squid and sesame seeds,看上去有點似殼物早餐,魷魚經刻意的雕花,樣子很美,輕輕拌勻後,味道很好,十分鮮味,而且感覺完全不像吃小麥窩般,如果這個菜式去除了魷魚後,每天叫我作為早餐,我絕對會願意。
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“Club” crab and mango的賣相也帶有早餐的風味,蟹肉與芒果的組合永遠是最美味的,混合了脆片來吃,味道鮮甜又帶有層次。
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終於來到了主菜了,侍應也為我們預備了熱盤子,首先是餐廳的經典招牌菜式 – Grenobloise-style skate wing,一向也覺得魔鬼魚肉一點也不好吃,不是肉質太硬,就是有陣怪味道,想也未曾想過可以煎得如此幼嫩,兼沒有怪味道,水準出色,加上用牛油及檸檬調味過,完完全全將怪味辟去,兼留有肥美的味道。
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同樣是魚,經典的Pan-seared large sole with half-salted butterm tiny potatoes更合我心意,魚肉表面煎得帶點微微燶邊,有著焦香的味道,而內裡則依然非常嫩滑,淋上牛油汁及灑上檸檬,更添香氣及味道,如此矜貴的菜式,真想一人獨享。不要忘記配菜的新薯,刨成小小的一口Size,表面帶有微微的香脆,十分好吃。
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在座的各位永遠是有兩個胃的,所以掃餐牌是不可缺少的。最令大家興奮的甜品是Mr Rech:hazelnut ice cream and chocolate sauce,在榛子雪糕上面淋上由法國運來的朱古力醬,滋味程度相當高,大家也讚不絕口。
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不過,我更喜歡Baba with rum of your choicem lightly whipped cream及Oven-baked pineapple,前者可選擇冧酒的款式,既然是甜品,當然會想選擇充滿果香的冧酒,配合鬆軟的蛋糕及香草忌廉,令我停不了口,差不多一人吃了一整個,還差點拿著冧酒來喝,哈哈;而焗菠蘿加上旁邊的椰子忌廉,活像喝著Pina Colada般,甜美中帶來衝擊。
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其實最令人驚喜的是Confit & iced lemon, kombu seaweed,叫人食檸檬就多,估不到今回真是食檸檬,檸檬經慢煮過,而且充滿了餐廳的特式,就是加入了昆布,味道酸溜溜的,感覺有趣;而巨大的Our XL éclair分別有雲呢拿及朱古力味兩款,食味不錯。
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飽頓一餐後,喜迎來一小杯咖啡消滯,同時配上了petit fours、貝殼蛋糕及美味的自家製柚子棉花糖。
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
At what point does a chef throw in the towel with a concept?Is it when dropping from two Michelin Stars to one? Or the final ignominy of losing that final Michelin Star?I never went to Spoon by Alain Ducasse when it was a Two Michelin Starred restaurant, but I did have the pleasure of visiting while just a 'lowly' one * restaurant.  I thought it was really good (see post here), but then, I have a weak spot for French fine dining.I'll never know when the decision was made to close down Spoon; but
At what point does a chef throw in the towel with a concept?

Is it when dropping from two Michelin Stars to one? Or the final ignominy of losing that final Michelin Star?

I never went to Spoon by Alain Ducasse when it was a Two Michelin Starred restaurant, but I did have the pleasure of visiting while just a 'lowly' one * restaurant.  I thought it was really good (see post here), but then, I have a weak spot for French fine dining.

I'll never know when the decision was made to close down Spoon; but with a location that arguably provided the best views of Hong Kong Island and its magnificent skyline, there would be no way that Mr Ducasse would give up that spot.

As they say, out of the fire, the phoenix rises; and like that Spoon was gone, replaced with  Rech by Alain Ducasse.

First, a little history.

Rech is not an original concept, but an exotic outpost of a very famous Parisian restaurant that was established in 1925.  Perhaps very famous is a misnomer, given that its been heralded as Paris's most famous seafood restaurant.  Rech was added to the  Alain Ducasse's vast restaurant empire in 2007, where it has gone from strength to strength.
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Rech had been open for a few months by the time of our visit; enough time for a new restaurant to iron out the kinks, so I had very high expectations for our visit.  We were dining with an out of town friend of the girl's, along with one of her local study buds; as a celebration of the trio of 'brainboxes' passing some incredibly difficult exams.

What better place that an ultra fine dining restaurant, on the harbour, with views to die for?

