港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約12分鐘 繼續閱讀
07:30 - 19:00
07:30 - 20:00
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食評 (21)
等級4 2018-06-04
805 瀏覽
I've been here three times now and it seems that I should stay clear of the cakes and carefully choose what to eat.The grilled cheese toast and fish finger bap were brilliant while some of the cakes were too sweet.On this visit, I had the fish fingers bap which was damn good. It was, a proper dusted soft bap filled with crisp fish fingers and real Mayonnaise.For drinks, had the avocado smoothie which was not too sweet and it was good that they used ripe avocados because you can really taste the difference. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2017-11-19
1219 瀏覽
來Rosie是因為他們的戶外空間,天氣好時當然要找點陽光伴讀到這裡來的多數是住在半山的外國人,因為這是間親子café,內裡有很多兒童設施供小朋友玩樂。不少家長及工人姐姐下午接小朋友放學後便會過來玩耍放電,小朋友開心得不亦樂乎點了一杯Avocado smoothie $65問過店員這奶昔是用牛奶和乳酪打成的,沒有雪糕或忌廉成分,怕肥的也可以放心飲用顏色偏淡,有淡淡新鮮牛油果味,店方選用無糖乳酪,所以此飲品其實是沒有味道的,清清淡淡又解喝,不錯最驚喜的是有名星坐在我旁邊! 她雖戴著墨鏡但一眼便認出她,和友人各帶著一位小孩,自己肚子裡還有一個未出生的! 說著流利的英語和法文,你們猜到了嗎? 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-11-14
713 瀏覽
各位晚安!!!本人最喜歡英國的紳士修養,所以鍾情此店......回憶當年1997年前香港【風光的日子】尢其感謝 天主教為國教的英國.........一杯香郁的咖啡,甜甜密密,想起在伊利莎伯中學的佳績:6A1BAll under England Control and teaching that Everything is alright is better than Hong Kong now......曾與女同學來此店度過一餐【情人節】,一枝紅玫瑰,一張情人卡........環境寧靜...........最難能可貴..........最享受的是斯文人的聚餐.........也曾在相信基督教的日子,與朋友 偉仔來此閒暇一番,真的好欣賞此教的操守:虔誠得在日常生活中,在此店真是榮耀了他們的信仰........抵本人俾個【Like】!!!本來吃素是比較仁愛,但在基督徒的虔誠下,在此店已盡領風騷 that The Glory of Grand of Lord......此店好處 本人就是不喜歡抽煙,空氣清新好多........Gentle is good mark of this.......Ah Li Ah Do Yo Za I Mas!!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2017-09-25
672 瀏覽
Food wise, it was nothing great. The husband ordered pancakes, a cucumber cream cheese sandwich and I got an avocado smoothie. The smoothie was smooth but had no sugar whatsoever. I asked for simple syrup. The pancakes I didn’t taste and am not sure if they were made to order or were from a frozen pack. The sandwich was made on toasted bread. The cream cheese was too light. The cucumbers, too thin. While thin slices is a good thing, they should’ve layered it more. It felt too much bread and too little of everything else. And the bread was barely toasted. You couldn’t tell it was toasted by it’s color. First bite and I thought the bread was stale and that’s why tasted stiff. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-03-23
1288 瀏覽
想和大家分享一下位於港島半山的Rosie Jean's Cafe...那裡環境舒適,設有outdoor terrace, 周末更有特别為小朋友開放的outdoor playground喔!自從一年半前,我4歲的仔仔在堅道的Woodland幼稚園開始返學,我就成為了RJC 的常客,每星期都會在那裡喝咖啡聊天…Rosie Jean's Cafe 是semi self-service的半自助式coffee shop, 氣氛悠閒,很容易就待上半天。雖說是semi self-service, 但那裡的所有staff都極之友善,特别是對小孩子和蔼可親,難怪我的仔仔常吵着要到RJC 玩啦!       RJC 的咖啡也相當不錯,會向大家推薦他們的caramel latte 和mocha, 而小朋友可以點超級可愛的babyccino (fluffy) 加棉花糖喔!(超cutie的小熊拉花!!!)如果你有小孩子,想讓孩子玩樂同時自己又可以享受一下悠閒的下午茶時光,Rosie Jean's Cafe 是絕佳的選擇喔!(漂亮又親切的manager姐姐)(小朋友最愛的baby pancakes加香蕉&maple syrup) 繼續閱讀
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