Cut Cake Fee is $100 , we provide Happy Birthday dish for Booking.
2.客人用餐時間為120分鐘, 如未有客人排隊待座則無用餐時間限制
The dining session is limited to 2 hours,
If no waiting booking/walk-in, No dining time is limited.
3.每天晚市時間 18:00-21:00 設有每位最低消費$200元
Every Night 18:00-21:00 Min. Charge $200 per head.
4.餐廳分有戶外/戶內用餐區, 如未有特別要求, 餐廳會隨機安排位置區域
We have Outdoor/Indoor area, we will arrange randomly if no special requirement.
5.因有機會極端天氣影響室外位置, 室內室外訂座會以現場情況下盡量安排,
Due to weather conditions, Outdoor/Indoor seats will arrange as actual situation.
* 此告示由餐廳提供