I was really quite impressed with the new fit out; gone was the slightly out of date interior that made up Spoon.  In its place was a very contemporary and modern looking fit out, with clean lines and simple elegant furniture, the decor felt very now (and more importantly, was really comfortable!)
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We were seated at a table that gave us fabulous views of the harbour, and we did debate sitting with our backs to the harbour, so our guests could take in the vista....  But the old adage that if you snooze you lose came to mind; hehe, if they wanted the good seats, then they should have come early (like we did).
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Anyway, we were given the menus to look over while we gazed across the harbour, watching the buildings come alive as the sun slowly set.  It was clear that Rech by Alain Ducasse was a replica of the Parisian original, fish rightly dominated the menu, which looked quite lovely at first glance.  One anomaly though; we were informed that there was a tasting menu available as well, which oddly had meat featured as the main component of the meal...

Why come to a fish restaurant and order meat??

Our guests finally arrived as the girl and I were munching on the seaweed crackers which constituted the start of the meal.  The stiff crackers stood to attention in the purpose made pebble and were incredibly crunchy; a tomato paste in a little bowl adding flavour to what were (on their own) quite bland 'chips'.  Thankfully, the combo of the sweet paste combined well with the slightly salty crackers.
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The girl had been sipping on her rose champagne as well, selected from a trolly that had various styles and vintages available as an aperitif; the offer also extended to our guests, who also chose the rose.  Their toast to celebrate their successes heralded the start of our Rech journey.
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We'd agreed that oysters would be a wonderful start to the meal, and with four options to choose from, we took the recommendation from our waiter on the Princesse de Kermancy Creuses spéciales n°2 and the Gillardeau N°3.  I was looking for a slightly higher salinity and taste of the sea with my oysters, while everyone else preferred a slightly creamier and plumper version.  All were good, and we debated for some time the merits of each!
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I'd also ordered off the Raw part of the menu, asking for my Hand-dived sea scallops citron/gold caviar to be delivered at the same time as the oysters.  The elegant little bowl contained a lemon and yuzu gel that was covered with lovely fresh scallop chunks, and then was finished with oodles of wonderfully salty caviar.  I loved the sweet and salty contrast that was provided by the scallop and caviar combo; and I initially loved the addition of the yuzu gel that underpinned the dish.  However, the balance of the dish was off; there just seemed to be too much of the gel, and by the end of the dish, I'd lost that sweetness and only had a super acidic hit on the palate.
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Balance was quickly restored though, with the delivery of our amuse bouche.  The small bite was a sensationally cooked oyster, layered with a sabayon and creamed spinach; the plump oyster was expertly cooked and was sweet and creamy, made all the more so by the creamy sabayon sauce.  The spinach brought a little earthiness to the little bite that was well appreciated.
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Our crusty bread rolls were pre sliced and placed on large pebbles that were conveniently located at our table.  I loved the seaweed infused butter that accompanied, not the least because they were shaped like swimming fish on their little plates.  The bread was freshly baked, warm in the centre, crusty on the outside and when lathered in that salty butter, was utterly yums.  I had to specifically stop myself from filling up on bread before our starters were consumed.
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My choice of starter was the Pan-seared langoustine ravioles in delicate broth; which was a little bit misleading.  The broth was many things, but delicate it was not.  But let's start with the trio of ravioles, the three little parcels of langoustine were surprisingly firm, the searing of the pastry giving a much cruncher exterior than I was expecting; it wasn't bad by any stretch of the imagination, but it just made the pastry a little chewy.  The delicate flavour of the langoustine was quickly lost though; that delicate broth was actually quite powerful, with a strong fish flavour, it was just a bit potent and just a little bit salty for the dish.
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The girl had one of the most talked about new dishes from any restaurant in Hong Kong this year; the Cookpot of tiny spelt with squid and sesame seeds.  This dish was simply amazing, clearly living up to it's reputation as a must try.  Apart from being incredibly generous, the combination of expertly cooked (and rather thin) squid slices and the spelt that had clearly soaked up a delicious fish infusion through the cooking process made it an unforgettable dish.  It was sweet and complex and, it must be said, pretty darn filling.
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Which was just as well; the girl's main course was probably much more like an entree at most other restaurants.  The Sea scallops served in their shell with artichokes and coriander-peanut was a bit of a disappointment from a serving size viewpoint.  Sure, the scallops were quite large, but there were only three of them, and in anyone's book, that is a starter and definitely not a main.  There was a dichotomy with the dish, with flavours that were quite interesting and inventive, but scallops that lacked the sweet flavour that came from being sautéed and not caramelised.  Thankfully, the coriander was given a light touch, so it avoided that soapy flavour that can occur, and the peanut gave a warming and familiar hit to the palate.
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I wasn't sure what to expect with my simply names Wild cod Aïoli; but it wasn't the intricate and impeccably plated bowl of seafood that I was presented with!  While the star of the plate was undoubtably the expertly cooked cod, which was flakey and oh-so-fresh, the extra ingredients almost stole the show.  Most prominent was the thick octopus tentacle with its suction cups proudly on display, but there were prawns and clams and even a snail; all mixed in with perfectly turned vegetables.  It was like a hearty fish stew without the stew.  I really liked it and was surprisingly full by the time I'd finished my last bite!
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Desserts were a mixed bag; the girl and I chose poorly.  Who'd of thought that the XL eclair, chocolate* or vanilla would be so boring?  The foot long eclairs were presented to us with a flair before being sliced into quarters for much easier consuming.  I think I fared much better with my vanilla eclair, it wasn't so overpowering; boy was the chocolate version powerful!  What we both agreed on however, was that the choux pastry had gone a little soggy and wasn't as delicate and yummy as it could have been.
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Our guests on the other hand, hit gold with their choices.  Probably the pick was the Mr Rech: hazelnut ice cream and chocolate* sauce, which as simply irresistible!  It was an ice cream sandwich, with a warm and gooey chocolate sauce poured over at the table, which coated the sandwich completely.  It was glorious to try, the little bit that I had was that mix of textures that sets my palate alight!  The chocolate, not only warm, but sweet and delicious was perfect with the hazelnut ice-cream and biscuit covering.
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There was a solid hit of rum with the Baba with rum of your choice served with lightly whipped cream; Paul choosing the plantation original dark double aged rum to soak into the super light cake; which was then amped to the max with the addition of whipped cream.  Interestingly, after the initial pour of rum over the cake, the bottle was left at the table, so Paul could keep adding to his hearts delight; turns out there is a limit to the amount of rum you can add to Baba!
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As with any Alain Ducasse fine dining establishment, our meal finished with a flurry of petite four, including some dark and milk chocolate squares, madeleines and fluffy marshmallow; all much appreciated (as well as expected).  However, we did receive a little unexpected gift on our way out of the restaurant (more on that soon).

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If I do a direct comparison between my Spoon and Rech meals; I'd have to say that I preferred the Spoon iteration of Mr Ducasse's Hong Kong restaurants.  I say this because I found the consistency of the food at Spoon to be a little better; there were just little elements of the Rech iteration that were not quite perfect...... Yet.

One thing that was consistent with all of the Ducasse restaurants that we've been to was the impeccable service.  Each of our various wait staff for the evening were great; we even had a couple of the Managers come over for a chat, just to ensure we were having a great time (and I suspect may have remembered me from my last visit).

Given that Rech by Alain Ducasse is still fairly new, I think there is still some improving to be done.  I'm being a little critical though, partially because of the name associated with the restaurant, but mostly because of the price point.  The place is not cheap and is really entering the market at a Michelin price point; something that really should wait until it has that little star next to it's title.

As we left the restaurant, each of us were gifted a little blue and white box, which contained some of the famous Alain Ducasse chocolate, directly from his factory in Paris.  It was a lovely little treat that lasted me a few days after the visit.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$2000 (晚餐)
近月身邊不少同樣愛吃海鮮的朋友,都不約而同把剛新在香港洲際酒店內開業的海鮮餐廳Rech加進wish list。Rech於1925年在巴黎由一家小型食品雜貨店起家,及後轉為主打新鮮海產的餐廳,自2007年起Rech就成為法國名廚Alain Ducasse旗下的其中一間餐廳。除了鮮魚及xinxian貝類海鮮產外,更增添了不少Alain Ducasse風格特色菜餚。而香港店,是Rech在法國以外的首間海外分店,實在難得。一踏進餐廳,就被眼前180度無敵開陽海景、以及餐廳的時尚簡約佈置和休閒自在氣氛吸引了。輕鬆的用餐氣氛與鋪位前身Spoon 的 fine dining風格很不一樣。Rech的menu以海鮮為主,每星期起碼三次會從法國空運新鮮海鮮和生蠔來港。大家除了可以單點外,也可選signature menu體驗套餐。這夜我們就以法國新鮮生蠔,和數款生醃魚及海鮮冷盤,開始這海鮮夜。這夜我們選了gillardeau No3 ($400/6隻)和本地少見的Princesse de Kermancy Creuses spéciales No2 ($450/6隻)。愛吃生蠔的朋友不容錯過。冷盤「帶子配
近月身邊不少同樣愛吃海鮮的朋友,都不約而同把剛新在香港洲際酒店內開業的海鮮餐廳Rech加進wish list。
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Rech於1925年在巴黎由一家小型食品雜貨店起家,及後轉為主打新鮮海產的餐廳,自2007年起Rech就成為法國名廚Alain Ducasse旗下的其中一間餐廳。除了鮮魚及xinxian貝類海鮮產外,更增添了不少Alain Ducasse風格特色菜餚。而香港店,是Rech在法國以外的首間海外分店,實在難得。
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一踏進餐廳,就被眼前180度無敵開陽海景、以及餐廳的時尚簡約佈置和休閒自在氣氛吸引了。輕鬆的用餐氣氛與鋪位前身Spoon 的 fine dining風格很不一樣。
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Rech的menu以海鮮為主,每星期起碼三次會從法國空運新鮮海鮮和生蠔來港。大家除了可以單點外,也可選signature menu體驗套餐。這夜我們就以法國新鮮生蠔,和數款生醃魚及海鮮冷盤,開始這海鮮夜。
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這夜我們選了gillardeau No3 ($400/6隻)和本地少見的Princesse de Kermancy Creuses spéciales No2 ($450/6隻)。愛吃生蠔的朋友不容錯過。
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而「鰹魚配花生及辣椒」($210) 配搭層次豐富,亦很不錯。
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接著大家share了3款頭盤,當中我的心水推介就是cookpot of tiny spelt, squid and sesame seeds ($180)。
cookpot of tiny spelt, squid and sesame seeds
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想吃得清新一點的話,可以考慮”Club” crab and mango ($240),蟹肉與香芒,經典配搭。香脆吐司,配搭預先拆肉的法國麵包蟹,可更方便吃到啖啖鮮味。
”Club” crab and mango
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Pan-seared langoustine raviolis, delicate broth ($450/3隻)。上枱後侍應把熱騰騰的海鮮清湯倒在香煎小龍蝦雲吞上,未吃已經聞得到濃郁的海鮮鮮香。吃下去,更是鮮味滿分,好吃。
Pan-seared langoustine raviolis, delicate broth
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Pan-seared large sole with half-salted butter,tiny potatoes
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Pan-seared large sole with half-salted butter,tiny potatoes ($160/100g)。法國龍脷魚煎得外層金黃香脆,肉質juicy甜美,配著小馬鈴薯,滋味無比,大推介!
Pan-seared large sole with half-salted butter,tiny potatoes
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Sea scallops in their shell,artichoke,coriander-peanut ($570/3隻)。蒸扇貝配以雅枝竹及芫茜花生蓉調味,扇貝肥美肉厚,質感軟嫩甜美,烹煮火候控制得剛好。
Sea scallops in their shell,artichoke,coriander-peanut
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Grenobloise-style skate wing ($460)是Rech的經典菜式之一。牛油煎魔鬼魚柳,香脆又鮮味!
Grenobloise-style skate wing
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Rech向來只供應一款芝士,就是招牌原個camembert芝士 ($120)。芝士香滑,奶香濃郁,真美妙~
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甜品時間,大家先以一客confit & iced lemon,kombu seaweed ($120)。以清新酸香的慢煮檸檬配昆布清清味蕾。
confit & iced lemon,kombu seaweed
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身邊朋友大愛焗菠蘿 ($120)。而吸滿冧酒的蛋糕baba with rum, lightly whipped cream ($120),酒香甜美。
Oven-baked pineapple
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baba with rum, lightly whipped cream
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XL eclair ($120)應該是看過最大條的閃電泡芙!我們點了朱古力與雲呢拿2款,大家齊齊分享,過過癮。
XL eclair
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而這夜我最愛的甜品就是Mr Rech ($120)。法式鬆脆餅夾著榛子雪糕。上面再淋上由巴黎自家廠房製作的朱古力醬。
Mr Rech
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店方送上的petit fours包括新鮮出爐暖笠笠的madeleine法式小貝殼蛋糕,質感外微脆而內裡鬆軟。另外還有柚子棉花糖和榛子牛奶朱古力及軟心黑朱古力。2款朱古力都香滑甜美。
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這夜對著維港浪漫優美夜景嘆法國海鮮,實在大滿足~ 值得推介給愛海鮮的本地及訪港朋友!
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1500 (晚餐)
$ 290
$ 150
$ 210
cookpot of tiny spelt, squid and sesame seeds
$ 180
Pan-seared langoustine raviolis, delicate broth
Pan-seared large sole with half-salted butter,tiny potatoes
Sea scallops in their shell,artichoke,coriander-peanut
Grenobloise-style skate wing
$ 460
Mr Rech
$ 120
We have all but stopped celebrating Valentine's Day after getting ripped off time after time for this very special day of the year. Like all my guy friends used to say, everyday is Valentine's Day so why pick a day to celebrate when you could have a nice romantic dinner on any given day of the year without paying a premium for it?However, this year I've got a different reason to burn a hole in my wallet on Valentine's Day. 14th February will mark the opening of Rech, a new French restaurant whic
We have all but stopped celebrating Valentine's Day after getting ripped off time after time for this very special day of the year. Like all my guy friends used to say, everyday is Valentine's Day so why pick a day to celebrate when you could have a nice romantic dinner on any given day of the year without paying a premium for it?

However, this year I've got a different reason to burn a hole in my wallet on Valentine's Day. 14th February will mark the opening of Rech, a new French restaurant which is set to replace Spoon by Alain Ducasse at the Intercontinental Hotel. This will remain an Alain Ducasse establishment as the concept was directly brought over from Paris, just that it'll be more of a seafood oriented casual diner rather than the old-school fine dining place we all came to enjoy over the years.
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One of Spoon's early success can be attributed to its incredible harbour view but over the past decade, Hong Kong has seen a fair share of new restaurants with the same (if not better) jaw-dropping view so this has more or less become a non-factor now.
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I have to say, I do miss Spoon a bit because it's a place I shared a lot of fond memories in and it's one where I celebrated a number of special occasions since its opening. So this all played a part in me choosing to come back here on Valentine's Day.
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When I first got the festive menu through my email, I wasn't particularly excited with what's on it, to be brutally honest. But since I have already decided to splurge on this day, I thought I might as well spend it on a brand new restaurant with this kind of pedigree.
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After enjoying some seaweed crackers and country bread, dinner officially kicked off with the first of our five courses. Here we have gratinated oyster with champagne. I thought it's a bit old school to be serving oyster with cheese rather than something fruity or acidity these days but as long as it's tasty, I didn't really care.

I heard my neighbours raving about this first dish especially the "jewel box" presentation but I wasn't all that impressed myself. This was a decent dish but I thought there's a little too much acidity (presumably from the champagne) there for my liking.
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Next up was wild red shrimps with gold caviar. They've put some gold foil on top to make it more premium. Now, this has been a problem all night long - our servers simply dropped off the dishes and read out the same description from the menu without specifically touching on the ingredients. I didn't know about the other diners but I wanted to know more about what I put into my mouth!

This was pretty tasty with the caviar matching well against the wild red shrimps. Serving on the side was some jelly which I thought was made with red shrimp consommé (our server didn't really touch on that!) and that was a welcome addition to the dish. All and all, it had to be the best dish of the night by a country mile.
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Our fish course was fillet of sea bass, sea scallop and baby squid served with a mixed clams sauce. This was OK although I would much prefer the pan-roasted sea bass I had a couple of days ago at Le Pan for its firmer and richer texture.
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Onto our main course we go. They made a slight mistake mixing up our beef. I was the one having it medium well while the lady would like it medium but they obviously jotted down the wrong notes.

Anyways, I'm running out of words to describe this dish so I would use "decent" again. There was nothing sexy about it. The duck foie gras and black truffle were decent match with the beef but the results were very predictable.
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At this point, we were just happy to get onto our dessert. We decided to pass on their famous Camembert cheese and standing between us and our lone dessert was our palate cleanser, confit and iced lemon, kombu seaweed. This turned out to be pretty good. 
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Just when we were guessing what Mr and Mrs Rech (name of our dessert) would be, the brutal reality revealed that they were simply ice-cream sandwich, something along the line of what Elephant Grounds have been offering.

For guys, it's going to be Mr Rech which was hazelnut ice-cream, between a pair of cookies and finished with a hot chocolate sauce. The crushed hazelnut on the side gave it a slightly interesting bite (but nothing more).
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For gals, it's coconut ice-cream, with the cookies and a warm strawberry sauce. Some shredded coconut on the side.
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Finally, a freshly made madeleine to wrap it up.
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This was certainly not the debut I was hoping for from RECH as I expected far better quality from their dishes. Same goes for their service as most of their staff here looked inexperienced and out of place. It's going to be a long while before I would consider coming back here again.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1500 (晚餐)